Newark Delaware Attempted Burglary Thwarted by Home Alarm System!
By National Security Delaware Security Systems Free
(Home and Business Alarms, Camera Systems 24 Hour Monitoring)
Newark Delaware Attempted Burglary Thwarted by Home Alarm System! New Castle Country Police reported an attempted burglary on the 100 Block of Woodland Rd Timber Farms. The home owner told police she saw the suspect attempting to break in the rear of the home and screamed but the would be robber still tried to enter the home but ran off after the home owner pushed the panic button on her home alarm system. A New Castle County Police officer saw the suspect Russell White Jr running down the street and arrested him on the spot. During a search the Officer found a loaded hand gun on the suspect along with a knife and burglary tools. White was arrested and was also wanted for a New York State probation violation and may be linked to another break in on Woodland Rd. This lady was very luc...