More history in Wilton, CT- Check out our one room school house!
By Dagny Eason, Fairfield County CT, CDPE Homes For Sale and Condo
(Dagny's Real Estate)
Wilton CT 06897 The Hurlbutt Street Schoolhouse was built in 1834 and is the last standing one-room schoolhouse in Wilton. There used to be nine of these schoolhouses in Wilton. There could be as many as thirty children to a school, all from different grades, receiving different lessons at the same time. The last one room schoolhouse was closed in 1934. Today, you can visit the one room schoolhouse located on Hurlbutt Street. You are instantly transported back over 100 years in time. This is a wonderful trip for children to take, in fact, over 700 children visit the schoolhouse annually to learn more about Wilton’s educational history. More of Wilton's history- here is another tragic story Second Wilton Murder in 1897 David S.R. Lambert, a prominent school teacher, was murdere...