Dr. Maksymuik - Dentist Extraordinaire in Wilton, CT 06897
By Dagny Eason, Fairfield County CT, CDPE Homes For Sale and Condo
(Dagny's Real Estate)
Dr. Maksymuik - Dentist Extraordinaire in Wilton, CT 06897 Dr. Max, as he is fondly referred to, is a young very talented dentist. His office is located at address: 151 Old Ridgefield Road, Wilton, CT 06897 Phone:(203) 762-9480 The office is always clean, has the latest equipment, has friendly staff, and the very best hygenist. (I am very particular about my hygenists)...... After a very thorough but very gentle cleaning, Dr. Max comes in to have a quick conversation. The conversation always gravitates quickly to his kids - very very proud of his kids! No matter how busy he is, he is always ready with a joke and a smile, and trying to make all who are around him comfortable and at ease. A dentist office is where a lot of us have our white knuckles ready as soon ...