Protecting Your Bushes for the Winter in Wilton, CT 06897
By Dagny Eason, Fairfield County CT, CDPE Homes For Sale and Condo
(Dagny's Real Estate)
Protecting Your Bushes for the Winter in Wilton, CT 06897 Don't forget your bushes and small trees in the dead of winter, - when the snow storms dump two feet of heavy wet snow, the bushes begin to bend and break under the weight of it all. The winter of 2010 was a very snowy one, with two feet of snow every week. Our bushes and small shrubs and trees were taxed beyond their strength - and not only did we lose a lot of bushes and shrubs, but we also lost roofs of buildings under the weight of the snow. Our tennis facility for one collapsed and had to be rebuilt. So, before the winter begins, tie up your sensitive bushes and shrubs. Protect them from the severity of the weight of the snow. Landscaping is a very important part of your curb appeal for your home, and therefor...