Credit Repair Success
By Matt Liistro, Your Credit Repair Expert
(National Credit Fixers - Matt Listro)
It's been a busy day today. I did an update for a client who had 16 derogs across the 3 bureaus (48 total) and now only 90 days later he is down to 2 derogs on 1 bureau, 1 on another, and 8 on the third for a total of 11 derogs. That means after 90 days we corrected / deleted 37 out of 48 accounts! Just sharing a successful day with my fellow ActiveRainers! :)MattToll Free: 888-NCFIXER (623-4937)Toll Free Fax: 888-FAX-4020 (329-4020)Local: 860-282-6181330 Roberts Street 4th FloorEast Hartford, CT 06108 credit repair company