
Middle Haddam, CT Real Estate News

By Matt Liistro, Your Credit Repair Expert
(National Credit Fixers - Matt Listro)
It's been a busy day today.  I did an update for a client who had 16 derogs across the 3 bureaus (48 total) and now only 90 days later he is down to 2 derogs on 1 bureau, 1 on another, and 8 on the third for a total of 11 derogs.  That means after 90 days we corrected / deleted 37 out of 48 accounts! Just sharing a successful day with my fellow ActiveRainers! :)MattToll Free: 888-NCFIXER (623-4937)Toll Free Fax: 888-FAX-4020 (329-4020)Local: 860-282-6181330 Roberts Street 4th FloorEast Hartford, CT 06108 credit repair company
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By Carl Guild, Central Connecticut Real Estate
(Carl Guild & Associates)
The Ladies Aid Society of the Second Congregational Church, 52 Middle Haddam Road, Middle Haddam, CT, will have their third annual Chicken Cordon Bleu Supper, Saturday May 16th, from 5-7PM. The menu will be chicken cordon bleu for adults and chicken fingers for children, baked potato, baby carrots, tossed salad, roll, dessert, coffee, tea or punch. Adults $10 and $5 for children under 10. The church is handicap accessible. Proceeds to benefit ongoing projects.
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By Carl Guild, Central Connecticut Real Estate
(Carl Guild & Associates)
The Second Congregation Church of Middle Haddam has announced that it is in need of help in funding for a handicap elevator. The Ladies Society, along with the church members, are supporting this project with fundraising efforts. Over the past year, they have held food sales, tag sales, made items and sold them at fair booths, and with personal donations, pledges and special offerings, the fund-raising has resulted in only 30% of the $85,000 needed.
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By Carl Guild, Central Connecticut Real Estate
(Carl Guild & Associates)
Haddam Neck Congregational Church, United Church of Christ, located at 408 Quarry ill Rd, Haddam Neck, CT, holds weekly worship service every Sunday at 10am. Sunday school is available for children of all ages during the service. Members of the Haddam Neck Congregational Church Sunday School will host a Valentine Coffee hour Sunday Feb 17 from 11am - 12:30 pm in the churches historic schoolhouse building, also at 408 Quarry Hill. Admission is $2 a [person for homemade desserts, coffee and beverages. proceeds will be donated to Heifer International, an outreach program of Church World Service.
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