WFMD-Wright Farms, Holly Crossing, Jasmine Estates, Brighton
By Tom Hoffman, Broker/Owner
(Top Priority Realty, LLC)
Special thanks to the Wright Farms Metropolitan District (WFMD) Board of Directors for their hard work. WFMD is responsible for the subdivisions of Wright Farms, Holly Crossing and Jasmine Estates. The area is approximately 120th ave on the south and 123rd on the north and Holly on the west and Newport on the East. It is located on the north border of Thornton city limits. Board meetings are held monthly at the new Anythink Wright Farms Library at 120th and Holly. For information on these meeting call the district hotline @720-560-1984. The WFMD newsletter provided the following important phone numbers. Adams County Sheriff 303-654-1850. Animal Control 303-288-3294. CO State Patrol 303-239-4501. Code enforcement 303-853-7151. Northglenn Police Department 303-450-8892. Domestic Viol...