Cure the 5 fear-driven flaws sabotaging your success/Esperanza Butler West Hills Realtor
By Esperanza Butler® 818 926 5425, Homes For Sale in West Hills, Ca (818) 926-5425
(KW Keller Williams Realty -Esperanza Butler-DRE 01797405)
Lots of people I talk to these days are looking to start new business ventures or find more fulfilling jobs. As a real estate agent, I definitely understand the desire for independence and to do something you love. It can be hard to pursue success in a new venture, though. I’ve often wondered what stands in the way of our desire and our ability to achieve the success. Well, recently I found a little insight into this question. It was pretty eye-opening, so I thought I’d share a little write-up about it with you: In Jack Zenger and Joe Folkman's book, "The Extraordinary Leader: Turning good managers into great leaders," researchers identified five "fatal flaws" which were effectively "success killers." In contrast to areas where professionals had "allowable weaknesses" (i.e. de...