
West Hills, CA Real Estate News

By Esperanza Butler® 818 926 5425, Homes For Sale in West Hills, Ca (818) 926-5425
(KW Keller Williams Realty -Esperanza Butler-DRE 01797405)
  Lots of people I talk to these days are looking to start new business ventures or find more fulfilling jobs. As a real estate agent, I definitely understand the desire for independence and to do something you love.   It can be hard to pursue success in a new venture, though. I’ve often wondered what stands in the way of our desire and our ability to achieve the success. Well, recently I found a little insight into this question.   It was pretty eye-opening, so I thought I’d share a little write-up about it with you:     In Jack Zenger and Joe Folkman's book, "The Extraordinary Leader: Turning good managers into great leaders," researchers identified five "fatal flaws" which were effectively "success killers." In contrast to areas where professionals had "allowable weaknesses" (i.e. de...
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By Esperanza Butler® 818 926 5425, Homes For Sale in West Hills, Ca (818) 926-5425
(KW Keller Williams Realty -Esperanza Butler-DRE 01797405)
De-stress behind your desk- Recharge with Easy Office Exercises  Unlike many office workers, real estate professionals like myself have greater opportunities to be active during the work day. But that doesn't mean that long hours behind the desk are out of the picture.   To rejuvenate and refocus, it's important to break up long, sedentary periods with activity. A lot of my clients spend time in offices or in sedentary work environments, which as we know, can be hazardous to your health.   Next time you're putting in hours behind your computer screen, set yourself a reminder to get up and perform some simple exercises to get the blood flowing. Not only will your stooped shoulders and numb butt thank you, but you'll probably find that the conscious act of scheduling breaks will help impr...
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By Esperanza Butler® 818 926 5425, Homes For Sale in West Hills, Ca (818) 926-5425
(KW Keller Williams Realty -Esperanza Butler-DRE 01797405)
Tips for Choosing a Reputable Remodeling Contractor With the number of foreclosed or bank-owned properties floating around out there, I often speak with folks who are preparing to embark on a renovation project.   Unfortunately, with a rise in remodeling comes a flood of disreputable contractors looking to cash in. I do my best to protect people by providing referrals to reputable contractors, but there are plenty of people out there I don’t get a chance to talk to.   If you know someone who is about to undertake a major renovation project, I urge you to share this excellent article published by the Federal Trade Commission, "Home Sweet Home Improvement." It includes a PDF guide your friends and family will find helpful.   The guide covers:                       ·       The types of hom...
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By Esperanza Butler® 818 926 5425, Homes For Sale in West Hills, Ca (818) 926-5425
(KW Keller Williams Realty -Esperanza Butler-DRE 01797405)
Happy Mothers Day!!!!        Happy Mothers Day  Hope ya all have a great Day !!          Happy Mother's Day to all of you Mom's, Nana's, Grannies', and special women who just love children. Hope you have a wonderful, special day.   ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~  The Lord is my co-pilot, I shall not rush, He maketh me to hit all the green traffic lights. He leadeth me through shopping hassles. He restoreth my composure. He giveth me strength to make ends meet for my family's sake. Yea, though I work through the valley of laundry, I will fear no evil, for thou art with me. Thy perspective and sense of humor, they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me with the assistance of takeout. Surely clutter and confusion shall follow me most of the days of my life, but I shall dwell in a happy home fore...
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By Esperanza Butler® 818 926 5425, Homes For Sale in West Hills, Ca (818) 926-5425
(KW Keller Williams Realty -Esperanza Butler-DRE 01797405)
                                 Please Help us feed the hungry!      Carol and Antje are two nice ladies that volunteer for the West Valley food pantry drive.                                      They have been collecting food every 2nd Saturday of the month  from 10:00 am  to 4:00pm.                                    Their location is between Bank of America and Albertson’s on Victory Blvd and Fallbrook.                                                                                  Food items that will make a difference:   TUNA, CHILI, SPAGHETTI/PASTA, PORK & BEANS, MACARONI AND CHEESE, CANNED SOUPS, DRY CEREAL, COOKING OIL, FRIED BEANS, CANNED FRUIT JUICE, GREEN BEANS, DRY BEANS, CORN OR PEAS, POWERED MILK, SPAGHETTI SAUCES, CANNED FRUIT, PEANUT BATTER                             ...
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By Esperanza Butler® 818 926 5425, Homes For Sale in West Hills, Ca (818) 926-5425
(KW Keller Williams Realty -Esperanza Butler-DRE 01797405)
 Location Location Location. The Dream Home you've been waiting for!  1 Story in quiet West Hills neighborhood.  Behind the beautiful mahogany entry door you will find an absolutely gorgeous fully remodeled home with multimedia data network connection. 3 bedroom 2 bath.    New gourmet kitchen with new stainless steel appliances and caesarstone countertops. Large living room with vaulted ceilings and open floor plan overlooking a large private very green backyard.    Large fireplace with American clay finish, new recessed lights, new beautiful strand bamboo flooring. Off the living room is another room that could be used as 4th bedroom, office, gym, or studio. Interior laundry. Large private master suite enhanced by vaulted ceilings., features a walk-in closet, remodeled bath with a lar...
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By Esperanza Butler® 818 926 5425, Homes For Sale in West Hills, Ca (818) 926-5425
(KW Keller Williams Realty -Esperanza Butler-DRE 01797405)
Three Special Selling Tips to Move Your West Hills Home/ Real Estate  How do I advise sellers to help market their home in seldom overlooked ways? Here are three tips that help buyers see the property in a new light.   These Selling Tips Help Adjust Buyer (and Seller!) MindsetsSelling your home soon? It can be hard for sellers to come up with the details that make their home unique and appealing to buyers, especially since they’ve decided to move up or move on. I like to offer these three selling perspectives that help encourage sellers to see their home in a particularly favorable light. Ask yourself these questions and see if you don’t begin to see your listing with fresh eyes: 1.Where are the little luxuries in my home? Don’t think big, think small: Did you have a professional organi...
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By Esperanza Butler® 818 926 5425, Homes For Sale in West Hills, Ca (818) 926-5425
(KW Keller Williams Realty -Esperanza Butler-DRE 01797405)
  These are some of the most common questions asked by Home Buyers   (Q)  How many Factors go into making up my credit Score? (A)  There are several factors that decide your Credit Score. Credit Scores range between 200 and 800. Scores above 620 are considered desirable for obtaining a mortgage. These factors will affect your score.     (Q)  Are there any ways I can use to improve my credit score? (A)  Yes, there are many ways to help improve your credit. Credit scores, along with your overall income and debt, are a big factor in determining if you’ll qualify for a loan and what loan terms you’ll be able to qualify for.. Here are 8 of them     (Q)  My finances are not in order is there anything I can do to straighten them out? (A)  There are many things to do to help you put your financ...
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By Esperanza Butler® 818 926 5425, Homes For Sale in West Hills, Ca (818) 926-5425
(KW Keller Williams Realty -Esperanza Butler-DRE 01797405)
             What type of home are you looking for?   There are so many choices that it is important to have an idea of what you want and need before you begin looking.   Consider making a checklist of amenities that are essential and those you would like to have in your new home.    The list below may help you clarify your thinking on what is important to you when you are ready to purchase.   What neighborhood(s) would you like to live in? What price range do you have in mind? What type of home interests you?     (one-story, two-story, split-entry, townhouse, condo, duplex) What style appeals to you?     (contemporary, traditional, no preference) Are schools a factor?   Do you need to be close to public transportation?   How many bedrooms and bathrooms do you need? How many do you want...
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By Esperanza Butler® 818 926 5425, Homes For Sale in West Hills, Ca (818) 926-5425
(KW Keller Williams Realty -Esperanza Butler-DRE 01797405)
                 Achieving the American dream of Homeownership                             Is easier than you might think.      One of the first steps in reaching this goal is to understand what you will be able to borrow and determining a monthly payment you can afford. The mortgage industry has adopted several rules of thumb that will help you get the ball rolling.   How Much Can I Afford To Pay Each Month?   A general rule of thumb states that you will be able to spend 28% of your total income on a mortgage payment. The following chart will help you convert your annual income into a monthly payment. This payment includes principal and interest only. Factoring in unknown variables including taxes, insurance and homeowners fees will increase your monthly payment and reduce the total lo...
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By Esperanza Butler® 818 926 5425, Homes For Sale in West Hills, Ca (818) 926-5425
(KW Keller Williams Realty -Esperanza Butler-DRE 01797405)
                                                                     Give me 12 Minutes and I’ll Show You                                  How To Sell Your Home                                   Quickly & For Less                           Than What You Owe The Bank.     I’m writing you today about a sensitive subject people find tough to talk about.  It’s something that’s hurting homeowners across our community, and perhaps I may be able to help.   With the ongoing financial crisis hitting families harder than ever, many good people find themselves facing a possible foreclosure situation in the near future.  You may even know someone who has fallen behind on two or three mortgage payments, and they’re starting to feel desperate.    Unfortunately, because of the stigma associated with f...
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By Esperanza Butler® 818 926 5425, Homes For Sale in West Hills, Ca (818) 926-5425
(KW Keller Williams Realty -Esperanza Butler-DRE 01797405)
                    Tax Benefits                For Homeowners   We all know the old adage about nothing being certain except death and taxes. However, on a more positive note, you can also be certain of tax benefits if, that is, you are a homeowner.   Purchasing a home can provide valuable tax savings to home buyers. Mortgage interest, property tax, and other payments associated with financing a home can apply to your tax deductions.   They may decrease the amount of income tax you must pay to the federal government.   Another financial advantage to owning a home is that as you begin to pay off your mortgage loan, you build equity in your property. In other words, the value of your home can increase as your total mortgage amount decreases over time.   For those who rent, the tax saving...
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By Esperanza Butler® 818 926 5425, Homes For Sale in West Hills, Ca (818) 926-5425
(KW Keller Williams Realty -Esperanza Butler-DRE 01797405)
  My Sunday Trip to The Beach   Sunday morning we wanted to go down to the ocean to refresh our spirits. I have noticed over the years   That when I go to the beach, breathe in the clean air, and watch the water roll and move, my inner being gets renewed.   Today was beautiful. 80 plus degrees and sunny.   We went to Malibu and had breakfast. My self, my Dad , and my husband.   After ward we drove down the coast about 10 miles, stopped at the beach for a while, and watched the dolphins and surfers.   Just watching the waves was very relaxing. There were a lot of people fishing and enjoying the day as well.       On the way home we had another pleasant surprise- There is a very beautiful Hindu Temple that I Passed many times on the way to the beach.   Usually when I pass by it is closed ...
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By Esperanza Butler® 818 926 5425, Homes For Sale in West Hills, Ca (818) 926-5425
(KW Keller Williams Realty -Esperanza Butler-DRE 01797405)
While I am farming…I like to check out the gardening and landscaping work that people do to their homes and this is helping me on my own.   I have lived in my current home for about 12 years and I have done a lot of gardening. I really like to admire beautiful growing things. I also like to make things grow.   Last summer it was so hot & dry that my lawn burned & died out.  This year we removed all of the old grass and made a layout that is starting to shape up. We laid in a new, from good seed, lawn that is coming in nice & thick and real green.   The new lawn is going to be about ½ the size of the old one. The other half is going to be a dessert area with cactus sand different kind of sages and different kind of stones and sand.   When it’s done I think it will be really nice.     I a...
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By Esperanza Butler® 818 926 5425, Homes For Sale in West Hills, Ca (818) 926-5425
(KW Keller Williams Realty -Esperanza Butler-DRE 01797405)
Let me tell you something..I love to cook and over the years I have whipped up some great meals. I try to keep a very ample supply of spices, condiments, and different flavors. There have been a few occasions where I have run out of a spice or an ingredient right in the middle of putting everything together.   So I looked and found a couple of ways to get around the occasional shortage of maybe honey, sour cream or garlic or whatever.   In my kitchen I keep these two handy postcards.  Emergency cooking substitutions and the other is Cooking measurements.       I am  not here only for cooking... but For all Your Real Estate Needs!!! Esperanza Butler Your West Hills Realtor  
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By Esperanza Butler® 818 926 5425, Homes For Sale in West Hills, Ca (818) 926-5425
(KW Keller Williams Realty -Esperanza Butler-DRE 01797405)
Cooking With Esperanza   As Realtors sometimes we become the honey do's and we deal with multy tasks in our daily lives. We spend a lot of time in our transactions farming- or- prospecting for new listings or new buyers. You probably have run into a problem that I have to deal with on a daily basis. My main problem is one of Time and Healthy eating. A lot of the time it is difficult to adjust your schedule to get both activities done especially if you          have kids and family depending on you.   I have my husband and my 92 year old father to feed daily. ( by the way they are very good eaters) So I look for healthy recipes that don’t take forever to make. I am posting and sharing three  dishes that are healthy & easy to make. You have a range of spiciness  from a little spicy to, if...
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By Esperanza Butler® 818 926 5425, Homes For Sale in West Hills, Ca (818) 926-5425
(KW Keller Williams Realty -Esperanza Butler-DRE 01797405)
Curried Chicken Salad    Ingredients: 4 chicken breast halves, skinned and boned 1 ¼ cups seedless grapes, halved 1 head romaine lettuce, washed and torn 1 cup mayonnaise 1 tsp. fresh ginger, minced 1 tbsp. curry powder 1 tsp. honey 1 tbsp. lime juice ¼ cup almonds, toasted Seasonal fruit for garnish.   Directions 1.    Grill the chicken breasts on medium heat for 6 minutes per side. 2.    Cool the chicken,then dice into bite size pieces. 3.    Mix mayonnaise, ginger, curry powder, honey and lime juice. Add chicken into mixture and coat evenly. 4.    Spoon mixture onto a bed of prepared romaine lettuce. 5.    Garnish with grapes and any seasonal fruit of your choice) strawberries or blueberries) and sprinkle with toasted almonds.     Bon Appetit Esperanza Butler.... From West Hills with...
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By Esperanza Butler® 818 926 5425, Homes For Sale in West Hills, Ca (818) 926-5425
(KW Keller Williams Realty -Esperanza Butler-DRE 01797405)
  Avocado & Spinach with Papaya Salad     Ingredients for Dressing:  1/2 cup olive oil  2 tbsp. red wine vinegar  6 tbsp. orange juice 2 tbsp. ground cumin  Salt & Pepper to taste   Directions 1.    Whisk all dressing ingredients together very well. 2.    Place all ingredients in a large bowl, pour dressing over and toss well.   Ingredients for Salad: 1 ½ lbs, spinach, stems removed, washed and dried 2 ripe avocados, peeled, pitted and sliced 1/8 inch thick  1 red onion thinly sliced 1 medium sized papaya, peeled, seeded and diced into ½ inch cubes   Give them a try and let me know how you liked them.   Bon Appetit Esperanza Butler... from West Hills with love!!!  
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By Esperanza Butler® 818 926 5425, Homes For Sale in West Hills, Ca (818) 926-5425
(KW Keller Williams Realty -Esperanza Butler-DRE 01797405)
Dear Mr. Seller   I hope this doesn’t come off as too forward, but I’m writing today to see if you have any interest in selling your West Hills property.     In the past few months I’ve worked with many buyers in the West Hills area who have given up their search because they can’t seem to find a property that would really fill their needs.     I know a lot of people have been sitting on the fence when it comes to selling, simply because they think the market hasn’t improved enough.     While you may hear there’s a lot of “inventory” out here in West Hills. The truth is there’s not as much quality inventory as buyers would like. For every nice home on the market there are may be 10-15 buyers. Having multiple offers on a well maintained home that is priced right is very common.       If ...
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By Esperanza Butler® 818 926 5425, Homes For Sale in West Hills, Ca (818) 926-5425
(KW Keller Williams Realty -Esperanza Butler-DRE 01797405)
CAN I GET OUT OF THIS HOUSE PAYMENT ALIVE? Q-A   Today many homeowners find themselves upside down in their property and in financial hardship due to a challenging economy. They are uncertain as to what to do, and realize they cannot maintain the monthly payments for a home that is worth less than the actual loan balance.   I am late on my mortgage and may be facing foreclosure, what do I do? The first step is to contact me. I can, and will, assist you in understanding all of your options to avoid foreclosure.   You’re not alone. Many distressed homeowners don’t know what to do, give up, and do nothing. That’s the worst thing you can do!! You have other options. Let me assist you in understanding your options and negotiate with your lender on your behalf.   What are the advantages of a ...
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