By Esperanza Butler® 818 926 5425, Homes For Sale in West Hills, Ca (818) 926-5425
(KW Keller Williams Realty -Esperanza Butler-DRE 01797405)
Loving Your Feminine BodyWith the media today focusing on super skinny women, it's hard to think that you couldpossibly be desirable if you don't look like the women on TV and in magazines. The reality is, the average woman in America weighs 164 lbs. and is a size 14.A positive self-image is one of the top things most women struggle with. So, how can you learn to love your body the way it is?First of all, you need to focus on what you do like about your body. Here are some questions to get you thinking about the things you DO like about yourself: What areas do you get complimented on the most? What do others notice about you first when you walk into a room? Do you have nice legs? Are they thin and long? Are they muscular and strong?Are you shapely with a larger busts and hips? Do you ha...
By Esperanza Butler® 818 926 5425, Homes For Sale in West Hills, Ca (818) 926-5425
(KW Keller Williams Realty -Esperanza Butler-DRE 01797405)
Man Builds Dream Home Over A Pond So He Can Fish From A Hole In His Living Room Floor you love something as much as this home’s owner loves fishing, you go to extreme measures. For some that might mean decorating an entire wing of the house in fishing memorabilia. For others, going so far as having their favorite fish tattooed somewhere personal on their body. For this Skiatook man, he built his home on a pond, and a fishing hole in his living room.
By Esperanza Butler® 818 926 5425, Homes For Sale in West Hills, Ca (818) 926-5425
(KW Keller Williams Realty -Esperanza Butler-DRE 01797405)
WANT TO FIND THE HOME OF YOUR DREAMS?How about doing even better than that and buying it at the best price possible?Then you should download your free copy of my booklet “The Ultimate Home Buyer’s Guide”.Most people think finding the home of their dreams just sort of happens…Like they’ll “know it when they see it,” or it’ll be love at first site. Sometimes that happens. But a lot of times, homebuyers miss out on great homes because they make some really common mistakes.Finding and actually getting the best house for your wants and needs (let alone at the best possible price!) isn’t as simple as just being in the market, finding it, putting it in a shopping cart, and heading to the checkout.There’s quite a bit to the process.My buyer’s guide will demystify the process and give you a no-f...
By Esperanza Butler® 818 926 5425, Homes For Sale in West Hills, Ca (818) 926-5425
(KW Keller Williams Realty -Esperanza Butler-DRE 01797405)
How To Prepare Your House For SaleWant expert insights on selling it quickly and for top dollar?Then you should download your free copy of my booklet How to prepare your house for sale For most people, listing their house for sale isn't a spur of the moment thing. People often think about selling their house for years before ever actually selling it.Yet, given how much time and thought people tend to give it, many people don't do enough to prepare their house for sale (or prepare themselves for what's to come). They just get to a point where they decide it's time to sell and they pop a sign in the yard.This often leads to people not selling their house for as much, as quickly, or as smoothly as it could have. Or at all.On the other hand, there are people who do too much and spend way ...
By Esperanza Butler® 818 926 5425, Homes For Sale in West Hills, Ca (818) 926-5425
(KW Keller Williams Realty -Esperanza Butler-DRE 01797405)
Does Renting Make More Sense Than Buying A Home? people don’t think buying a home makes sense. They feel like renting is a smarter move. On the other hand, some people think renting doesn’t make any sense. For the most part, arguing it one way or another is about as useful as arguing politics or religion — whatever “side” you’re on, you have your point of view, feelings, and reasons. But there are also people who are open to debate. If that’s you, read on. This will give you some food for thought and help you make up your own mind about whether it makes more sense to buy a home or rent one.At least you have the optionPicture living back in Medieval times. Only a few people are al...
By Esperanza Butler® 818 926 5425, Homes For Sale in West Hills, Ca (818) 926-5425
(KW Keller Williams Realty -Esperanza Butler-DRE 01797405)
Selling a home is an emotional process… especially when your home doesn’t sell the first time around. If you’ve had the unfortunate experience of seeing your plans to move fall apart, here’s a little help for getting over the slump and regrouping for the future. Everyone says selling your home is one of life’s great emotional rollercoasters. From making the leap to moving day, the process is one of surprises, anticipation, and (hopefully) celebration. But what happens if your home doesn’t sell? If your home’s been on the market for the length of your contract with your real estate agent and it hasn’t sold, your home is on its way to becoming “an expired listing.” At this point you have to make a choice whether to continue with your agent, find a new agent, or delay your dreams and take...
By Esperanza Butler® 818 926 5425, Homes For Sale in West Hills, Ca (818) 926-5425
(KW Keller Williams Realty -Esperanza Butler-DRE 01797405)
Welcome to the most current Housing Trends eNewsletter. This eNewsletter is specially designed for you, with national and local housing information that you may find useful whether you’re in the market for a home, thinking about selling your home, or just interested in homeowner issues in general. Please click on this link to view the Housing Trends July 2018 Newsletter The Housing Trends eNewsletter contains the latest information from the National Association of REALTORS®, the U.S. Census Bureau, reports and other sources. Housing Trends eNewsletter is filled with local and national real estate sales and price activity provided by MLSs and the National Association of Realtors, U.S. Census Bureau key market indicators, con...
By Esperanza Butler® 818 926 5425, Homes For Sale in West Hills, Ca (818) 926-5425
(KW Keller Williams Realty -Esperanza Butler-DRE 01797405)
Esperanza's BestRealEstateBlog Why do you care if your Realtor considers you a good client or not? Because the better client you are, the better results you will have. No, you and your Realtor do not have to be in love with each other, but effort on your part will bring you better results and a more positive transaction. Here are some best practices.1. Be easy to educateMost Realtors are teachers at heart, and the more you can learn, the better prepared you will be. Yes, your friends, family and various websites have lots of good information to give, but nobody has a better "boots-on-the-ground" perspective on your local neighborhood and various current trends than your Realtor. Ask all the questions you like and try to absorb as much info as possible. Yes, there is a lot to learn, bu...
By Esperanza Butler® 818 926 5425, Homes For Sale in West Hills, Ca (818) 926-5425
(KW Keller Williams Realty -Esperanza Butler-DRE 01797405)
Esperanza's BestRealEstateBlogWhether you're putting your home on the market or searching for your dream house, a Realtor is going to help you achieve your goal as smoothly and seamlessly as possible. From striking the best deal to simplifying that often-daunting paperwork, these pros truly do and know significantly more than their job title implies. In order to maximize your value and minimize your stress level, your agent must morph into nearly a dozen different roles to get the job done. Let's take a look at some of the other hats your Realtor wears throughout the course of a single transaction.1. Expert photographervia GIPHYWe're all familiar with that expression, "A picture's worth a thousand words," but when it comes to selling houses, a great photo might be worth a thousand walk-...
By Esperanza Butler® 818 926 5425, Homes For Sale in West Hills, Ca (818) 926-5425
(KW Keller Williams Realty -Esperanza Butler-DRE 01797405)
Esperanza's BestRalEstateBlogTons of people think the number 13 is unlucky. Some don’t. But pretty much everyone has at least heard that the number 13 is unlucky. With Friday the 13th upon us, I thought it’d be fun and interesting to send along some superstitions we come across in the real estate industry, which you may have never heard about...Lucky numbersReal estate agents sometimes find themselves working with clients who have superstitions based upon lucky (and unlucky) numbers. This is often a cultural superstition. And the lucky or unlucky numbers are different from culture to culture. This can affect whether or not someone will buy a house, if the street address is an unlucky number, or even adds up to an unlucky number. It can also affect the specific dollar amount they will of...
By Esperanza Butler® 818 926 5425, Homes For Sale in West Hills, Ca (818) 926-5425
(KW Keller Williams Realty -Esperanza Butler-DRE 01797405)
First Time Home Buyer HOW MUCH YOU CHARGE? I love it when people ask me this, because it makes me sound super nice… You won’t need to whip out your wallet, or a checkbook in order to work with me…ever. You probably wonder how I get paid then…’cause it wouldn’t make sense for me to work for free. I get paid out of the seller’s equity. Not to get too technical, but here’s the basics… The seller pays the company they listed their house with. Part of what they agree to pay them is used to pay the buyer’s agent’s company. Then my company will pay me out of that amount. That doesn’t mean I work for the seller at all! I work for you, and on your behalf. But I’m kinda glad you brought it up. It shows you care about me getting paid. In a nutshell, I don’t get paid until and unless my client buys...
By Esperanza Butler® 818 926 5425, Homes For Sale in West Hills, Ca (818) 926-5425
(KW Keller Williams Realty -Esperanza Butler-DRE 01797405)
Esperanza's BestRealEstateBlog One of the main reasons people aren’t buying homes is they think they can’t afford it—especially the down payment. But, as it turns out, there are plenty of buyers out there who actually can afford to purchase a home, but their misconceptions about affordability are holding them back from making a move. According to a recent survey from lender Laurel Road, 53% of Americans are concerned about their ability to afford a home. But a lot of that concern is because they don’t know what their options are. A solid 58% of Americans surveyed said they planned to put down a 20% payment on a home, but 35% (and 46% of millennials) didn’t think they could afford to save that kind of down payment. But with alternative lending options, you don’t need 20% in order to buy...
By Esperanza Butler® 818 926 5425, Homes For Sale in West Hills, Ca (818) 926-5425
(KW Keller Williams Realty -Esperanza Butler-DRE 01797405)
Esperanza's Listed here are 184 typical actions, research steps, procedures, processes and review stages in a successful residential real estate transaction that are normally provided by full service real estate brokerages in return for their sales commission. Depending on the transaction, some may take minutes, hours, or even days to complete, while some may not be needed. More importantly, they reflect the level of skill, knowledge and attention to detail required in today’s real estate transaction, underscoring the importance of having help and guidance from someone who fully understands the process – a REALTOR®. Pre-Listing Activities Make appointment with seller for listing presentation Send seller a written or e-mail confirmation of listing appointment an...
By Esperanza Butler® 818 926 5425, Homes For Sale in West Hills, Ca (818) 926-5425
(KW Keller Williams Realty -Esperanza Butler-DRE 01797405)
5 Adjectives You Should Look For In Your Real Estate AgentEsperanza's bestrealestateblog Who you choose to represent you when you buy or sell your home is one of the biggest decisions you'll make during your move. Your real estate agent can make the process easy, quick, and painless - or long, expensive, and painful. Here are 5 adjectives you should for in your real estate agent if you want to get the most out of your sale or purchase:1. TenaciousReal estate is a tough world. There are seemingly endless challenges to navigate: the house you love was snatched up by someone else, someone put a bid in on your home and then pulled out at the last minute, there's issues with the neighbors or zoning or construction. That's why you need a real estate agent who is tenacious, never gives up, and...
By Esperanza Butler® 818 926 5425, Homes For Sale in West Hills, Ca (818) 926-5425
(KW Keller Williams Realty -Esperanza Butler-DRE 01797405)
We can’t help who we fall in love with, and even more frustratingly, who falls in love with us. It’s simply one of life’s mysteries. And we might not know exactly why we fell in love with real estate, but we probably have our suspicions. Here are six reasons why I fell in love with real estate:1. The peopleYou have to enjoy working with people in order to be a successful real estate agent. Coworkers, clients, baristas who recognize you as you bring in a gallon-sized travel mug for your daily caffeine dose — you’re always around people. It would be dishonest to say that it always goes smoothly, but the relationships and interactions are a huge part of the overall experience, and allow you to connect with people in a way you don’t get to in many other careers.2. No two days are ever the ...
By Esperanza Butler® 818 926 5425, Homes For Sale in West Hills, Ca (818) 926-5425
(KW Keller Williams Realty -Esperanza Butler-DRE 01797405)
These Trendy “Stock Tank” Pools Are Popping Up In Back Yards Everywhere.Esperanza's bestrealestateblogHow would you like a soaking pool that is big enough to comfortably fit the family, easy to maintain, and costs around $440 to get started?Whether you live in a place like this... Or this, you can't beat a deal like that Stock tank pools are a new trend quickly rising in popularity. You might be thinking, “I don’t know how I’d feel swimming in a cow trough.” But these pools aren’t just inexpensive. They are highly versatile.For instance, this "cow trough" has a salt water filter, a waterfall, and quite the setup for day or night soaking Tractor Company Supply has commented, "More and more, we see our customers turning to this innovative solution as a way to enjoy many of the benefits of...
By Esperanza Butler® 818 926 5425, Homes For Sale in West Hills, Ca (818) 926-5425
(KW Keller Williams Realty -Esperanza Butler-DRE 01797405)
When you hire a real estate agent to sell your home, there are obvious things you notice them doing to help your house sell. Things like: hosting open houses, bringing potential buyers on home tours, and marketing your property in multiple ways to make sure it gets enough exposure. But when it comes to adding value to your home sale, that's just the tip of the iceberg. A huge percentage of your agent's job takes place behind-the-scenes, and they're working around the clock to get your house sold — even when you're not looking. Here are 4 behind-the-scenes way your real estate agent is working to get your house sold:1. Performing market research.When it comes to pricing your home, your agent doesn't just pull a random number out of a hat. Your agent's recommendation is a result of extens...
By Esperanza Butler® 818 926 5425, Homes For Sale in West Hills, Ca (818) 926-5425
(KW Keller Williams Realty -Esperanza Butler-DRE 01797405)
Did you know that living next door to someone doesn’t make you a neighbor?. It makes you an adjacent homeowner. One of the great opportunities we have in our communities is the chance to build real, meaningful relationships with the people who live closest to us. While I understand the desire for privacy, I think it’s important we realize that regular, helpful communication with our neighbors makes us both safer and paves a smooth road for difficult conversations we might face with our neighbors in the future. Small gestures such as a nice note about landscaping, an invitation to a potluck, or an “all hands on deck” community improvement project allow us to get to know our neighbors. This is vital when you consider the people around you are the most likely to spot smoke in a fire, clu...
By Esperanza Butler® 818 926 5425, Homes For Sale in West Hills, Ca (818) 926-5425
(KW Keller Williams Realty -Esperanza Butler-DRE 01797405)
via GIPHYFrom leaving the house for showings and open houses to having to keep the place spotless at all times, having a home on the market can be a nerve-wracking endeavor. Once you’ve made the decision to sell, you want to know that you won’t be in this anxiety-filled limbo forever. You want to hand over those keys, collect your check and move on — literally!So, without lowering your asking price, what can you do to sell your home in a hurry? The following are 11 strategies that will help your property sell quickly without your wallet taking a heavy hit. 1. Declutter.Few things detract from the beauty of a home quite like clutter. Though straightening and organizing is rarely the way most homeowners want to spend their days, it makes a huge difference. We're not just talking about scr...