
Vallejo, CA Real Estate News

By TIM GARTON, "Highly Skilled Pro"
(Messina Realty Vallejo)
 Hello friends and future clients,   I am a featured pro agent,  I just received the honor of being one of the top 1% of agents from all across the country.  In fact out of 100’s of thousands of agents I was one of 8,000 chosen because of the amount of properties I have sold recently, how active I am in our  neighborhoods and how I take care of my buyers and sellers on  the fastest growing real estate site in the country.  Tim Garton's  contact number is 707-315-5555 and my website is   .
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By TIM GARTON, "Highly Skilled Pro"
(Messina Realty Vallejo)
Dear friends,  Legal ownership of a home in Vallejo CA or  any area can get confusing.  Missing records or tax liens are a couple examples. Insure your ownship through a escrow office with a one time fee during the purchase timelines of your home.  If and when you decide to sell having a clear title would be necessary.  Tim Garton Vallejo CA  Remax Gold is available to answer other questions you may have when buying or selling your next vallejo home 707-315-5555    
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By TIM GARTON, "Highly Skilled Pro"
(Messina Realty Vallejo)
Tim Garton  Vallejo CA Remax Realtor has great news you can use, premiums for FHA mortgage insurance which is designed to protect the agency in case a borrower defaults on a loan, will be cut from 1.35% of a loan’s value to about 0.85%, the White House said. As a result, a typical first-time homebuyer will save $900 a year on their mortgage payments. Existing homeowners who refinance into an FHA loan will see similar savings. “Too many creditworthy families who can afford — and want to purchase — a home are shut out of homeownership opportunities due to today’s tight lending market,” The White House estimates that the lower premiums will enable up to 250,000 new buyers to purchase a home. FHA loans have been an important lifeline for low-income and higher risk borrowers in the wake of t...
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By TIM GARTON, "Highly Skilled Pro"
(Messina Realty Vallejo)
Vallejo CA Remax Realtor Tim Garton  has Vallejo news you can use. The #2 lane on eastbound Curtola Parkway between Solano Avenue and Lemon Street will be closed through the end of February. This will allow for retaining walls and curbs to be constructed at the new parking structure site.   For more information about the Soltrans Curtola Park & Ride Hub project, please visit the Soltrans website at  When making your next home purchase or selling a current home I can be reached at 707-315-5555.
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By TIM GARTON, "Highly Skilled Pro"
(Messina Realty Vallejo)
Tim Gartons Vallejo CA  Real Estate news you can use,  have you ever wondered what might be the difference between renting and buying?   I hope this video below can shed some light on this very important topic.  And remember Tim Garton can be reached at 707-315-5555, my office is located at 2100 Tennesses St in Vallejo CA right off Interstate 80.  
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By TIM GARTON, "Highly Skilled Pro"
(Messina Realty Vallejo)
Hello everyone, News your Vallejo California Realtor has you can use, After an exhaustive yearlong study into how SolTrans can more effectively serve the Benicia and Vallejo communities, they have announced new and improved bus routes that will begin today, Saturday, January 31, 2015. Please see the attached press release for additional details. You may also visit their website for new routes and times:   When thinking of selling your current Vallejo CA home or buying one, I can be reached at 707-315-5555   Tim Garton Vallejo CA Remax Realtor.    
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By TIM GARTON, "Highly Skilled Pro"
(Messina Realty Vallejo)
Hello Everyone,   The first wave of Vallejo CA  homeowners who lost their home to foreclosure or short sale during the foreclosure crisis are now past the seven-year window they conservatively need to repair their credit and qualify to buy a home, according to a new report from RealtyTrac. More waves of these potential boomerang buyers will be moving past that seven-year window over the next eight years corresponding to the eight years of above-normal foreclosure activity from 2007 to 2014. I am a Vallejo Ca Remax Realtor ready to assit any way I can to home ownership.  707-315-5555 is my contact number.   The interest rates are still at record lows now could be a good time to contact Tim Garton at Vallejo REMAX 707-315-5555   WWW.PROPERTYINVALLEJO.COM
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By TIM GARTON, "Highly Skilled Pro"
(Messina Realty Vallejo)
Vallejo CA Remax  Realtor Tim Garton  has news I wanted to share As the coldest months settle upon us, stay fire safe says the Vallejo Fire Department!   Each winter VFD responds to numerous house fires resulting from citizens warming their homes. Keep the following safety tips in mind while keeping your homes warm:   -Have your chimney professionally cleaned if you intend to use your fireplace -Keep space heaters at least 3 feet away from anything that can burn -Always turn off space heaters when leaving your home -Do not use gas stoves/ovens for heat, this leads to dangerous levels of carbon monoxide When thinking of buying or selling your next Vallejo homeTim Garton can  be reached at 707-315-5555 WWW.PROPERTYINVALLEJO.COM
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By TIM GARTON, "Highly Skilled Pro"
(Messina Realty Vallejo)
Hello Everyone, The Accredited Buyer's Representative (ABR®) designation is designed for real estate buyer agents who focus on working directly with buyer-clients at every stage of the home-buying process. So when thinking of buying in Vallejo CA or area's near Vallejo I can be reached at 707-315-5555.
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By Chris Freck, EstaR Mortgage, A Bilingual Brokerage
(EstaR Mortgage)
VA Mortgage Loans in Vallejo CA and 100% VA Loans -the best loan program in the country! VA Mortgage Loans are one of the best mortgage loan programs available today for both honorably discharged Vets and active duty military personnel. Here are some of the great features of this fantastic program: - Up to 100% financing, with no down required. - No monthly mortgage insurance added to your payment. - More lenient credit qualifying standards than other types of mortgage loans. - Low rates compared to other loan programs. So how do you qualify for a VA Mortgage Loan in Vallejo CA? The first step is to verify your eligibility. Eligibility is verified by ordering your Certificate of Eligibility or COE. You can work with an approved Vallejo CA VA mortgage loan lender to order your COE quickl...
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By TIM GARTON, "Highly Skilled Pro"
(Messina Realty Vallejo)
Tim Garton's news you can use about Vallejo CA. City staff have received some inquires about Street Sweeping.   Remember when thinking about your next Vallejo CA purchase I can be reached at 707-315-5555 Vallejo CA Remax Gold.  Or just wondering about your homes current value I can stop by antime to see your home.    You may view details on street sweeping , a schedule, and a list of every street by following this link:        
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By TIM GARTON, "Highly Skilled Pro"
(Messina Realty Vallejo)
Hello Everyone, Tim Garton's news you can use about our Vallejo CA  community, Please come to a community workshop on December 4, 2014 at 6:00 p.m. to review the preliminary recommendations. See the attached flyer for details.  A remember when thinking about buying or selling your next home I can be reached at 707-315-5555 Tim Garton Vallejo Remax Gold   STA_BayVineTrailStudy_Workshop_#3_Flyer.pdf
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News from your local Vallejo CA Remax realotr Tim Garton 707-315-5555. Mayor Osby Davis calls upon Vallejo citizens and shoppers to “join the City Council in rebuilding our City and our economy by shopping Vallejo businesses whenever and wherever possible, especially during this upcoming holiday season.” The Vallejo Police Department will be conducting extra holiday patrols beginning Black Friday, November 28, through December. Officers will patrol during varying shopping hours and focus on all shopping centers throughout the city. “We want shoppers to have a safe and satisfying shopping experience in our City,” said Mayor Davis. Officers will patrol by car and by more here
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By TIM GARTON, "Highly Skilled Pro"
(Messina Realty Vallejo)
News from your Vallejo CA Realtor Tim Garton  707-315-5555 . The Community Service Section will be hosting a Neighborhood Watch Training at Widenmann Elementary School Multi-Purpose Room December 8th at 6:30 PM 100 Whitney Ave. We will be covering ways to protect yourself from becoming a victim during the holiday season.      If your thinking of buying in Vallejo or selling go to your vallejo Remax Realtor  Tim Garton  WWW.PROPERTYINVALLEJO.COM 
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News from your Vallejo CA Remax Realtor  Tim Garton  707-315-5555. Please join  on Thursday, November 20, 2014 at 5:30 p.m. at the Mare Island Conference Center, 375 G Street, for a discussion of proposed zoning ordinance changes on emergency shelters, transitional housing and clinic services. Please see the attached flyer for more details.     Housing_CTA_Community_Mtg._Flyer.pdf
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By TIM GARTON, "Highly Skilled Pro"
(Messina Realty Vallejo)
Vallejo news from Remax Vallejo Realtor Tim Garton 707-315-5555. The Community Service Section will be hosting a Citizen Workshop this Wednesday and we still have a few seats available. We will have a Communications Supervisor teaching a class on when you call into 911 what to expect, you will hear some calls of actual 911 calls as well as tour the Vallejo Police Departments Communications Center. Please call Tina Encarnacion at 707-651-7184 or email her at to reserve a seat.  When thinking of making you rnext home purchase or selling your existing one call me to make a appointment today.
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The  Obama Administration for determining that the people of Napa and Solano counties who were severely affected by the recent earthquake will be eligible for Individual Assistance grants and SBA loans.  Residents suffering because of this devastating quake can now apply for grants of up to $32,400 to repair their homes, find temporary housing, and cover expenses such as medical bills or moving costs.  Business owners will be eligible for low-interest disaster loans of up to $2 million to repair and rebuild, homeowners can apply for loans of up to $200,000, and renters can qualify for loans of up to $40,000 to cover personal property losses. For more information on how to apply, please click here.  When thinking of selling your next Vallejo CA home or buying one think of me.  Tim Garto...
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By TIM GARTON, "Highly Skilled Pro"
(Messina Realty Vallejo)
Great Vallejo news you can use from Tim Garton Vallejo Ca Remax Realtor.  The Community Service Section will be hosting a Neighborhood Watch Training at Vallejo Charter School located at 2833 Tennessee St. on November 6th 2014 at 6:30 PM. If you are interested in starting a group, have a new group and want to be trained, or have many new members to your existing group please feel free to come. Please invite all of your neighbors and bring them along.     Please RSVP to Tina Encarnacion at or 707-651-7184. You may also contact her with any questions or concerns.RSVP is not required to attend. Tim Garton can be reached at 707-315-5555, when your thinking about buying or selling your next Vallejo home I can be reached at 707-315-5555  
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By TIM GARTON, "Highly Skilled Pro"
(Messina Realty Vallejo)
Vallejo Remax  Realtor Tim Garton has some new Vallejo news. North Mare Island Vallejo has received 11 proposals, from office parks to hotels to Indian gaming casinos, city officials said Thursday. Four proposals involve industrial or office parks as envisioned in the city's existing plans for the former Naval shipyard property. Six propose a major destination with a hotel and convention center. Among those, four include an Indian gaming casino as part of their concept, City Manager Dan Keen said. One proposal deals with rehabilitating military barracks and commercial buildings, Keen added. Vallejo is seeking qualified developers for what it regards as the city's largest remaining development opportunity. The proposals were received during a "request for qualifications" process that sta...
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By TIM GARTON, "Highly Skilled Pro"
(Messina Realty Vallejo)
Tim Garton's new's  for Vallejo CA  you can use. The CHDAP provides a deferred-payment junior loan – up to 3% of the purchase price, or appraised value, whichever is less, to be used for their down payment and/or closing costs. This program may be combined with a CalHFA or non-CalHFA, first mortgage loan. There  contact information is 877-922-4325.  Once you get the information you need and your ready to purchase in Vallejo CA or areas near Vallejo I can be reached at 707-315-5555.    WWW.PROPERTYINVALLEJO.COM
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