
Susanville, CA Real Estate News

By Mike Young, FHA 203k Consultant 916-758-1809 cell direct
(, covering the USA)
This week we had the pleasure of hosting Tom Glenn a Cottonwood 203k consultant as he joined us on our 203k projects for the day on Wednesday. He was able to put his input in on two full 203k consultations and observe how we did a couple of draw inspections. Tom has been a contractor for years and it has such a good eye for what we do as 203k consultants. His insight is very handy with the problems that are typical in our field as he comes up with creative solutions to save money for the client and, at the same time, solve the issue so it doesn't come back to hanunt the borrower later on.It is nice to see how the "other guys" do it as we are always looking for ways to improve our service to the community. Tom has been a great asset to our business in that area and up to Susanville and o...
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  I had the chance to visit Eagle Lake in Northern California for the first time on my way to the Redwoods. Eagle Lake is located about 17 miles north of the very quaint town of Susanville, and Susanville is around 150 miles north of Reno Nevada. Believe it or not ... Eagle Lake is the second LARGEST Freshwater lake in the State of California, and why do they call it a freshwater lake? Because there are quite a few lakes in California that are (Saltwater).   Robert (Vegas Bob) Swetz  9-23-2011 ROBERT SWETZ - Google+ - Cached 6 days ago – Vegas Bob spent several hours on the Pacific Coast around Ferndale ... Flowers in Bloom around "Eagle Lake" in Northern California ... +2 ... Robert Vegas Bob Swetz | Facebook
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  While I was visiting Eagle Lake approx 16 miles north of Susanville I couldn't help bu notice that there were hardly any people there. Susanville California is around 170 miles north of Reno, Sparks & Carson City Nevada. Eagle Lake is the 2nd largest freshwater lake in the State of California, and attract hundreds of thousands of Campers, Fisher Persons and people wanting to enjoy the lake activities. This portion on Eagle Lake in the photograph (above) is a very small portion, this lake is huge. And you can see that the person caught fishing above was in the right time at the right place ... And their enjoying the "Peace & Quiet" within Gods Beauty ...   Robert (Vegas Bob) Swetz  9-14-2011   "Good Night" from Bob's Point at Eagle Lake ...
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  I was hiking around Eagle Lake in Northern California this afternoon and came across this very interesting point ... "Bob's Point" It is a very beautiful area and so I snapped a photo of the Point and the sign dedicated to Robert Wascher. I am not really sure who Robert Wascher is ... I googled his name and came up with a War Hero and Physician? Who ever this man is he must have really liked "Eagle Lake" ... the second LARGEST freshwater lake in the State of California. Robert (Vegas Bob) Swetz  9-14-2011   Eagle Lake Marina on the Lassen National Forest - Cached Eagle Lake Marina on the Lassen National Forest - boating, camping, fishing, hiking, ... located on the south shore of Eagle Lake just 16 miles north of Susanville, CA. ... of maintaining a s...
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  Beautiful Flowers are in bloom all around "Eagle Lake" in Northern California so VB decided to snap several photographs and have a little picnic by the lake. There is a reason VB spends so much time in California, and the northern area is one of my favorites. It seems like every where I go all I see is "Beauty" ... Please stay tuned because VB will be walking in the Redwoods tomorrow and will be posting photos later Wednesday & Thursday. Robert (Vegas Bob) Swetz   9-13-2011 Eagle Lake Marina on the Lassen National Forest - Cached Eagle Lake Marina on the Lassen National Forest - boating, camping, fishing, hiking, ... located on the south shore of Eagle Lake just 16 miles north of Susanville, CA. ... of maintaining a safe, clean and fun area for recrea...
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By Chris "The Loan Ranger" McBrearty, NMLS 274079, FHA, VA, USDA, Loan Officer and Educator
(Fairway Independent Mortgage, DBO/CRMLA #41DBO-78367, NMLS #2289)
Historic hotel, cash flow opportunity, liquor license, Northern California 30 S. Lassen Street Susanville, CA 96130 Historic hotel, cash flow opportunity Home Photo Gallery Virtual Tour Property Map Payment Info Request Showing Contact Me Jeff Cole CA DRE #01389839 Office: 760-436-8773 Mobile: 760-525-7787 Website: Visit Website Price : $1,295,000 Bedrooms : 50 Bathrooms : 50 Square Foot : 34,000 County : Lassen Property Type : Detached Year Built : 1926 MLS Number : 110042933 click for more information and pictures Property Description The Hotel Mt. Lassen is a 34,000 sq ft Historic (1926) Hotel in the heart of small town America, located at a 4500 ft elevation at the base of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. This unique, three story plus full basement, multi-purpose building was "state of ...
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By Chris "The Loan Ranger" McBrearty, NMLS 274079, FHA, VA, USDA, Loan Officer and Educator
(Fairway Independent Mortgage, DBO/CRMLA #41DBO-78367, NMLS #2289)
Historic hotel, cash flow opportunity, liquor license, Susanville, CA 30 S. Lassen Street Susanville, CA 96130 Historic hotel, cash flow opportunity Home   Photo Gallery   Virtual Tour   Property Map   Payment Info   Request Showing   Contact Me   Jeff Cole CA DRE #01389839 Office: 760-436-8773 Mobile: 760-525-7787 Website: Visit Website Price : $1,295,000 Bedrooms : 50 Bathrooms : 50 Square Foot : 34,000 County : Lassen Property Type : Detached Year Built : 1926 MLS Number : 110042933 click for more information and pictures Property Description The Hotel Mt. Lassen is a 34,000 sq ft Historic (1926) Hotel in the heart of small town America, located at a 4500 ft elevation at the base of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. This unique, three story plus full basement, multi-purpose building was "...
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By Naomi Turner, Room by Room Interiors
(Room by Room Interiors)
A Free Workshop for you! Learn simple and easy ways to choose color..... Learn how to paint an average room in 4 hours..... Learn painting tips and guidance..... Join me on Sat. 24th at 12pm next to Jenson Hall at the Annual Home and Garden Show. Prizes, coupons, handouts and invaluable information for all the "do-it-yourselfers" out there. Let Room by Room Interiors introduce you to the services available.... Window treatments, paint and color, redesign, guidance, home staging It is always my pleasure to serve you, Naomi  310-3496  
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By Naomi Turner, Room by Room Interiors
(Room by Room Interiors)
Auction Save Big...... On all of your Staging or Redesign projects, At the Spring Radio Auction.....This Sat. March 27th......At 9am......On KSUE radio in Susanville, CA. Listen for the $200.00 savings on any service......  Window treatments, Paint and Color, Before you list-Super Strategies Consult, Home Staging, Redesign, Do-it-yourself project guidance...... Trying to sell...Before you list take full advantage of this special offer for the month of April and be ready to absolutely "wow" the buyers and agents out there. Show it well and watch it sell! Trying to Freshen up your home with paint or windows, The advantage is yours by cashing in on savings. Creating the home you've always dreamed of. Professional help is here. Room by Room Interiors 530-310-3496
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By Naomi Turner, Room by Room Interiors
(Room by Room Interiors)
  Naomi's top 5 tips and recommendations: 1. Build your team.  Working with a good agent who will price your home correctly, and experienced staging professional will give you the edge over the competition. Make sure your home is at its fullest potential before it is shown to prospective buyers. 2. Evaluate and take action.  Allow your team to do their job. This is no longer your home. The trick is to make it feel welcoming and inviting to potential buyers. Anything that evokes a strong reaction (love or hate) should go. 3. Pack up Collectibles.  We don't want the buyer to be distracted. This is not the time to showcase your personal tastes. You want buyers to see the house, not your favorite collection. If all they can see is your personality, they won't be able to see themselves livin...
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By Naomi Turner, Room by Room Interiors
(Room by Room Interiors)
Staging...can the homeowner do the staging? Can the homeowner do the staging for the home?  Absolutely!  We have a service called Super Strategies for selling your house where we can give you all the ideas, layout and concepts that staging will do for the home.  We charge by the hour for this service and if the homeowners are motivated they can most likely get the work done necessary to really make a difference. I've worked with several homeowners that were able to create a new look for their home by just following our suggestions.  Call us if you need help with staging vacant or occupied homes and we will help you to give your home a distinct advantage over the competition! Call today to transforme your home into profit. Room by Room Interiors 530-310-3496
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By Naomi Turner, Room by Room Interiors
(Room by Room Interiors)
As a Home Stager and Redesign specialist, I will be attending the IRIS conference in Co. Sept. 24.     Redesigners and stagers from across the country, as well as outside the U.S., will convene for the annual IRIS (Interior Redesign & Staging Industry Specialists) conference and expo.   The conference will bring hundreds of professional interior redesigners, home stagers and decorators together to network, advance their business skills and learn about the latest and most innovative industry products and services.  Highlighted will be the economic and eco-friendly benefits of the use-what-you-already-own decorating approach.   Rather than buying new - when redecorating.   Always budget minded I am excited to bring back the latest in decorating ideas for  homeowners and businesses in the ...
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By Naomi Turner, Room by Room Interiors
(Room by Room Interiors)
Real Estate Staging Association Statistics:   (Vacant Homes)   2007 Study:    Un-Staged homes not sold     =  131 days on the market                                               Staged, listed, sold homes        = 42 days on the market                                        Conclusion 68% less time on the market when staged                                               *****************************                                    2008 Study:   Un-Staged homes not sold        = 190 days on the market                                              Staged, listed, sold homes         = 28 days on the market                               Conclusion 85% less time on the market when staged   CAll 310-3496 or visit  For more information on Vacant and Occupied home ...
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By Naomi Turner, Room by Room Interiors
(Room by Room Interiors)
  Something with change and color... And Debt free! Sure you do.. Welcome to Room by Room Interiors "Debt free Decorating"   What if I were to tell you that we could transform your home into a beautiful vibrant home using all of your treasures? Hard to believe..but true! You will have a completely different house and you didn't have to buy anything. A fresh new look for spring. Room by Room Interiors is for you. "A little goes a long ways", you just need to know how. Move your sofa here, set your table there, add a little color and walla you will be amazed at how all of your treasures will take on a fabulous new look and still have the memories because they are still all your treasures. Room by Room Interiors will show you how easy it can be done and you didn't have to buy anything. You...
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By Naomi Turner, Room by Room Interiors
(Room by Room Interiors)
If your neighbor sees dirt that is what the prospective buyer will see also. Cobwebs, dirt, pet odors, dirty windows, leaves in the entry, toilet seats up, laundry on the couch, breakfast on the counters, cat tray in the hall, dust, Christmas decorations, closets booby-traped, drawers that won't open, questionable posters in your son's room.  All these things are part of your life but not someone elses life.  And they don't want to see it. Remember you are marketing your home for someone else to fall in love with.  Think about it.....And then ask yourself....."What do I see"? Room by Room Interiors will evaluate each room and compile a written "action plan" with specific details and notes that will showcase your home to its fullest potential.  Giving you strategies to sell your home fas...
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By Naomi Turner, Room by Room Interiors
(Room by Room Interiors)
Did you know? * That there are many agents who will not list a home until it is staged?  Why is this?  Because they know that a well staged home will bring faster sales and more profit. *A scientific fact is that if you don't have anything else to look at, you will see imperfections.  Carpet, paint, etc.  Staging gives you something "wow"  to look at. *Staging will often bring a higher appraisal.  They know the home as been well cared for. *About 85% of the potiential buyers are looking on the web for their dream home.  Staged homes have better images on print and on the web. *Experts will tell you that you need to have more then a clean and tidy home.  Buyers expect a perfect house.  And remember they have alot to choose from. *Science tell us that 90% of the human race is visual.  You...
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By Naomi Turner, Room by Room Interiors
(Room by Room Interiors)
It's New, It's Published, It's Great! I am so excited to get my web site publish.  Check it out today. Great Information about Decorating your home or Staging your home for sale. Pictures of before and after projects. Information on what you can do to stage your home. "Did you know" section with scientific facts, like..If you don't have anything else to look at, then you will see the dirty carpet.  Stage your house so that they will see the beauty not the carpet. Debt Free Decorating ideas. Feb. 09 discount. All at your finger tips. Visit my web site today, and start your projects tomorrow.  Naomi 530-310-3496  
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By Naomi Turner, Room by Room Interiors
(Room by Room Interiors)
One day while shopping for a decorating project, I ran into a person that had her basket as loaded as mine. While talking she told me that she was a professional stager & trainer. I was immediately interested. Little did I know that my profession had just changed course. With the support of my husband. I took the class and found that I could direct my passion of decorating from friends and neighbors into a full time occupation. I decided to move forward and introduce staging to my small community. I opened my business Room by Room Interiors in 2006 to provide friendly and affordable solutions to jump start the marketability of homes in the Susanville and Chester areas of Northern California. I am now the premiere provider of staging and decorating in an area that I have called home for ...
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By Naomi Turner, Room by Room Interiors
(Room by Room Interiors)
Avoid mistakes: When your home is on the market it should always be ready to show. Toilet seat down, dirty towels in hamper, dishes cleaned and put away. The way we live in our homes is not the way we show a product to sell. After you give your home that good deep cleaning it will be much easier to stay on top of every day clutter. People understand it is tough when there are small children in the house in these circumstances ask your agent (team member) to give you notice before showing. I am sure they will work with you. You are part of the team also. Ultimately the goal is to make your home stand out from the competition, and be remembered by potential buyers. You want a buyer to be excited after leaving your home. Excited people buy homes, they buy your home. With an expert stager a...
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By Naomi Turner, Room by Room Interiors
(Room by Room Interiors)
Pack all Collectibles. We don't want the buyer to be distracted. This is not the time to showcase your personal tastes. Buyers want to see the house, not your favorite collection. They probably won't even like all your dolls, plates, spoons, etc. and if they don't like something then you have just cost yourself a sale by having it in their view. They have to be able to see themselves living in the home. So pack them up and move them into the garage for your next home. And don't worry, when you unpack them in your next home it will be like Christmas all over again.  Room by Room Interiorswww.roombyroominteriorsNaomi Turner
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