
Santa Clarita, CA Real Estate News

By Connor T. MacIvor, 661.400.1720
(RE/MAX Gateway)
Santa Clarita Real Estate Update    Breaking Santa Clarita News – 3.5% interest rates and more! Posted: 15 Jul 2012 08:13 AM PDT Apparently Attorneys are not inoculated against all forms of monetary recompense.  Interest Rates are super low – last week several of our clients were locked in at 3.5% by Augusta Financial...[[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, other content, and more! ]]          This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now
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                                Real estate markets are affected differently across the country, I am constantly asked about the real estate market as a whole. How does this help a local buyer or seller really understand the facts of their community when all the hear is country or statewide facts? Truth is you need a Realtor understands your areas facts about this real estate market. Today I was inspired to turn this into a blog; this is actually an email I had sent to my new buyers who are looking to buy in the Stevenson Ranch community of California. I am a numbers person, I really enjoy breaking down communities this way, I feel it's the best way for me to educate my clients and the community as to what is truly going on vs. Realtors or news reports, who always try to paint a rosie p...
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By Tony Lewis, Summit Real Estate Group Valencia & Aliso Viejo
(Summit Real Estate Group)
Dear Clients, Friends & Fellow Realtors, Dani & Tony Celebrate Our Freedom!  Happy Independence Day! 4th of July Fireworks Show & Events Santa Clarita, Los Angeles & California Valencia, Ca. "4th of July Celebration at the Westfield Town Center Mall" Stevenson Ranch at Rioux Park is Back Again! Newhall, Ca. "4th of July Parade" Old Town Newhall Newhall, Ca. "2012 Independence Day Classic Race" 8AM at Newhall Park Castaic Lake 4th of July Day Event & Fireworks Show 17th Annual "Hansen Dam 4th of July Spectacular" starts at 11AM Los Angeles "4th of July Fireworks Extravaganza at Exposition Park" Hollywood Bowl "Barry Manilow & Fireworks" July 2, 3, 4 Porter Ranch, Ca. "Shepherd of the Hills 4th of July Spectacular" Starts at 4:30PM La Crescenta, Ca. "Crescenta Valley Fireworks Show" Pasad...
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By Jason Renno & Keith Renno
(Wintrust Mortgage)
  Purchasing a "Distressed" Property Short sale, foreclosure, REO: these are some of the most-heard words in today's real estate market. Along with those terms, you've probably read plenty of articles exhorting you to take advantage of today's market and to buy now. Depending on a few factors, this really could be the perfect time for you to pick up one of these properties, generally termed 'distressed,' at a great deal. But remember, distressed properties are not for everyone. The following facts may help you determine whether a distressed property is right for you.   Short sales. In a short sale, the original mortgage lender agrees to allow the current homeowner to sell the home for less than the balance of the loan. This often leads to the home being competitively priced. You should ...
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By Tony Lewis, Summit Real Estate Group Valencia & Aliso Viejo
(Summit Real Estate Group)
Dear Clients, Friends & Fellow Realtors, There is both good news and bad news for home buyers at this time.  The bad news first, competition for homes is as high or higher than it has been since the downturn began in October of 2005.  There is a lack of homes for sale.  Homes priced right, in good condition and good locations are selling quickly with multiple offers as they hit the market. The good news is that for the first time in many years there is finally some assurance that home prices are either stable or rising.  This may mean that we have finally passed the bottom of the market which will lead to the stability long awaited in the real estate market.  Home Ownership has long been a goal for most and now there is the much needed confidence that it is also a sound investment in th...
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Does This Hurt My Credit?     This question is asked very frequently and involves a number of unique variables.   Visit to read the full article.            
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By Tony Lewis, Summit Real Estate Group Valencia & Aliso Viejo
(Summit Real Estate Group)
Dear Clients, Friends & Fellow Realtors, Fathers are highly underrated!  Being one myself I can attest to the fact that most people in society look at the Father as the bread winner, clothing & roof over the head provider.  I can tell you from the bottom of my heart that a Father feels like the most unappreciated person in the world. A Father will do what is necessary to provide for the future and take abuse for not giving in to the whim of the day.  It is unfortunate that most of what a Father does will go thankless until long after they are gone.  This, however, is the most significant reason that Families continue to prosper and life for the family improves from one generation to the next.  The selfless acts are heroic and the foundation of a strong nation.  Dani & I pay Tribute to a...
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By CA Real Estate Team
  Armando Padilla is a residential real estate agent with Suess Real Estate Experts. Armando is with the Spanish Speaking Home Division. Call him now at 661-251-8900. http://Armando.HouseHunterSpot.comRE/MAX Olson - CA Lic.#01515313    
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By Jason Renno & Keith Renno
(Wintrust Mortgage)
          Getting Your Home Ready for Summer June 2012 When you hear the word weatherproofing, what probably comes to mind is checking the seals on your windows and doors to keep the winter out. But with summer approaching there are numerous maintenance projects that need attention too.   Warm, dry weather provides an excellent opportunity to give your home a new coat of paint. Remember, paint isn't just there for looks — it protects your house. So, don't delay. If your house needs painting, take care of it this season, rather than subjecting the aging exterior to another winter. Interior painting can be accomplished now, too, as you can leave windows open for maximum ventilation and to hasten drying.   Not prepared to paint? Power washing the outside of your home, plus your decks and p...
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  It's a money-saving time to be a Santa Clarita home buyer. Historically, mortgage rates of all types -- conventional, FHA, VA and USDA -- have never been lower and low mortgage rates make for low monthly payments. According to Freddie Mac's weekly mortgage rate survey, the average 30-year fixed rate mortgage fell to 3.67% nationwidelast week for borrowers willing to pay 0.7 discount points at closing, plus a full set of closing costs. 0.7 discount points is a one-time closing cost equal to 0.7 percent of your loan size, or $700 per $100,000 borrowed. Today's mortgage rates are a bargain as compared to just 1 year ago. In early-June 2011, the average 30-year fixed rate mortgage nationwide was higher by 88 basis points, or 0.88%. If you are among the many U.S. homeowners who bought or r...
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By Ralph Gorgoglione, California and Hawaii Real Estate (310) 497-9407
(Metro Life Homes)
Ralph's random thoughts about life......... It's kind of funny. I think about our mortality as humans all the time. I think about the scenario if/when another close family member or friend of mine should pass before I do. And I find comfort knowing it is all in the master plan. One thing we know for sure: We all pass. We all have our time. And since what we don't know is when and who will move on before whom, then it truly makes you appreciate EVERY day you have with those loved ones while they are still here, or while you are still here for that matter. But the cool part is, for those that pass before us, they gift us their life experience and knowledge to carry on with us until the end of our journey. It's kind of like they've given us the remainder of water in their cantina for us to...
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  When you preview homes as a home buyer, you can get a good feel for the home's visible traits -- its finishes, its room counts, and its landscaping, for example. What you can't get a feel for, though, is the home's "bones". It's for this reason that real estate professionals recommend that you have a property formally inspected immediately after going into contract for it. A home inspection is a thorough, top-to-bottom check-up of a property's structure and systems. It is not the same as a home appraisal, which is a valuation of the property. By contrast, home inspections are an objective report on a home's physical condition. Home inspections are performed by home inspectors who will typically do the following : Check heating and cooling systems for leaks and efficiency Check electri...
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  For the second straight year, the jobs market looks to be slowing into the summer. Last Friday, in its monthly Non-Farm Payrolls report for May 2012, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported 69,000 net new jobs created, plus a one-tick rise in the national Unemployment Rate to 8.2%. 2012 is shaping up like 2011, it appears. Last year, between May and August, the jobs market was decidedly worse as compared to the rest of the year, adding just 80,000 jobs on average per month as compared to 190,000 new jobs created on average during each of the other 8 months. This year, a similar slowdown may be in store.  Although the May jobs report marks the 20th consecutive month during which the U.S. economy added new jobs, the reported figure fell well short of analyst expectations, which called f...
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By Ralph Gorgoglione, California and Hawaii Real Estate (310) 497-9407
(Metro Life Homes)
Homesteads - What they are, and how they work California is one of the many states that have Homestead laws to protect the equity in an owner's primary residence. There are two homestead statutes in California: 1. Articles 4 and 5 of Chapter 4, Division 2, Title 92. Part 2 of the California Code of Civil Procedure A Homestead property is the primary residence occupied by a family that is exempt from the claims of, or eviction by, unsecured creditors. A homestead exemption is a lien that protects a certain amount of equity in someone's home by limiting the amount of liability for certain debts that can be used against the home to satisfy a judgement.  The amount of equity protected varies depending on age, marital status, and income level of the property owner. A homestead exemption does...
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By CA Real Estate Team
  The housing market took a breather in April. After forging past its benchmark value of 100 in March, April's Pending Home Sales Index dropped back to 95.5, its lowest reading of the year. The data suggests fewer home resales throughout California and nationwide in the months ahead. A "pending home" is a home under contract to sell, but not yet closed. The Pending Home Sales Index is tracked and published monthly by the National Association of REALTORS®. As a housing market indicator, the Pending Home Sales Index is fundamentally different from other housing metrics which often make headline news. Unlike the Existing Home Sales report, for example; or the New Home Sales report, the Pending Home Sales Index is purported to be predictor of future housing market performance. It measures t...
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By Connor T. MacIvor, 661.400.1720
(RE/MAX Gateway)
If you have not seen foreclosures updates with personality - stay tuned and have a click on our latest Foreclosure Updates and a partial unveiling of a potential conspiracy! Have you been wondering what all of the hype is concerning Shadow Inventory?  Here is a video that may lay some of your questions to rest.  But please, by all means, don't stop asking questions!!!  
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By CA Real Estate Team
  Foreclosures filings fell 5 percent between March and April of this year, and by 11 percent as compared to one year ago. The data comes from RealtyTrac. The foreclosure-tracking firm tallied fewer than 189,000 foreclosure-related actions last month -- the fewest number since July 2007. Rapidly-declining foreclosure figures are another signal that the U.S. housing market may already be in recovery. According to RealtyTrac's methodology, a "foreclosure filing" is any one of the following foreclosure-related events : (1) A default notice on a home; (2) A scheduled auction for a home; or, (3) A bank repossession of a home. All three showed improvement in April : Default Notices were down 4% from March 2012 Scheduled Auctions were down 4% from March 2012 Bank Repossessions were down 7% fro...
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  Memorial Day marks the unofficial start of summer and, in many parts of the country, weekend weather was indistinguishable from what one might expect in August. Temperatures climbed into the 90s throughout the Southwest, South Central, Midwest and Southeast and even crossed 100 degrees in parts of Kansas. For homeowners with ceiling fans, the change of season offers a timely reminder to change the direction in which ceiling fan blades rotate. Properly-rotating ceiling fan blades not only cool your home more efficiently, but can lower your energy bill, too. Ceiling fans are meant to amplify your home's natural heating and cooling systems. Using the equivalent energy of a 100-watt light bulb, on a cool day, a ceiling fan will recirculate warmer air, making a room feel up to 6 degrees wa...
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