Roseville, CA 95747 - Home Values (January 2019)
By Bob & Leilani Souza, Greater Sacramento Area Homes, Land & Investments
(Souza Realty 916.408.5500)
Real estate market data for Roseville, CA provided by Leilani Souza of Souza Realty.Roseville, CA 95747 - Home Values (January 2019)The median estimated home value in Roseville, CA 95747 is $482,460 (as of January 31, 2019). This is a decrease of 0.74% from the previous month and an increase of 3.95% from the previous year.Here is how Roseville, CA 95747 compares to the county and state median estimated home values: $482,460 – Roseville 95747 $483,350 – Placer County $549,960 – California For more info about median prices, price range, price per square foot and days on market of homes sold in Roseville, CA 95747, please visit: