
Rancho Palos Verdes, CA Real Estate News

By Norma Toering Broker for Palos Verdes and Beach Cities, Palos Verdes Luxury Homes in L.A.
(Charlemagne International Properties)
You do not need to be a multimillionaire to enjoy Donald Trump's sprawling development, Trump National Homes and Golf Course, in Rancho Palos Verdes.  Sure, the home prices start in the high three million dollar range and head skyward, and the golf course is public, but pricey.  But before you decide to just drive on by, pull in, park in the public lot on the left just before the entrance to the clubhouse, and treat yourself to a walk on some of the most gorgeous trails on the Palos Verdes Peninsula. Whether you're in the mood for a stroll before or after dining, or a half-day hike, you will enjoy some of the most spectacular views in Palos Verdes.  Many of the trails are paved, but for the more adventuresome souls there are hills to climb, cliffs to traverse, and rocky coastlines to ex...
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By Norma Toering Broker for Palos Verdes and Beach Cities, Palos Verdes Luxury Homes in L.A.
(Charlemagne International Properties)
Portuguese Bend Beach is not readily accessible;entrance is either through the gated community of the Portuguese Bend Beach Club with a 24 hr. guard, or a hike from Trump National Golf Course that includes traversing down a rather steep bluff.  Once there, you will be enchanted with this little strip of sandy beach.  The waves are strong and wash ashore rocks, driftwood and other treasures from the sea.  Seashells are far and few in between, but once in awhile you will be gifted with a beauty. The true wonder is found in the assault on the senses.  The sound of the waves, the feel of saltspray on the skin, the sea breeze blowing through your hair, the teeming marine life in the tidepools, and yes, the sand between your toes.  I live close enough to Portuguese Bend Beach to enjoy its pl...
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By Norma Toering Broker for Palos Verdes and Beach Cities, Palos Verdes Luxury Homes in L.A.
(Charlemagne International Properties)
  Article Updated: 11/2016Am I increasing my chances for encountering troubled waters when I "double pop" my listings?  In my nearly 25 years as a Realtor in Palos Verdes, I have done it only a few times.  Honestly, some of those dual agency transactions have been the easiest of my entire career, but I always enter them cautiously.On the positive side first:  There's no blaming the other agent, or waiting for the other agent to send paperwork, complete inspections and meet other deadlines.  Forget those emails and voicemails to beg and plead for missing document signatures.  Time management benefits abound.On the downside:  There is no other agent to share the responsibility.  The glory is all mine, as is the blame for all things great and small.  Important Steps to Avoid Roadblocks and...
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By Vidya Naik
(Re/Max Palos Verdes Realty)
Comment on Palos Verdes Homes Market:Yesterday (11/5/2007), I attended a panel discussion on "Current Status of Mortgage Financing" where representatives from Indymac, Downey Savings, Washington Mutual and Countrywide participated. The general opinion was as follows. Even though the real estate market has slowed considerably elsewhrere, the Palos Verdes area is quite stable in terms of house prices. Therefore, we don't see much of short sales or foreclosures in the Palos Verdes area.
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By Allan Ephraim
(RemaxPV Realty)
The question of when is the right time to buy a home is perplexing. The media says prices will drop further next year and they are right, but the timing is critical. When the prices increase again you could see the market quickly change to a sellers market and now the multiple offers begin. Here are a few questions and my response for you to consider:Aren't we facing a wave of  defaults on option arms and other mortgages made in 2005/2006 with teaser rates? I believe foreclosures will rise in 2008, but these problems reside mainly with subprime borrowers which comprise only 9% of the market.  Subprime borrowers with mortgages in foreclosure account for only 5% of that. Therefore the problem is confined to less than 1%, of borrowers.2. Isn't this a challenging market condition time? What...
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By Lisa Kimble
(Keller Williams Palos Verdes Realty)
The City of Rancho Palos Verdes recently announced the following update on the Marymount College Facilities Expansion Project Update. On Wednesday, October 24th, the Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the expansion project is scheduled to be released to the public. The 60-day public comment period will be extended to 72-days to January 4, 2008 due to the holidays. The document will be available for viewing at the City as well as on the City's website. Direct inquiries regarding the project to Principal Planner Ara Michael Mihranian at 310-544-5228 or
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By Mary Thomas BH,MB,HB, PV, Estates LA+, Mary C. Thomas Your Agent around the Globe
( Remax Estates Properties)
I was listening to a great 2 day special on the radio regarding Internet Safety for our Children. The statistics were shocking about predators on the Internet and also about your child contacting strangers they met through the Internet.Did you know that a predator can track your child by your child registering their name, school, address or email, even if they are all on different sites? Did you also know that out of 500 Church going Girls between 13-15yrs. old 14% all have met in person someone they knew only from the Internet.  The statistics are 30% for girls surveyed from 16 yrs. old and up.Anyway, the show was sponsored by an author who wrote the book tuned and logged and a new software program from a different vendor called- Safeeyes.  The Safeeyes software allow parents to track ...
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By Mary Thomas BH,MB,HB, PV, Estates LA+, Mary C. Thomas Your Agent around the Globe
( Remax Estates Properties)
As you can see from the trendgraphix chart below courtesy of Mary Thomas @ Remax Palos Verdes, the Rancho Palos Verdes Real Estate market's average this year than 2008.  Here's to the South Bay real Estate market and the best most stabile real estate values in the state of California.   This chart is an average for all of Rancho Palos Verdes,  If you would like a custom graph of your home and nieghborhood, just call.    
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I was recently made aware of the Home Improvement Program for qualifying residents in my city of Rancho Palos Verdes.  I think this is a great program for our residents and wanted to pass this information to others. The Home Improvement Program provides assistance in the form of a grant up to $5,000 and, if requested, a zero interest deferred loan of up to a maximum of $10,000 to income qualified single family homes.  The Program assists homeowners needing new roofing, new energy efficient windows, replacing old water heaters, plumbing or improving handicap access.Like other similar programs, this program is offered on a "first come first served basis."  The purpose of this program is to promote the preservation of decent, safe and sanitary housing; to correct hazardous structural condi...
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By Jack McSweeney, CDPE, SRES, e-PRO, PVS
(RE/MAX Estate Properties) - The city website.. Rancho Palos Verdes is a quiet, affluent suburb of Los Angeles situated on the Palos Verdes Peninsula. It has a spectacular coastline on the Pacific Ocean. Santa Catalina Island is visible on clear days. The Trump National Golf Course, owned by the Donald Trump organization, is surrounded by expensive homes with views of the golf course and blue waters of the Pacific Ocean. Point Vicente Lighthouse, built in 1926, is another scenic place not far away. The Coast Guard still runs the lighthouse. Los Verdes Golf Course is just off Hawthorne Blvd. and also has beautiful homes around it with great views.
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By Jack McSweeney, CDPE, SRES, e-PRO, PVS
(RE/MAX Estate Properties)
As you can see, the number of listings is up from April, when I last ran the Statistics but so are sales. This market is still moving but takes more time on the market than we are used to over the past 4 years. All in all a normal market like this is better for us in the long run.
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By Jason Buck
(Re/Max Palos Verdes)
I have been suffering from power problems in my neighborhood. There has been no effort by the power company to inform or contact the residents and the City does not want to get involved.  I wrote a letter to 240 or my neighbors and asked them to write to me or to this blog http://thepvlife.comAnd its WORKING!My neighbors have started to write their concerns, complaints, and experiences with this problem. I am soo stoked that I created a platform for our neighborhood to communicate and hopefully get some attention to our dilema. I also plan on promoting PV to mean Photo Voltaic, which is solar power.Much more to come soon so please watch how this unfolds :)Jason Buck 
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By Mary Thomas BH,MB,HB, PV, Estates LA+, Mary C. Thomas Your Agent around the Globe
( Remax Estates Properties)
  Rancho Palos Verdes Market Stats sale price per square foot As you can see the Rancho Palos Verdes real estate market has remained relatively stable from 2007-2008.  The Palos Verdes Peninsula is so much it's own niche when it comes to the real estate market the question isn't when to buy as much as it is what interest rate will you receive in 2007. Happy House Hunting Rancho Palos Verdes Buyers!!!  My view properties in RPV have even increased in the PV Drive South location as much as $100,000 from 4/2007 to  6 /2008 so find yourself a home quickly, the real estate drop does not include the Palos Verdes Peninsula, as illustrated in the chart below for the 90275 zip codes 2007-2008.                                            
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By Jason Buck
(Re/Max Palos Verdes)
This article was written by a Rancho Palos Verdes resident who is suffereing from the power problems in the Pt. Vicente area. It was published in the Daily Breeze Tuesday August 14th, 2007. We all seem eager to voice our contempt of airline companies lately! Whether for late flights, crying babies, baggage losses, or cramped seats, we take the opportunity to give the airlines a "piece of our mind" at the least glimpse of a problem. We expect them to be perfect in matters of our travel, and many actually think its our right to have it so. The airlines are viewed as a utility company would be, always expected to be on the top of their service game, with no slip ups, no delays, no crew or passenger routing mistakes. If they do encounter these problems, interrupted passengers become very vo...
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By Mary Thomas BH,MB,HB, PV, Estates LA+, Mary C. Thomas Your Agent around the Globe
( Remax Estates Properties)
The condo's of Palos Verdes near the Terranea project are a great location and speculative investment.The Bay Club is suppose to be increasing in value with it's close proximity to the Terranea Resort similar to the La Rotunda Condos did when the golf course near the complex became Trump National.  This should and is the best coming investment spot on the Palos Verdes Peninsula for 1st time home buyers or retired seniors that are downscaling.For more information about the Terranea 4* Resort please see my blog on Terranea or check out the link on can still get a condo for the $550-750K range with breathtaking ocean views and great investment potential.for more information see my properties below that are available and check out the spectacular view below Breathtaking Suns...
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By Jason Buck
(Re/Max Palos Verdes)
This article was written by a Rancho Palos Verdes resident who is suffereing from the power problems in the Pt. Vicente area. It was published in the Daily Breeze Tuesday August 14th, 2007.We all seem eager to voice our contempt of airline companies lately! Whether for late flights, crying babies, baggage losses, or cramped seats, we take the opportunity to give the airlines a "piece of our mind" at the least glimpse of a problem. We expect them to be perfect in matters of our travel, and many actually think its our right to have it so. The airlines are viewed as a utility company would be, always expected to be on the top of their service game, with no slip ups, no delays, no crew or passenger routing mistakes.If they do encounter these problems, interrupted passengers become very voca...
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By Jason Buck
(Re/Max Palos Verdes)
Buy a Generator #2   I did get a comment or two from people who didn’t think the investment for a generator was valid. Well, if you go without power for more than 24 hours I bet you will change your mind. Walking through the house by candlelight was cool, different, and mellow, and a welcomed change. However, finding my fish and other frozen goods thawed and ruined was a big bummer. And not being able to work from home, charge my phone, go in the spa, play my guitar, and keep the beer cold was the last straw.   Our situation began on Tuesday August 7th, 2007 when Via Lorado started experiencing a brown out – this means that there was about half power and some lights would work. Other appliances that required more power wouldn’t, for example, some TV’s, microwave, spa equipment, router ...
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By Jason Buck
(Re/Max Palos Verdes)
 On August 5, 2007 after visiting Starbucks I saw a bunch of Blue Whales just off the coast of Pt Vicente in Palos Verdes. It was incredible and these huge mamals smashed the water with their tail. Sorry for the fumbling camera footage, I need a tripod. The music is my band Sunday Skool and I have titled this piece PV Whale.
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By Jason Buck
(Re/Max Palos Verdes)
  We should all buy generators.  This week our local block suffered a brown out for two days – I guess it was Monday and Tuesday.  On Wednesday we lost power completely. After 24 powerless hours many neighbors were scurrying to buy ice and preserve what they could out of the leaky freezer. I am a fisherman and my freezer is stocked with fish. I shoulda went to Home Depot last nite and bought a generator. I probably will tomorrow. Then at least I could have saved some food. And what if I did have a live fish tank – all the filters and pumps would have stopped and my aquarium would have died.  The source of the problem is still unknown and our entire block is being powered by a diesel generator down the street. It really sucks that Edison didn’t bring out this generator earlier – I don’t ...
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By Jason Buck
(Re/Max Palos Verdes)
 I am a lifelong resident of Palos Verdes and luckliy bought the home I grew up in.  I am soo blessed to live in this wonderful community and nearly for the last decade i have been helping my clients find their dream home. I have several wonderful success stories and take pride in finding the perfect home, not a quick sale.I have also traveled to many parts of the world and always love coming home to Palos Verdes. This is a very special place and after living here most of my life, there are several secrets to tell you about.  Please feel free to call me for more information on climate, culture, wonderful activities, and the housing market.I put together a short video from my ocean view - click on photo 
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