La Cresta Area of RPV and RHE 3rd Qtr. 2015 Real Estate Market Report
By Maureen Megowan, Palos Verdes Real Estate Blog
(Remax Estate Properties - )
The La Cresta area of Rancho Palos Verdes and Rolling Hills Estates( area 172 in map below )had the followingreal estate market activity for single family residences during the 3rd Quarter of 2015: Properties Sold: 13 Average Sales Price of homes sold during 3rd quarter: $ 2.2 million View from La Cresta area - Del Cerro Park Number of Properties listed for sale as of 9/30/2015: 12 ( about 4 months of inventory based on the average number of homes per month sold in the quarter of 3) . There are 8 properties in escrow as of the end of September. Average List Price at 9/30/2015: $ 2.5 million Average Price per Sq. Ft. for Properties Sold during 3rd Qtr: $537 per sq. ft., Properties sold at an average of 97% of Original List Price and took from 1 to 4 months to sell For ...