Watch the Red Hawks and Great Blue Herons on Live Cams....Watch Now
By Kristin Hamilton CA REALTOR, (909) 557-6966- Specialize 55+ Communties Banning
(Berkshire Hathaway California Realty)
Red Hawk and Great Blue Heron Nests of Eggs- Watch Now on Live Cams If you love birds and want to watch the live bird cams of the Red Hawks and the Great Blue Herons, go to these links. This is a picture of the live cam of the pair of Red Hawks located at Ithaca, New York. They have 3 eggs and the chicks should hatch about the end of the month. This is a picture of the live cam of the pair of Great Blue Herons also located at Ithaca, New York. The Cornell lab of Ornithology is a great website to find out so much about birds. Take a look at the live cams and ENJOY! Facebook- *All Pictures from Cornell Lab ...