Pointe Marin & Country Club (Novato Neighborhoods -- Year to Date Real Estate, July 30, 2010)
By Kyle Frazier, Kyle Frazier , CRS & Marin CA Realtor
(Christie's Great Estates | Pacific Union International)
Southern Novato's Country Club and Pointe Marin neighborhoods are proving extremely desirable to buyers of Novato real estate so far in 2010. Below is a breakdown of all homes that have sold, are on the market, in escrow, or have expired so far in 2010. Kyle Frazier is a broker and realtor with Pacific Union International. He is also a Certified Residential Specialist (CRS) and Certified Luxury Home Marketing Specialist (CLHMS). We know of no other Novato realtor (or Marin County realtor, for that matter) can lay claim to these two very difficult certifications which require BOTH superlative sales results (before joining Pacific Union, Kyle was the Number 1 agent for Frank Howard Allen's Novato office) and extensive training. Kyle is also a former attorney and will represent your intere...