A Few Stores in Downtown Mount Shasta
By Elizabeth Weintraub Sacramento Broker, Put 40 years of experience to work for you
(Elizabeth Anne Weintraub, Broker)
When time is precious and you only have so much of it, even if you're standing in front of an Eileen Fisher outlet in the middle of nowhere in Mt. Shasta of all places, it takes an incredible amount of resistance not to walk inside. But see, this is where I think through things and it's not just a matter of walking inside. It would involve marveling over the new fall collection, removing just about every article of clothing to try on new outfits, then sending the sales clerk back to the racks to search for a super small petite size, and that doesn't count spending upwards of at least a $1,000 bucks just to get out of the store, which is why I did not venture inside Eileen Fisher, even though I desperately wanted to. No, instead we went into a jewelry store where I was mesmerized by the ...