"Homeownership is for suckers!" -I don't think so, Todd Schoenberger
By Todd & Devona Garrigus, Broker / REALTORS®
(Garrigus Real Estate)
"Homeownership is for suckers!" -I don't think so, Todd Schoenberger This guy is off his rocker! I'm glad someone on the show asked him if he owns any real estate, or the home he lives in! Yeah, he bought at the top! It sucked! But now buyers can get much better prices and values are rising. Don't discourage people just 'cause you got burned, Todd! Sometimes these fund managers will make bold statements just to get on T.V. and get attention for their funds. Need to sell your Beaumont CA Home? Call (888) 9-List-It. That's (888) 954-7848.