The Best Listing Agent Makes It All About YOU!!!!
By Karen Fiddler, Broker/Owner, Orange County & Lake Arrowhead, CA (949)510-2395
(Karen Parsons-Fiddler, Broker 949-510-2395)
"Listing agents" are now the flavor of the week. Why? Because we are in a seller's market of course. There is nothing wrong with morphing your business plan based on market conditions, this is what good sales people do....and why they can stay in business through all the cycles of the real estate market. In my market of Southern California, we have lost very few real estate agents during the tough times. Casual conversation at a party results in a results...and if it's not the person you're speaking to, then it's their friend/cousin/neighbor. But of course anyone can really slap a sign in a front yard and write about upgraded counter tops. A LISTING AGENT is much more....or should be. I too have been focusing on listings. After many years of working with buyers, I have a good grasp o...