The Five Love Languages of a Landlord
By Dulcey Schuster, Property Management Software
(Rentec Direct Property Management Software Tenant Screening)
I’m sure that most of you have read or at least heard of the book written by Gary Chapman titled “The 5 Love Languages”. It’s a great book and an easy read, I highly recommend it. When I read it I definitely had a few “aha moments” where some things about myself and past partners started making sense. Well, landlords also have love languages, and ways that they like to be shown love and it mirrors the love languages in the book in many ways as you will see below. 1. Clean Credit and Criminal History (Words of Affirmation) Nothing is better then running a prospective tenants credit and criminal reports and finding out that what they put on their application was truthful. These reports serve as your words of affirmation. This affirmation is a vital component to determining if this (tenant...