Middletown CA fire
By Mike Young, FHA 203k Consultant 916-758-1809 cell direct
(203kOnLine.com, covering the USA)
I had the opportunity to do a job in Kelseyville and on the way back came through Middletown. Lots of activity as the clean up crews are going through the debris and removing the trees that were deemed too far gone to save.What I did notice that was a good thing is that there are lots of foundations that appear to still be in tact. That is very good as we can use these existing foundations that haven't been damaged by the fire to rebuild the homes under the FNMA or FHA renovation products.We offer a FREE evaluation of your foundation and whether or not any of these programs might be of advantage to you or your clients. If these foundations can be used it will go a long way to getting the occupants back in their homes faster than may otherwise be possible. Upward