
Letterman Army Medical Ctr, CA Real Estate News

By Chris Freck, EstaR Mortgage, A Bilingual Brokerage
(EstaR Mortgage)
VA Mortgage Loans in Letterman Army  Medical Ctr CA and 100% VA Loans -the best loan program in the country! VA Mortgage Loans are one of the best mortgage loan programs available today for both honorably discharged Vets and active duty military personnel. Here are some of the great features of this fantastic program: - Up to 100% financing, with no down required. - No monthly mortgage insurance added to your payment. - More lenient credit qualifying standards than other types of mortgage loans. - Low rates compared to other loan programs. So how do you qualify for a VA Mortgage Loan in Letterman Army  Medical Ctr CA? The first step is to verify your eligibility. Eligibility is verified by ordering your Certificate of Eligibility or COE. You can work with an approved Windsor  CA VA mor...
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By Gregory "NNN" Garver, (323) 696 1031, Net Lease Broker
(NNN Brokers USA Commercial Real Estate)
Clusterfucked: Brace for Outside Lands Fest August 26th, 2008 Does everyone have their $85-per-day pass? Great! All aboard the Muni batshitmobile to Golden Gate Park, where a bevy of concertgoers are already clogging the city's public transportation system en route to the clusterfuck that shall be this weekend's Outside Lands Music and Arts Festival. The Sunset, Richmond, and Panhandle districts are already up-in-arms over the three-day festival; whiners locals are peeved over the thousands of infidels that are spilling into the park at this very moment, disrupting the peace and tranquility of their bedroom communities. Citizen blogger/ transpo vigilante Akit has outed the MTA for its (predictable) lack of logistical know-how; every plane, train, and automobile has been rendered useless...
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