
Leona Valley, CA Real Estate News

By Richard & Janet OBrian, Listing Specialist Palmdale, Lancaster CA
(Home Based Realty)
Its cherry time in Leona Valley, dozens of cherry growers have a bumper crop this year, and it great family fun.  Limited cherries will be available June 6th & 7th with more orchards opening June 13 & 14.  Directions   Early residents of Leona Valley were the Kitanemuk Indiansc a branch of the Shoshone or Serrano tribe.  Arrowheads, flints and other artifacts are unearthed from time to time and remind us of our culture. Spanish explorers lead by the first Governor of Alta California came upon Leona Valley in 1776.  As the commerce and travel increased, the route of the main stage line between Cajon Pass and lower San Joaquin Valley paralleled Amargosa Creek through the valley. The valley takes its name from Miguel Leonis, "King of the Calabasas" whose cattle and sheep ranch was by far t...
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By Leah Pollack
(REALTOR, DRE#01805569, CA, Licensed Broker)
This FALL 2009 Leona Valley hosts their wine tasting event OCT 10, 2009 For more information Call Jan Clark 661-270-0300 or visit:Hosted by Service To Mankind http://www.leonavalleysertoma.orgFeaturing Local Winerieswww.leonavalleywinery.comwww.avwinery.comSmith Valley Winerywww.aguadulcevineyards.comBJ Restaurant beer tasting, Yummy Food from Fresco II and much, much more!Jim Scimonetti "Shaken Not Stirred" Jazz QuartetAnd a RAFFLE!!!Check into these and many more events throughout the year. Enjoy the World around you!Elite Professionals Real Estate Services, Inc.
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By Leah Pollack
(REALTOR, DRE#01805569, CA, Licensed Broker)
Wow, this Annual Event is NOT to be missed! JULY 4, 2009 The MOST unique fundraiser. You bet on a number on a chart. The chart is placed on the ground and if the cow makes a dropping on your number, YOU WIN!!!!I was raised with 'if a pigeon makes a dropping on your head it is good luck!' (actually happened to me in 1991 in Queens, NY) Here, right in Leona Valley, if a cow poops on your number you win Money!Service To Mankind http://www.leonavalleysertoma.orgEnjoy the World around you!Elite Professionals Real Estate Services,
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By Leah Pollack
(REALTOR, DRE#01805569, CA, Licensed Broker)
2009 Leona Valley Cherry Parade / Craft Fair / Car Show / Fun Run Festival Possible VendorsCheck into this fantastic eventCHERRY Picking! www.cherriesupic.comCherry Festival JUNE 6, 2009 valley improvement Association to Mankind http://www.leonavalleysertoma.orgSheree Tompkins661-256-1796Mariah Country Goat Milk Soaps mariahcountry@antelecom.netPeggy Wiley661-944-1181Stained Glass Puppy Mamas Biscuits661-236-6387Puppy Biscuitscrazy4cooking@yahoo.comCandy Reichard661-212-5824Party Lite Candles Glori661-946-9679Tastefully Lin Roberts661-878-4086Western Jay Ryatt/Kitty661-2...
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By Leah Pollack
(REALTOR, DRE#01805569, CA, Licensed Broker)
Experience the Leona Valley HANDS-ON with their truly unique WINE STOMP. David Reynolds with the Leona Valley Winery gives you the ye'ole low-down on this event coming up on OCTOBER 25, 2008 from 2pm - 7pm. Visit to learn more about this local area, wine philosophy and this fabulous event! RENAISSANCE Theme with a transformed vineyard with Jousting, Leather Workers, A Goat Cheese Maker, Musicians and other Performances! You are welcome--in fact encouraged--to Dress Up in the RENAISSANCE Theme and experience the days of Yore - for yourself! LOL! Here are a few photos to tempt you to get Stomp-Ready: David Reynolds of the Leona Valley Winery and Emily Ball of Elite Professionals Real Estate Services, Inc Yes, You will pick YOUR OWN GRAPES and get to Stomp...
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Leona Valley, CA Real Estate Professionals