The never ending short sale
By Donna Oehler, A.V. Foreclosure Specialist
(Realty Executives Platinum)
Well - I guess the title of my blog is really not correct it will end and hopefully not to the auction.This has been the most frustrating short sale I think I have ever worked on. It started out better then most- I had a great contact that kept in touch at least twice a month UNTIL I got the first offer and then it seems like all heck broke loose!To summarize: I got a short sale listing, within 2 months I got an offer, when I tried to submit the offer they told me to wait and not submit it because the loan was going to be sold, after repeated attempts to find out what was going on I was told the loan was not sold after all. I submitted the offer which was already over 1 month old because of the delay of the "supposed sale" of the note, repeated attempts to reach contact fell on deaf ea...