
La Verne, CA Real Estate News

By Matthew Sturkie, CRS, GRI 909-969-3805, CRS, GRI 909-969-3805
(Action Realty)
Here is the current inventory of condos for sale in the city of La Verne California.As of today, there are only three condominiums for sale in La Verne priced from $437,777 for a two-bedroom one-bathroom built in 1970 to $799,000 for a three-bedroom three-bathroom built in 2014. The average price per square foot for these is $522.28. To put that in perspective, the average price per square foot for a house in La Verne right now is $568.62 which is 8.8% higher than the price of condominiums per square foot.Condos, townhomes, and attached homes usually provide a more affordable alternative to individual detached homes.To see these properties, click the link below.  Condos for sale in La Verne The above link is a live search link which takes you directly to the current inventory of condos ...
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By TODD PICCONI INLANDEMPIRE & SOUTH ORANGE COUNTY, CA, Personal Engagement,Precision, and Professionalism
Great Afternoon to You!!! Hope that You are having a great 2020!!  There is talking among the industry that Spring Home Buying Season, 2020, is starting early this year!  Maybe it is becuse of the lower interest rates and possibly even because of lower inventory levels. Click on above link for CNBC feature! For December, 2019, the inventory levels for La Verne, CA  was at three months, which is lower than the norm of four to six months.  I've attached the market report for December, 2019 below for your review.  The median sales price for La Verne, CA in December, 2019 was seven-hundred fifty dollars even.  How would you like to find homes priced below that price?  That would be a great idea, wouldn't it?  I would love to help you buy a home that totally works for You, under the median s...
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By TODD PICCONI INLANDEMPIRE & SOUTH ORANGE COUNTY, CA, Personal Engagement,Precision, and Professionalism
Day 7 - Please join me this month in your private tour if this Beautiful Joyful Estate. I'll take you into the home and around the outside. By September 30th, You have a first hand, inside scoop off one of Claremont's Largest Estates. Hope that you ENJOY this Amazing Journey!Buying or Selling? Call me anytime. (909)'908 - 7376CalBRE #01142052#claremont #buyingandselling #losangelescounty #inlandempire #estate #realestate #over5000SF#realtor #photography #HOME #DREAM #LUXURY #LUXE #HIKING #Nature #swimmingpool #solar#balcony #italian #neoclassicalVIRTUAL TOURS: 
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By Linda K. Mayer, Realtor, SRES, SoCAL, A REALTOR YOU CAN TRUST
(License # 01767321)
Real Estate HIGHS AND LOWS - La Verne, CA - July 30, 2014   This week in La Verne  7 new listings came on the market.  It looks like homeowners in La Verne have started to put their trust back into the housing market. Seven is more new listings than we've seen for quite a while!   Here are the statistics for the week in the La Verne housing market.     Lowest Priced Home   $     175,000 Highest Priced Home  $   3,500,000 Average                      $     589,000 Active Listings                          175 Sold This Week                           7 New Listings This Week               7      WHAT THIS MEANS TO YOU:  You now have more information about what's happening with the LA VERNE REAL ESTATE MARKET so you can make an informed decision on whether this city is right for you and if ...
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By Linda K. Mayer, Realtor, SRES, SoCAL, A REALTOR YOU CAN TRUST
(License # 01767321)
La Verne Market Watch - February 12-18, 2014 Okay so, it's a fabulous time for sellers the city of La Verne, CA.  This week in La Verne  13 new listings came on the market.  It looks like homeowners in La Verne have started to put their trust back into the housing market in La Verne. Thirteen is more new listings than we've seen for quite a long time! There were  4 homes that went pending (into the escrow process) and 6 sold home this past week.  No listings expired and 9 more have gone into back-up which means an original offer has been accepted and they are simply taking back up offers in case the first one backs out or falls out.   So in recap, 13 homes came into the La Verne housing market and when you take into consideration the 9 backup,  0 expired listings, 4 pending and 6 sold (...
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By Linda K. Mayer, Realtor, SRES, SoCAL, A REALTOR YOU CAN TRUST
(License # 01767321)
Real Estate HIGHS AND LOWS - La Verne, CA - February 4, 2014   Okay, so here is today's report for the La Verne, CA Real Estate Market.   SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE   Lowest Priced Home   $     275,000 Highest Priced Home  $   1,698,000 Average                      $     550,000 Active Listings    27 Sold This Week  6 New Listings This Week  5   WHAT THIS MEANS TO YOU:  You now have more information about what's happening with the LA VERNE REAL ESTATE MARKET so you can make an informed decision on whether this city is right for you and if the prices fit into your budget.  The average price in LA VERNE this week is $550,000 which is higher than before.  Prices have risen considerably in this city over the past year and are expected to rise a bit further during this coming year.  If you are ...
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By Linda K. Mayer, Realtor, SRES, SoCAL, A REALTOR YOU CAN TRUST
(License # 01767321)
La Verne Market Watch - January 23-30, 2014 Okay so, it's a fabulous time for sellers the city of La Verne, CA.  This week in La Verne 7 new listings came on the market.  It looks like folks in La Verne have started to put their trust back into the housing market in La Verne. There was  7 homes that went pending (into the escrow process) and 8 sold homes this past week.  No listings expired and 4 more have gone into back-up which means an original offer has been accepted and they are simply taking back up offers in case the first one backs out or falls out.  Pretty smart in these crazy real estate times. So in recap, 7 homes came into the La Verne housing market and when you take into consideration the 4 backup, 7 pending and 8 sold (a total of 19 off the market) you can see that La Ver...
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By Jean Hanley, Specializing in Folks Who Want To Buy/Sell Homes
(Coldwell Banker Kivett Teeters)
In LA VERNE, California for the month of OCTOBER, 2013, there were a total of 90 transactions ranging in price from $139,900 to $1,395,000 Here are the home sales for the month of OCTOBER 2013 for our LA VERNE, California community. Seems like the STANDARD SALES are holding their own once again! There were 26 Active Listings 22 Standard Listings, 1 Probate Listing and 3 Short Sale Listings ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There were 17 Pending Sales  16 STANDARD SALES and 1 Short Sale ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There were 34 Closed Sales 31 STANDARD SALES, 1 short sale, 1 Bank Owned (REO) Sales, and 1 Probate Sale  --------------------...
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By Jean Hanley, Specializing in Folks Who Want To Buy/Sell Homes
(Coldwell Banker Kivett Teeters)
In LA VERNE, California for the month of AUGUST, 2013, there were a total of 84 transactions ranging in price from $139,900 to  $3,500,000. Here are the home sales for the month of AUGUST 2013 for our LA VERNE, California community. Seems like the STANDARD SALES are holding their own once again! There were 21 Active Listings--ALL Standard Listings ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There were 26 Pending Sales  25 STANDARD SALES and 1 Probate Sale ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There were 27 Closed Sales 23 STANDARD SALES and 4 short sales --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
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By Jean Hanley, Specializing in Folks Who Want To Buy/Sell Homes
(Coldwell Banker Kivett Teeters)
In LA VERNE, California for the month of AUGUST, 2013, there were a total of 101 transactions ranging in price from $190,000 to 1,300,000 Here are the home sales for the month of AUGUST 2013 for our LA VERNE, California community. Seems like the STANDARD SALES are holding their own once again! There were 24 Active Listings 23 Standard Listings, and 1 Short Sale ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There were 31 Pending Sales  26 STANDARD SALES, 4 Short Sales,  and 1 VBank Owned (REO) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There were 31 Closed Sales All 31  were STANDARD SALES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------...
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By Jean Hanley, Specializing in Folks Who Want To Buy/Sell Homes
(Coldwell Banker Kivett Teeters)
In La Verne California for the month of JULY, 2013, there were a total of 91 transactions ranging in price from $314,000 to $2,080,000 Here are the home sales for the month of JULY 2013 for our LA VERNE, California community. Seems like the STANDARD SALES are holding their own once again! There were 31 Active Listings 29 Standard Listings, 1 Short Sales, and 1 Bank Owned (REO) Listing ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There were 29 Pending Sales (17 of which are accepting BACKUP OFFERS) 26 STANDARD SALES, 2 Short Sales,  and 1 PROBATE sale ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There were 20 Closed Sales 18...
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By Jean Hanley, Specializing in Folks Who Want To Buy/Sell Homes
(Coldwell Banker Kivett Teeters)
In LA VERNE California for the month of June, 2013, there were a total of 78 transactions ranging in price from $25,000 to $1,143,000 Here are the home sales for the month of June 2013 for our LA VERNE, California community. Seems like the STANDARD SALES are holding their own once again! There were 17 Active Listings All Standard Listings!!!  Wow! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There were 14 Pending Sales 10 STANDARD SALES and 4 Short Sales ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There were 38 Closed Sales 29 STANDARD SALES, 7short sales and 2 Bank Owned (REO) sales ---------------------------------------...
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By Linda K. Mayer, Realtor, SRES, SoCAL, A REALTOR YOU CAN TRUST
(License # 01767321)
La Verne Market Watch - May 24-30, 2013 Okay, so I know I have been away for a couple of weeks, but I was visiting my son in NoCal. It was his birthday and he was commissioned as a youth pastor at a church while we were up there.  Such an exciting time in his life! Now, let's get down to it.  This week in La Verne only 7 new listings came on the market.  It looks like folks here in La Verne are not getting the news about price going up, up and away! It seems that people who have put that move on hold for the last few years would want to think about starting that process now! There was 1 home that went pending (into the escrow process) and 7 soldhomes this past week.  One listing expired and 5 more have gone into back-up which means an original offer has been accepted and they are simply...
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By Linda K. Mayer, Realtor, SRES, SoCAL, A REALTOR YOU CAN TRUST
(License # 01767321)
La Verne Market Watch - May 8-14, 2013 Okay, so the last statistics have proven to you that it is definitely a SELLERS MARKET. But the trend is continuing here in this week's La Verne Market Watch.   Last week, there were a total of 5 new listings.  Less inventory means higher prices and makes it a sellers market in La Verne.  When you compare this week's 5 to the 6 sold homes it shows you that this is definitely still a sellers market in La Verne, CA.   What does this mean to you if you want to sell?  This means that your home will be sold in a short period of time and many times will sell for more than the asking price.  Naturally, this doesn't mean that you can price your home high and expect the same results.  But that's another whole blog.  This whole environment can cause bidding ...
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By Linda K. Mayer, Realtor, SRES, SoCAL, A REALTOR YOU CAN TRUST
(License # 01767321)
IS It Still A Sellers Market in La Verne, CA   Okay, so the last statistics have proven to you that it is definitely a SELLERS MARKET.  But the trend is continuing and even growing here in La Verne, CA.   Last week, there were a total of 6 new listings.  Less inventory means higher prices and makes it a sellers market.  When you compare this week's 6 to the 11 sold homes you can see that there aren't going to be many homes on the market for very long and will be sold for higher prices due to supply and demand.   What does this mean to you if you want to sell?  This means that your home will be sold in a short period of time and many times will sell for more than the asking price.  Naturally, this doesn't mean that you can price your home high and expect the same results.  But that's ano...
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By Linda K. Mayer, Realtor, SRES, SoCAL, A REALTOR YOU CAN TRUST
(License # 01767321)
La Verne Market Watch April 24-30, 2013 Okay, so Times, They Are A Changin'!  (Found Bob Dylan's Song Here!)This week in La Verne things are begining to move and shake.  There were 6 new listings coming into the La Verne market for sale.  I read an article earlier on the Redfin blog about seller confidence booming.  Doesn't seem to have made it to La Verne as of yet. Only 1 home had a price change this week in La Verne.  I don't think we can blame this on the banks any longer.  In fact if I read it correctly now, this is probably due to the rising home values and people need to get that last dollar from their home.  This I completely understand having been on the selling side not too long ago.   When you compare the 6 new listings to the 7 sold and 10 pending, it is still a tad bit upsi...
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By Linda K. Mayer, Realtor, SRES, SoCAL, A REALTOR YOU CAN TRUST
(License # 01767321)
La Verne Market Stats, April 16-23, 2013 Written BY: The Barefoot Realtor   Market Watch       New Listing (8)   Price Change (4)   Back On Market (4)   Backup Offer (4)   Expired (0)   Pending (6)   Sold (3)   Okay, so the last statistics have proven to you that it is definitely a SELLERS MARKET.  But the trend is continuing and even escalating here in La Verne, CA.  I Last week, there were a total of 8 new listings in the City of La Verne.  When you compare this week's 8 listings to the 3 sold homes it doesn't give you enough of a picture.  But when you combine the 3 sold with 6 more pending, that's 9 and you can see that there aren't going to be many homes on the market for very long.     What does this mean to you if you want to sell?  This means that your home can be sold in a shor...
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By Linda K. Mayer, Realtor, SRES, SoCAL, A REALTOR YOU CAN TRUST
(License # 01767321)
Things To Do In La Verne, CA Okay, so I may have moved a few towns away from La Verne, CA, but I am constantly running over there.  Whether it be for a networking event (yes, I am entrenched) or to show houses, I am always driving back.   I get all kinds of emails from the merchants, and contacts over in La Verne, and especially pay attention to the emails I receive from the La Verne Chamber of Commerce.  So I was really excited to find out that there are two major events coming up in the next couple of weeks. The first event coming up is the "Cool Cruise" the king of car shows held right in downtown La Verne.  It will be on Saturday, March 30, 2013 from 7am until 3PM.  The event is free to attend and usually a ton of fun!  If you want to have a vendor booth, you can call the La Verne C...
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By Linda K. Mayer, Realtor, SRES, SoCAL, A REALTOR YOU CAN TRUST
(License # 01767321)
Why It is STILL a Sellers Market in La Verne, CA Okay, so the last statistics have proven to you that it is definitely a SELLERS MARKET.  But the trend is continuing and even growing here in La Verne, CA.   Last week, there were a total of 7 new listings.  Last time there were also 7 new listings.  When you compare this week's 7 to the 7 sold homes you can see that there aren't going to be many homes on the market for very long.   What does this mean to you if you want to sell?  This means that your home can be sold in a short period of time and many times will sell for more than the asking price.  Naturally, this doesn't mean that you can price your home high and expect the same results.  But that's another whole blog.  This whole environment can cause bidding wars which can make the p...
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By Linda K. Mayer, Realtor, SRES, SoCAL, A REALTOR YOU CAN TRUST
(License # 01767321)
  Why Is Now The Time To SELL Your Home In La Verne, CA?   Okay, so for the past few years, it has definitely been a "buyers market".  But with the low, low inventory right now, we are back to the times of bidding wars when things were moving and shaking.  Case in point; the last seven days of movement in La Verne, CA. Last week, there were a total of 7 new listings and when you compare that to the 7 sold homes you can see that there aren't going to be many homes on the market for very long.   What does this mean to you if you want to sell?  This means that your home can be sold in a short period of time and many times will sell for more than the asking price.  Naturally, this doesn't mean that you can price your home high and expect the same results.  But that's another whole blog. The...
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La Verne, CA Real Estate Professionals