Butte Fire area victims
By Mike Young, FHA 203k Consultant 828-469-7462
(203kOnLine.com, covering the USA)
What a tragic event that you are having to endure. We are so very sorry for your losses. You have to take action however and we are trying to get the word out. Don't let anyone remove your foundation. When Katrina hit years ago, we volunteered to get down there and see what we could do to help, HUD told us no, we have it under control. Then FEMA moved those temporary trailer housing into the area, many people relocated, wow, we'll we are sad to report the government didn't do much to rebuild, in fact, very little if anything. The homes around New Orleans are still in disrepair, the water and sewer systems are still not in and operational, and we could have done all this if they had only let us.We cannot let this happen in CA, These cities and towns and you and your neighbors deserve mu...