
Dixon, CA Real Estate News

By Tom Arstingstall, General Contractor, Dry Rot, Water Damage Sacramento, El Dorado County - (916) 765-5366, General Contractor, Dry Rot and Water Damage
(Dry Rot and Water Damage Mobile - 916-765-5366)
  The Seagulls Weren't Interested In My Load     If you have ever been to a landfill or transfer station in California, you have probably experienced the large seagull population feeding on the waste. Although we are nowhere near the sea, the seagulls are scavengers that will find food. Landfill management companies do make an effort to reduce the number of birds in the area. The birds were not interested in my load of old concrete.
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By Tom Arstingstall, General Contractor, Dry Rot, Water Damage Sacramento, El Dorado County - (916) 765-5366, General Contractor, Dry Rot and Water Damage
(Dry Rot and Water Damage Mobile - 916-765-5366)
  Tree Roots in Dixon Damages Sidewalks             We have all seen the sidewalks that have been pushed up by tree roots and creates a trip hazard in the walk area. These trip areas can be a liability and safety issue and need to be addressed. That is exactly why I was called to this Dixon property.   There were about 6 areas were the sidewalks have become unsafe. After walking the property and taking notes, I noticed something about these areas - All of the areas had been repaired before!   Some of the sections had been ground down while others were new concrete sections. The section of sidewalk in the photo had been replaced, you can see that it is newer. If nothing is done about the roots causing the lift, it will need to be repaired again soon. I would plan on clearing the roots to...
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By Gene Riemenschneider, Turning Houses into Homes
(Home Point Real Estate)
Dixon National Cemetery – Ralph Birchfield Laid to Rest I wanted to post this brief slide show from the service for my Brother-in-law Ralph at the National Military Cemetery in Dixon California. The service at the site is brief. There was no 3 gun salute, but they played taps, folded and presented the flag to my wife (his sister). I thought the brevity would be a problem, but in some ways less was more and it added to the beauty of the thing. When the flag was presented to my wife the Sargent knelled and presented it “On behalf of the President of the United States, a grateful nation, and the United States Army” (I forget the exact words and wish I had it on video tape) but it was very moving and brought tears. The American Legion Chaplain offered the Soldiers Prayer and read some scrip...
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By Ed Gillespie
(WealthWise Mortgage Planning, a Division of American Pacific Mortgage Corporation NMLS #1850)
    Dixon California Schools   The Dixon Unified School District has published its 2011-2012 calendar and events calendar.    There are new immunization requirements for students beginning this school year.   Are you home shopping in Dixon and want to know about the schools?  Read the School Accountability Report Cards.  And learn more by visiting each school’s Web site.   The DUSD Web site is a great resource for students and their families.  You can learn about the food services, health services, School Board and so much more!   P S   Are you home shopping in Dixon?  I can help with the mortgage financing!  Please call me at (916) 849-9200!
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By Mike Young, FHA 203k Consultant 916-758-1809 cell direct
(, covering the USA)
Anyone looking for a FREE house? I found one yesterday in Dixon. A big house too.  does it need work, of course but it is FREE if you move it to your site. This can be done with the FHA 203k loan program, not a Streamlined k however. This would be a Full 203k loan. This is "perfect for a 203k" and if you think there aren't more homes that you can get for FREE you are clearly mistaken. Appraising a 203k property is a challenge some times. Can you imagine this one being appraised and measured here and then moved to another site, hopefully in town but possibly anywhere in the State. House are moved for many reasons, in this case it is in the way of a subdivision. I've seen them widening highways where blocks of homes had to be moved. The easiest way is the 203k. Do you have a residential l...
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By Terry Hughes, Vacaville Real Estate, GRI, SRES, CDPE
(RE/MAX Gold)
Affordable homes for sale in Dixon CA from $200,000 to $300,000 with 3+ bedrooms. With today's lower interest rates coupled with very low home prices it's realistic to own a great home for the cost of rent money. In addition many homes are priced perfectly for investment opportunities, allow the savvy buyer an opportunity to build a real estate portfolio or add to one. With affordable homes for sale in Dixon CA from $200,000 to $300,000 there are many great buys. Many of these homes have been refurbished by the current owner who is looking to short sale or by the previous owner who was foreclosed on. It makes sense to look into this buyers market with your eyes on the real deals in the marketplace. Click the highlighted link to find the opportunities for affordable homes for sale in Di...
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By Terry Hughes, Vacaville Real Estate, GRI, SRES, CDPE
(RE/MAX Gold)
Dixon California homes for sale is a link to this great bedroom community located west of Sacramento. Dixon is part of Solano Counties agricultural system and plays a significant role in providing jobs and income to the city county and state. Of the 94 different fams and ranches located in Dixon California they provide 685 jobs and revenue equaling close to $73,000,000 annually. Dixon California is also home to the Dixon MayFair which astonishes visitors each year with award winning exibits and attractions. Dixon is a wonderful community worthy of serious consideration for anyone looking to settle into a community close to the bigger cities that still maintains a small town feel. To find great deals on quality home click this link to Dixon California Homes For Sale.
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By Paul Walton, CMPS
(Cherry Creek Mortgage Co)
A Wonderful Weds Morning to all, Economic news is lean today, expect choppy trading again. Have a Great Day
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By Mike Young, FHA 203k Consultant 916-758-1809 cell direct
(, covering the USA)
I've been doing FHA 203k Consulting since 1994 and it seems that each year we open the eyes to a group of Realtors and agents only to hear "where has this great product been all these years?" That is hilarious to those of us "in the know" about the program. When I visited a home inspection group to get some help for my business as an FHA 203k consultant I met an old friend that I had trained in 1995. He grinned from ear to ear and came out from behind the table where he was checking people in for the program and embraced me, only to hold me off saying something like "you aren't going to tell all these guys about the 203k are you?" Wow.  That pretty much says it all... the people who use the program feel it is there niche and theirs alone. Why share it? I'll tell you why. A RISING TIDE L...
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By Myrl Jeffcoat, Greater Sacramento Realtor - Retired
If one travels a few miles west on I-80 out of Sacramento, it is a 20 - 30 minute jaunt to the little agrarian town of Dixon.Near Milk Farm Road, I came across this scene from my car window.  Upon second glance, I realized things aren't always, as they seem!  The tractors are constructed out of bails of hay.  There are definitely some really creative farmers out there!
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By Mike Young, FHA 203k Consultant 916-758-1809 cell direct
(, covering the USA)
I've been getting a lot of calls for people who want to sit down with me and "pick my brain" regarding the 203k loan or other renovation products like the HomeStyle Renovation loan or the HomePath Renovation loan. Not a problem, that doesn't take much time. lol. In all seriousness I don't mind doing that but if I did only that I wouldn't get my work completed so. I do go to breakfast every Wednesday and you are invited. I will be posting the cities in which I will be and if you would like to join me (us) for breakfast and ask your questions and meet a few like minded people please let me know. This always happens at 8 am. Next week it will be in Fairfield, CA, and the following week it will be in the Charlotte NC area. Since I need to know how many are coming and I do hold it down to a ...
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By Mike Young, FHA 203k Consultant 916-758-1809 cell direct
(, covering the USA)
The 203k is a peculiar product. Since I have been active in the 203k it has been what  I call a "sleeper". A mysterious product that everyone can tell you about and no one can give you specifics. As in any product the problems always are what is talked about and you seldom hear of the successes... they are boring for the most part yet are much more typical than the problem properties.  I will tell you that if you are a professional in this business you need to know about the 203k loan program. Realize up front that there will be a problem property now and then. I used to tell my customers to expect one in twenty-five to give you a headache and one in a hundred a migraine. Just kidding about the migraine. It isn't anywhere near that now, more like one in fifty. If you have a problem with...
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By Barbara Adams, An experienced agent, means a great experience!
Starting March 28, 2008 citizens of Dixon will be using new blue toter bins when dumping their trash each week. They will also have to learn a new way to park their toters, sideways, so they can dump the things into the trucks. Soon the new toter will be delivered to your home.
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By Barbara Adams, An experienced agent, means a great experience!
City of Dixon unanimously approved a breath of life for downtown businesses and the city in general by accepting a grant to install the needed platform to bring in Amtrak station as a commuter train stop downtown Dixon, this will generate traffic and business to the downtown Dixon area and improve the home values in the area as commuters from the bay area can consider this city when shopping for a home.
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By Nate Ellis, "Mr Danke Schoen"
( - Keller Williams Realty East Bay 925-337-8489)
So you are looking to buy a home in Dixon.  In this eddition of Golden Nuggets we will take a look at Down Payment Assistance and First Time Home Buyer programs in the Solano County, CA City of Dixon.  There is $68,000 in Down Payment Assistance available for the purchase of your New Home.  The funds may be in the form of grants, gifts and silent seconds with affordable housing covenants and/or equity share restrictions.  Funds may come from the City, County, State, or other Agencies and Non-Profits.Summary: The City of Dixon does not currently have a Down Payment Assistance Program or First Time Home Buyer program available directly through them.  Assistance may be available from County, State and other resources.The State of California offers up to an additional 6% in assistance throu...
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By Barbara Adams, An experienced agent, means a great experience!
Come on down to the Sacramento Valley Dixon Mayfair fairgrounds 655 S. First St in Dixon for a very fine Northern California herding dog show. 2007 AKC show, Saturday and Sunday. Dixon, CA (*): Sacramento Valley DFA Inc. DixonMay Fairgrounds, 655 S. 1st St. MB-F Inc. 
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By Barbara Adams, An experienced agent, means a great experience!
Unopposed by city council members, this vote was closed 4-0 Tuesday night. Three story motel is approved for Dixon.
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By Barbara Adams, An experienced agent, means a great experience!
Tuesday night is city council meeting. Citizens are to appear in front of the city council about the three story Comfort Suites motel that wants to build in their backyards. There have been fast food chains and another motel wanting to build there, but it is just too close to the residential area with no buffer zone that is afforded between other residences and commercial properties. It is something to possibly go and see what happens on this one. 
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By Barbara Adams, An experienced agent, means a great experience!
It came as a surprise this week that Magna Corporation announced it has plans to sell the property it acquired in Dixon. Plans had been made to build a horse racing facility here however the citizens voted last April (2007) to deny the race track and the vote caused a difference of opinion in the city, dividing friends and neighbors on both sides of the decision, city leaders had placed a one year moratorium on making any new attempts at working out an agreement to allow the facility to be built.Magna's Vice President has stepped down from his position and the company has announced a second quarter $23 million loss, their decision to sell was based loosely upon the fact that licensing for the racing dates that MEC would want would be difficult to obtain today in California.Home Depot is...
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By Barbara Adams, An experienced agent, means a great experience!
The Cool Patch is open again on October 1 in Dixon almost every day in October, come out and see the hay tractor, it is REALLY COOL. 40 acres of pumpkins, a huge corn maze, picnics and plenty of gourds to buy.
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Dixon, CA Real Estate Professionals