
Danville, CA Real Estate News

By Harper Team
(J Rockcliff Realtors)
That's right - Jeff Turner of Real Estate Shows fame is responsible - yet once again - for introducing me to some web toy that is eating up my time because part of me remains a child at heart. Created with ComicLife just using one of their panel layouts and I didn't use any of the cool doo-dads. I'm sure I'll have something more over at our site soon that has all of the text balloons and KABOOMS. I tooned it up a bit over on our site.
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By Nate Ellis, "Mr Danke Schoen"
( - Keller Williams Realty East Bay 925-337-8489)
So you are looking to buy a new home in Danville and are wondering what Down Payment Assistance is available.  The City of Danville does not offer any assistance directly.  But there may be assistance available from the County and State of California.Contra Costa County offers the American DreamDown Payment Initiative (ADDI) to assist eligible buyers with up to 6% in down payment assistance.The State of California offers up to an additional 6% in assistance through several programs designed to help First Time Home Buyers, plus a bonus of $7,500 because Danville is a high cost area.Special financing may also be available, including additional Down Payment Assistance and Below Market Interest Rates.  Restrictions Apply.To see if you are eligible for assistance contact Nate Ellis.Or Call 8...
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When I had my Million Dollar Real Estate Workshop, I needed some ammo to present about Realtors. I believe Realtors are the life line to positive real estate experience. Below are a few quotes from various agents from Keller Williams Realty in Danville, Ca. If you are deciding to purchase real estate or are thinking of selling real estate, you should really consult a Realtor. I've been in real estate finance for almost a total of six years and since working with Keller Williams Realty through the Joint Venture with Indymac Bank, I've experienced outrageous cases. For example: people posing as singers from Earth, Wind and Fire. Yup, some person posed as a professional musician and wanted to purchase a multi-million dollar home. Without the backing of an experienced agent, this could have...
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By Owen Hennefer
I was talking with a business partner Morris Mark. Morris has been the in-house lender for Keller Williams Realty for many years and has been in the mortgage business for 20+ years. He's seen a lot of changes in the real estate market and says he hasn't seen it this crazy before. So since Morris a seasoned mortgage advisor, I asked him "what he thinks the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight would raise the conforming limit to...Morris then advised me "that they have lowered the confoming loan limits before". That blew my mind! I'm in an area where the median home ranges from $489,000 to $775,000. I understand other areas of the nation have conforming loan amounts coming out their ears....but lowering the limit in Contra Costa County would not be the best idea in my opinion. S...
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Just finished the first half of Jason Sisneros conference. The first half is focused on four aspects to be commit to. First is to know that there's always another level to be at. Second, be committed to mastery. Third, doing whatever it takes.And the final....Seek out like minded people, look for higher standards. There's always another level to be at!People need to get their mind focused on changing things that bring them down, what makes them face financial hardship, a boring life.....I could go on and on...about myself and people in the world.Take a minute to think about what you could change to make home happier, the bank account bigger, or take that dream vacation. We have a choice, what is yours. I'm making my changes as I type.
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By Owen Hennefer
Is it possible for one idea to change a persons life?  Tomorrow Novemeber 10th, I will giving a Real Estate Update on the local market as well as the national market. I know that each person coming to this 1.5 hour presentation will walk away with at least one piece of knowledge the might not have had already. Join us 10 A.M. at 500 La Gonda Way Ste 101 Danville, Ca 94526.I will also talk about what Indymac Bank can offer to people looking to finance primary, investment or second homes.Then Saturday November 17th, at the Concord Hilton, there will be an all day Nouveau Riche Intensive. Some of the guest speakers will talk about investing with IRA or 401k accounts without being penalized. Attached is a flyer for this packed day of knowledge. This event will be at the Concord Hilton from ...
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By Owen Hennefer
Most people won't say marketing is fun. But I have to tell you...after tonight...I see the light. Tonight at the Chamber Business Expo, Keith Brown, Aggie Rucker, Deirdre Reen and I worked the floor meeting dozens of local professionals. I met people from the Pleasant Hill park & rec, Oakland Raiders, Oakland A's, Nouveau Riche University, Diablo Realty, other Keller Williams agents and many others.  This was my first Chamber event. The experience is a positive and look forward to attending more Chamber events. If you're a professional business person who relies on other professional business people...this seems to be one of the most positive ways to meet people.
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The Fall Season, My wife's favorite time of the year. To start the celebration of the Fall Season we like to be outside with the fresh cool air while enjoying time with friends and the community.  Danville, Ca not only has the 4th of July parade, Hot August nights, they also have the Fall Crafts Festival this October 20th & 21st. There's a parade in the early morning along with over 200 artists and many talented musicians.  Thanks to the local merchants and artists for the opportunity for Children to have the chance to do a bit of safe trick or treating. This is a great weekend to take your little ghosts, goblins, princesses, pirates down to this fun day of celebration to the Holiday Season.  
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By Tina Hack, Agent/Stager in Danville, CA
(Centoni Real Estate)
This house was a rental for three years.  I completely overhauled it.  The owners said I did such a nice job they were moving back in and I said, "NO YOU ARE NOT!" nervously laughing. This home was a rental for three years.  I had to choose the exterior as well as the interior colors of the home.  The cabinets were poorly painted white and I had the seller hire these two wonderful ladies to faux finish the kitchen, wet bar, linen closet, and master.   I purchased knobs for entire house, toilet, light fixtures, towel bars, plumbing, mirrors, lighting in and our or whatever it took too market this home.  I added curtains in the master to mask the ugly next door neighbors backyard and I think it works.  The floors were stained a rich walnut stain and looks beautiful in person.  I staged th...
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By Tina Hack, Agent/Stager in Danville, CA
(Centoni Real Estate)
I posted about one of my staged listings and promised some pictures so here they are...this house sold before the brochures went to print as a matter of fact!  This home is in Danville, CA and it SOLD IN ONE DAY!The asking list price was $1,688,000. It sold for more than the same model/floor plans in the same neighborhood. I stage all my listings!                
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By Tina Hack, Agent/Stager in Danville, CA
(Centoni Real Estate)
Hello everyone,I am having tremendous success in Real Estate.  I just listed a home last Saturday. By Monday, the painters were there painting the entire exterior of the home, the bathroom cabinets and bookshelves, and family room.  During this time, I was bringing in furniture, pillows, plants, arranging furniture, and giving the home an inviting appeal.It went on the market Thursday, and by Friday I had a offer that the sellers are quite happy about.  Meanwhile, all the homes that were previously on the market before I took the listing, still are!I can't boast enough how important staging is to a home.  I will blog my listing within a few days.  I would love to know your feedback.Staging and Listing Expert,      
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By Alan 'AJ' Nisen California Contra Costa Mortgage Officer
(A Large Bank in America)
Mount Diablo ChallengeOctober 7, 2007Presented by and Benefiting Save Mount DiabloThe Most Exciting Cycling Event Climbing the Bay Area's Most Devilish PeakEvent Sponsor: Jamba JuiceRegistration for the 26th Annual Mount Diablo Challengfor October 7, 2007 will be open on May 15, 2007The ChallengeThe Mount Diablo Challenge is a 10.8 mile timed bike ride, starting at Athenian School in Danville and climbing up Southgate Road 3,249 feet to the summit of Mount Diablo.  1,000 cycling enthusiasts compete and prizes are awarded for several categories in a ceremony at the summit with food and beverages for all.  All proceeds benefit Save Mount Diablo's land conservation efforts.Race Participants       Riders of all ages are welcome.  Riders under 18 must be accompanied by an adult rider.  Under...
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By Alan 'AJ' Nisen California Contra Costa Mortgage Officer
(A Large Bank in America)
SUNDAY, MAY 6, 20078:00 AM...5K/10K START • 9:30 AM...Kids Run  START & FINISHLunardi's Market in downtown Danville on Railroad Ave. at Prospect.EARLY FEE$28.00 pre-reg. ($13.00 for Kids Run ages 3-8) if your entry is postmarked by Fri., April 27th. Or register online through Thursday, May 3rd (A small fee is charged for online entries). Click HereRACE DAY FEEAt Lunardi's Market parking lot; $35 ($15 for KIDS RUN) race morning between 6:30 AM - 7:45 AM.
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By Alan 'AJ' Nisen California Contra Costa Mortgage Officer
(A Large Bank in America)
Click here for golf course info. Click Here to download our PDF.Sign up for the Aloha Golf Classic - Foursome packageSign up for the Aloha Golf Classic - Individual packageSign up for the Aloha Golf Classic - Dinner OnlySign up for the Aloha Golf Classic - Tee SponsorClick here to see our Golf Committee MembersClick here to see our Sponsors!Photos From 2006
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By Alan 'AJ' Nisen California Contra Costa Mortgage Officer
(A Large Bank in America)
The Danville Area Chamber of Commerce and the Town of Danville proudly presents the DANVILLE FINE ARTS FAIRE, June 23-24, 2007 - 10am - 6pm •      200 Fine Art and Contemporary Crafts Displays•      Italian Street Painting•      Culinary Arts Corner Presented by Diablo Magazine•      Gourmet Foods•      Fine Wines and Microbrews•      Entertainment 
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By Harper Team
(J Rockcliff Realtors)
Here are the latest demographics for Danville (2006)   Population: 43,052 0-5 – 6.8%5-17 – 21.7%18-34 – 12.3%35-49 – 28.6%50-64 – 20.1 %65-79 – 7.4%80+ - 3.0% Total Households: 15,357 Median Income: $162,740 Median Home Price: $1,169,629 Education Level for over 25: High School Graduate – 96.6%Bachelor’s Degree – 59.1% Here’s a newsflash: Danville is expecting to bring in revenues of $28.3 million this year. I’ll give you one guess, what they are planning to spend. Here are a few of the planned improvements for this year: Expansion and improvement of the Clocktower Parking LotThe Danville Oak Tree (the city’s pride & joy) is getting some new work on the Diablo Road median.Flashing beacons at several schools.New pavement Diablo Road, Hartz Avenue, & Prospect Avenue.New children play area...
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By Christopher Spence
(Keller Williams Realty)
Attention: Real Estate Investors or First Time Home BuyersGet your Free Foreclosure Report e-mailed to you weekly in a PDF format. The following are the counties currently available for the foreclosure list:Alameda CountyContra Costa CountySan Mateo CountySanta Clara CountyAll of these counties are in the state of California in the San Francisco Bay Area. Click here to order lists for other states and counties.The Free Foreclosure List that is sent out is actually properly know as a a Notice of Default List. This is the list of all of the properties that have received a notice that in about 110 days the property will be auctioned if there isn't a satisfactory resolution to their loan situation.For your Free Foreclosure report click here.
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By Christopher Spence
(Keller Williams Realty)
CALIFORNIA CODESCODE OF CIVIL PROCEDURESECTION 725a-730.5725a.  The beneficiary or trustee named in a deed of trust ormortgagee named in a mortgage with power of sale upon real propertyor any interest therein to secure a debt or other obligation, or ifthere be a successor or successors in interest of such beneficiary,trustee or mortgagee, then such successor or successors in interest,shall have the right to bring suit to foreclose the same in themanner and subject to the provisions, rights and remedies relating tothe foreclosure of a mortgage upon such property.726.  (a) There can be but one form of action for the recovery ofany debt or the enforcement of any right secured by mortgage uponreal property or an estate for years therein, which action shall bein accordance with the provision...
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By Sheron Cardin, ARTIST - A Home Stager/Sellers Best Friend!
(California Moods Inc)
Tina says she is too busy to blog but I will stay on her so she will submit her before and afters with us. Tina is very talented and loves staging her listings. Tina staged the red bedroom that I used in my post Decorating Tip #6 Make YourOwn Headboard. and for the inflatable bed tip. She is very creative and we will all benefit from her sharing...she may have to tell me about it and then I can get it posted in AR...oh well, what are sisters for if you can't use em? I have featured her before and after staging work in my newsletters and she always gets a great response. Let's give her a little prodding and a big welcome. Tina works her magic in the East Bay and lives in Danville. She promises to finish her profile this week. 
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By Harper Team
(J Rockcliff Realtors)
  By the end of this year, Keller Williams Realty will have grown from 3,343 (1997) agents to 90,000 agents (projected growth). It’s interesting to hear people say, “Keller Williams, I’ve never heard of them.” It’s a hurdle at times for KW agents – BUT – the benefits far outweigh this minor hurdle (and this will change over time as KW keeps expanding its franchises and market share). I lived in Park City, UT for over 13 years – never heard of Keller Williams, never saw a sign. My brother, Craig, called one day saying he and Tracey had joined Keller Williams. Who? I swear, this is the absolute truth, within a month, I was seeing KW signs all over Park City! His phone call just happened to coincide with the opening of the PC, UT Market Center. Heck, there was even a KW sign on a house ar...
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