
Corte Madera, CA Real Estate News

By Kelley Eling, Realtor Extraordinaire
(Fathom Realty Group)
As of November 3, 2007 21% of available listings in Corte Madera are in escrow, indicating a Buyer's Market.For the month of October 2007 only 6 homes sold Corte Madera, for an average final selling price of $1,147,333.The average original asking price of these homes was $1,243,917.It took these homes an average of 52 days to sell.Of the 6 homes that sold, 2 sold OVER their original asking price and the others sold for less.For more information about this area, click here, or feel free to contact me directly.
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By Scott Dovala, Santa Rosa Mortgage and Home Loans
(Ascent Home Loans)
With all the newspapers, TV News and stories on the internet in regards to what's going on in mortgage industry, sometime it might be a little scary to even think about getting a loan.  Loan programs have changed or have been entirely discontinued, everyone has heard about the sub-prime problems, in fact you may have a sub-prime loan right now as you're reading this. Mortgage companies all across the US have closed their doors. Actually, things are not as bad as they seem. There are still plenty of loan programs available to current homeowners, investors and first-time buyers. Despite what the news reports have been implying, there are actual senior loan officer's across the US, including myself,  who are reputable and are willing to take the time to talk to their clients and help them ...
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By Kelley Eling, Realtor Extraordinaire
(Fathom Realty Group)
As of October 4, 2007 38% of available listings in Corte Madera are in escrow.  Pretty impressive.For the month of September 2007 6 homes sold in Corte Madera for an average final selling price of $962,167.The average original asking price of these homes was $971,833.It took these homes an average of 38 days to sell.Of the 6 homes that sold, 3 sold for OVER their original asking price.For more information about this area, click here, or feel free to contact me directly.
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By Kelley Eling, Realtor Extraordinaire
(Fathom Realty Group)
As of September 7, 2007 30% of available listings in the town of Corte Madera are in escrow.For the month of August 2007 9 homes sold in Corte Madera for an average final selling price of $988,344.The average original asking price of these homes was $1,033,444.It took these homes an average of 47 days to sell.Of the 47 homes that sold, 2 sold for OVER the asking price.  All other sold for less.
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By Kelley Eling, Realtor Extraordinaire
(Fathom Realty Group)
As of August 5, 2007 39% of available listings in Corte Madera are in escrow.For the month of July 2007, 15 homes sold in Corte Madera for an average final selling price of $2,258,133.The average original asking price of these homes was $2,771,530.It took these homes an average of 67 days to sell.Of the 15 homes that sold, 3 sold AT their original asking price and 1 sold OVER.These numbers are skewed a bit by the sale of the Bill Graham Estate.  A 12,000 sf home on an 11 acre incredible view lot.  The original asking price for this home was $24M, and sold for $19.9M after 360 days on the market.For more information about this area, click here, or feel free to contact me directly.
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By Kelley Eling, Realtor Extraordinaire
(Fathom Realty Group)
As of July 6, 2007 45% of available listings in Corte Madera are in escrow, indicating a Seller's Market.For the month of June 2007, 15 homes sold in Corte Madera for an average final selling price of $1,295,733.The average original asking price of these homes was $1,289,333.It took these homes an average of 46 days to sell.Of the 15 homes that sold, 1 sold AT the original asking price and 7 sold OVER.For more information about this area, click here, or feel free to contact me directly.
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By Leslie Olson, Interior Design and Redesign - Moved to Austin!
(Leslie Olson Interiors)
      Pictured above are photos from a 5,000 sq. ft. Vacant Home Staging project by Leslie Olson Interiors, based in Marin County, California.  While the dark olive paint in the empty room implied the function of a media room, by furnishing the space with a comfy, stylish and durable leather seating group facing a flat-screen TV, the guess-work is gone for future homebuyers.  By being able to actually see the scale and proportion of furnishings in the room, as well as keying into the spunky decor, they begin to imagine themselves living in the home. Realtors -- which room would you prefer to show your clients, the cavernous vacant room, or the warm and inviting Media Room staged to sell?  Professional Home Staging is a small investment that can reap large rewards in quick and profitabl...
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By Kelley Eling, Realtor Extraordinaire
(Fathom Realty Group)
As of June 6, 2007 41% of available listings in Corte Madera are in escrow indicating a Seller's Market.  And I am in agreement.For the month of May 2007, 17 homes sold in the small town of Corte Madera, for an average final selling price of $1,167,718.The average original list price of these homes was $1,180,765.These homes took an average of only 34 days to sell.Of the 17 homes that sold, 4 sold AT their original asking price and 5 sold OVER.For more information on this area, click here, or feel free to contact me directly.
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By Kelley Eling, Realtor Extraordinaire
(Fathom Realty Group)
As of May 4, 2007 47% of available listings in Corte Madera are in escrow, indicating a Seller's Market, and I am in complete agreement.For the month of April 2007 7 homes sold in Corte Madera for an average final selling price of $1,127,357--higher than the average original asking price.The average original asking price of these homes was $1,064,429.It took these homes an average of 35 days to sell.Of the 7 homes that sold, 4 sold OVER their original asking price.For more information on this area, click here, or feel free to contact me directly.
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By Kelley Eling, Realtor Extraordinaire
(Fathom Realty Group)
As of April 6, 2007 34% of the available listings in Corte Madera are in escrow indicating a Neutral Market.  However, that statistic doesn't tell the whole story.For the month of March 2007 10 homes sold in the small town of Corte Madera for an average final selling price of $1,115,275.The average original list price of these homes was $1,066,600.These homes took an average of 50 days to sell.Of the 10 homes that sold 5 sold OVER their original asking price.For more information about this area, click here.  Or feel free to contact me directly.
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By Kelley Eling, Realtor Extraordinaire
(Fathom Realty Group)
For the month of February 2007 9 homes sold in the town of Corte Madera.The average original list price of these homes was $987,111.The average final selling prices was $949,778.It took an average of 50 days for these homes to sell.Of the 9 homes that sold, 2 sold AT their original list price and 1 sold OVER.As of this date, 41% of available listings are in escrow, indicating a SELLER's market.
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By Kyle Frazier, Kyle Frazier , CRS & Marin CA Realtor
(Christie's Great Estates | Pacific Union International)
Corte Madera is best known for the two shopping malls right off of Highway 101. But the town, translated as "cut wood" in Spanish, has a lot going for it. Besides boasting a 22-acre park with tennis courts, two playgrounds, and recreation equipment, the town also has an historic village square and numerous biking paths. The amenities as well as the area's central location, moderate home prices and taxes, friendly neighborhoods, and a good commute all help make Corte Madera a popular place to live. East Corte Madera is a flat, mostly ranch-style home area, including some properties that back up on the bay or Ring Mountain, an ancient Miwok site. Tamalpais Drive follows the west side of town up past the recreation center and City Hall to the base of Christmas Tree Hill.  Housing and Educa...
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By Kelley Eling, Realtor Extraordinaire
(Fathom Realty Group)
For the month of January 2007, 5 homes sold in Corte Madera, CA, for an average sales price of $779,000.  The average original list price was $826,400.  These homes took an average of 87 days to sell.Of the 5 homes that sold, only 1 sold at their original asking price.  All others sold for less.  As of February 5, 2007, 37% of the listings currently available in Greenbrae are in escrow indicating an Seller's Market.2007 is going to be an interesting year.  For more information on this area visit my website.
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Corte Madera, CA Real Estate Professionals