Selling Your Home: It Really Boils Down To Supply and Demand. Do You Have An In Demand Product or is the Market Over-Saturated?
By Keisha Hosea-, Real Estate Solutions For Real People
(KASI Homes )
Selling Your Home: It Really Boils Down To Supply and Demand. Do You Have An In Demand Product or is the Market Over-Saturated? Selling your home really boils down to supply and demand as the first element. Do you have an In demand product or is the market over-saturated? The typical home seller has an amount in their head that they believe their home is worth. This is all too common. There are generally improvements that a home seller has made over time that are considered of value and then there are the emotional ties.One of the biggest driving forces that predicates where a home seller can price their home effectively to get it sold is supply and demand. It is this same driving force that determines basically how much we pay for everything. Anything from the price we are willing to p...