
Burbank, CA Real Estate News

By Joe Zapata, Your Burbank Real Estate Expert
(Keller Williams Realty Media World)
     Every year the residents of the City of Burbank through our local newspaper The Burbank Leader are asked to vote for their favorite businesses in the area.  Our city has over 140,000 residents and businesses who have the opportunity to cast their votes.  This is the 12th Yearthat the city has run this prestigious award for its local businessesI am please to say that this year Windermere Real Estate / Bill Toth & Associates was officially voted "Best Real Estate Company".  In addition our owner/broker Bill Toth was voted "Best Real Estate Agent".Our office in staying with the Windermere philosophy is a great group of close knit agents where we foster teamwork and family values.  Windermere is a community oriented company who firmly believes in giving back to the community.  It is th...
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By Ana Connell, Burbank Real Estate Agent
(G & C Properties)
                                                                                            Monday 23 3 & 6 Month Bill Auction  Tuesday 24 ICSC-USB Store Sales  Tracks comparable weekly sales from major retail chains and represents 10% of total retail sales.  Is considered to be one of the most timely indicators of consumer spending. Redbook a timely indicator of consumer spending and also represents about 10% of total retail sales.  This measure tracks weekly sales from discounters, chain and department stores.State Street Investor Confidence Index Measures actual levels of risk in investor portfolio. 4 Week Bill Auction & 20 Year Tips Auction Wednesday 25 Existing Home Sales-consensus 5.870M..... Year to year this number has dropped 10.3% and housing supply at 8.9 months is at it's hi...
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By Joe Zapata, Your Burbank Real Estate Expert
(Keller Williams Realty Media World)
Above is an artists rendition of the completed project.The long awaited redevelopment project of Burbank Blvd has finally begun.  Be ready for traffic delays and heavy machinery all along Burbank Blvd.This week the City of Burbank and the Burbank Redevelopment Agency begun the demolishon Phaseof Burbank Blvd.  This is outlined in Phase I and Phase II of the project and is running from Clybourn all the way to Buena Vista St.During the projected 7 month project which will ultimately stretch from Clybourn to Victory Blvd. (2.2 miles) most of the street will be limited to 1 lane in each direction during normal business hours and may be extended to 2 lanes each as construction permits.  Street parking will also be limited as will turning onto side streets.The ultimate goal of the project is ...
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By Ana Connell, Burbank Real Estate Agent
(G & C Properties)
                                              Monday 16Empire State Manufacturing Survey-monthly survey of manufacturers in New York State.Consensus 17.53 Month & 6 Month Bill AuctionTuesday 17Housing Market Index-Produced by the National Association of Home Builders.  This is a survey which is filled out by the members of this organization and it gives their opinion of the general state of the housing market and the economy.Producer Price Index  PPI Consensus Forecast for June 07: +0.1 percent  ICSC-USB Store Sales  Tracks comparable weekly sales from major retail chains and represents 10% of total retail sales.  Is considered to be one of the most timely indicators of consumer spending. Redbook a timely indicator of consumer spending and also represents about 10% of total retail sales...
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By Shane Corey
 Burbank Ca is the next on the list of PDN's, or prominent domain names, released to the real estate professionals of the area. VisitAllHomes.Com is a website dedicated to the real estate on-line community and business owners within. It started years ago when 2 highly ambitious and motivated individuals decided to invest into the top 100 cities and communities of our country by purchasing what we call now a prominent domain name or PDN. The PDN's that are available for many marketing strategies are listed below with a brief vision or direction that PDN may be taking...AnyBurbankHome.Com -Imagine the perfect Real Estate Site for the city of Burbank. The site will have 2-5 Brokerages, Brokers, or Realtors that will have business ownership opportunity with this portal. They will have an op...
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By Joe Zapata, Your Burbank Real Estate Expert
(Keller Williams Realty Media World)
One of the greatest things about the City of Burbank is how they are always looking for ways to improve the quality of life for its residents and at the same time provide them incredible services at no charge.One such example of these programs is the cities "Made in the Shade" program.  This program is run through Burbank Water and Power and entitles each property up to (3)three FREE shade trees.  They include the tree, stakes, ties and arbor guards.The program is designed to not only increase the appeal of homes in our community but to also create a tree lined street which will keep homes cooler in the hot summer months.  As Burbank has its own private Water and Power facility which services over 45,000 households and 6,000 businesses this adds up to a great saving to residents in the ...
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By Ana Connell, Burbank Real Estate Agent
(G & C Properties)
                                                 Monday 9 3 & 6 Month Bill AuctionConsumer Credit  Consensus 5.6B   This report represents the overall value of outstanding consumer credit debt.  Very simply put, if demand exceeds supply, interest rates rise. Tuesday 10 ICSC-USB Store Sales  Tracks comparable weekly sales from major retail chains and represents 10% of total retail sales.  Is considered to be one of the most timely indicators of consumer spending. Redbook a timely indicator of consumer spending and also represents about 10% of total retail sales.  This measure tracks weekly sales from discounters, chain and department stores.Bank of Canada Monetary Policy AnnouncementWholesale Trade4 Week bill AuctionBernanke to speak in Cambridge about U.S. Inflation  Wednesday 11 MBA Pu...
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By Ana Connell, Burbank Real Estate Agent
(G & C Properties)
                                                On April 3rd of this year, the Burbank City Council voted to adopt the proposed second hand smoke ordinance.  If you are a smoker you can still smoke in the City of Burbank, just not at certain locations.  The intent of this ordinance is to limit second hand smoke for non smokers. What this means to you is that if you are a smoker you can no longer smoke at venues such as Starbucks.  If you are a non-smoker it means you have more places where you can enjoy the outdoors without worry of encountering second hand smoke.If you would like more information about this ordinance, please visit this link to get the facts!  My website is under construction, but come visit me at! 
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By Ana Connell, Burbank Real Estate Agent
(G & C Properties)
            Did you know there is a website that will show you where all of the current and upcoming public works projects are located?This page is available through the City of Burbank site and is an invaluable resource that will keep you up to date on all of our street projects.  If you have any specific questions on any project you can call the City's street construction and design people at (818) 238-3915.  My website is under construction, but come visit me at! 
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By Ana Connell, Burbank Real Estate Agent
(G & C Properties)
  At the Tuesday night Burbank City Council meeting the Council voted 3-2 to impose more rigorous rules to any developers seeking to build grocery stores in the Rancho area.   The vote was motivated by the community uproar against Whole Foods trying to build at the site on the corner of Main St. and Alameda Ave.  The old Martino's bakery site.The community, which is known for it's equestrian neighborhoods, was concerned about the amount of traffic the store would have generated as well as limited parking and the possibility of spooked horses.  They felt the quality of life for the area would go down from the increased traffic and the scores of refrigerated trucks which would need to queue on the adjoining streets.  Overall, activists said the size of the store was too large for the loca...
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By Ana Connell, Burbank Real Estate Agent
(G & C Properties)
 Considering that this is 4th of July I thought it would be important to remind everyone that Burbank City Council Meetings are held at 6:30pm every Tuesday evening at Burbank City Hall and replayed every Wednesday at 10am, Fridays at 6pm and Saturdays at 1pm on our very own public access channel, Burbank TV6!I think that it's important to exercise our hard won freedoms in this country by being informed and by participating as much as we are able in our political process!Happy 4th everyone!!!! For your Burbank Real Estate needs please visit my website at!
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By Ana Connell, Burbank Real Estate Agent
(G & C Properties)
  Ok, this is an update on my last post!  I went by the Kwik E Mart and shot these pictures!  It was a really funny experience as there were families taking pictures of themselves in front of the Kwik E Mart sign and putting their children in front of the graffitied walls for pictures!!! There was a line, although I was lucky as the line had died down to 5 people when I got there, when I left there were about 10-12 in line.  They had sold out of everything except for the pink donuts and the Squishi slurpees! I was told there will be a new shipment of goods arriving tomorrow!  In case you can't read it, the small white sign says 5 Minute parking, violators will be executed! Happy 4th everyone!  Given that there are no fireworks here in Burbank, Kwik E Mart seems to be the thing this year...
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By Ana Connell, Burbank Real Estate Agent
(G & C Properties)
                                            As it so happens I was driving down the street the other day and noticed that a local 7-11 was undergoing some transformation.  I had no idea what was going on, until I ran across this interesting article!It turns out that to promote the upcoming Simpsons Movie, coming out on July 27th, they have turned 11 7-11's throughout the country into Kwik-E- Marts. And one of them happens to be on the corner of West Olive Avenue and Verdugo, right here in Burbank!If you want to experience a little bit of Pop Culture the store shelves are stocked with items such as Buzz Cola and Krusty O's cereal!  I'm waiting till the lines thin out and I will go by and check it out! For your Burbank Real Estate needs please visit my website at!  
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By Keith Sorem
(Keller Williams Realty)
People think that Burbank has shown lackluster sales over the past few months and is probably now more "normal" than the crazy market of the past few years.    One of the trends I have noticed in the past 12 months is that many people "think" that the market has slowed down dramatically, compared to previous years.  Is that true?Let's have a look:In 2005 79 properties sold, in 2006 June 74 listings, in June, 2007 69 properties sold.  With all due respect, those numbers are pretty even, aren't they?  Big drop in sales?  Where?  Disneyland?How about the average price?  Are prices going down?In 2005 average price was $615,657,   in 2006  the average was  $642,103, in 2007 the average price was $684,116.That's an almost 11% increase in three years...not 20% per year, but not bad either.Let'...
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By Ana Connell, Burbank Real Estate Agent
(G & C Properties)
 Well, unfortunately, due to the dry conditions this year our annual fireworks at the Starlight Bowl have been cancelled.They are replacing the fireworks with a Laser Light show that promises to be wonderful none the less.  Please remember to celebrate your 4th responsibly and that fireworks are banned and considered illegal in Burbank!!!!Both Burbank Fire and Police have said they will be out in force to enforce the fireworks ban, so be safe and keep the focus on the true spirit of the holiday!!! For your Burbank Real Estate needs please visit my website at!
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By Ana Connell, Burbank Real Estate Agent
(G & C Properties)
Monday  2 3 Month & 6 Month Bill AuctionISM Manufacturirng Index Consensus-55.0 Tuesday3 ICSC-USB Store Sales  Tracks comparable weekly sales from major retail chains and represents 10% of total retail sales.  Is considered to be one of the most timely indicators of consumer spending. Redbook a timely indicator of consumer spending and also represents about 10% of total retail sales.  This measure tracks weekly sales from discounters, chain and department stores.Factory Orders Consensus - -1.2 Pending Homes Index-The National Association of Realtors developed the pending home sales index as a leading indicator of housing activity. As such, it is a leading indicator of existing home sales, not new home sales. A pending sale is one in which a contract was signed, but not yet closed. It u...
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By Joe Zapata, Your Burbank Real Estate Expert
(Keller Williams Realty Media World)
As another great summer is here and ready to be enjoyed.  The Burbank Starlight Bowl has announced it's 2007 summer concert program.  These are great outdoor shows which always provide great entertainment and food.  The Starlight Bowl has an increadible view of the entire San Fernando Valley and the wethers proves to be great this summer.It really is a must see for either resident or visitor to the area.To see a complete schedule of concert dates, times and performers please click here
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By Joe Zapata, Your Burbank Real Estate Expert
(Keller Williams Realty Media World)
OUTDOOR SUMMER MOVIES ARE BACK! - WEDNESDAYS IN JULY AND AUGUSTWhen the sun goes down, the screen will go up on Wednesdays from July 11 to August 15 starting at 5:00 P.M. as Burbank Town Center's ever-popular summer outdoor movies returns for an encore presentation.These are great movies and a lot of fun for the family during the summer months.  Come on out and enjoy the fun.For a schedule of movies and more info please click here
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By Ana Connell, Burbank Real Estate Agent
(G & C Properties)
                                                          The Stough Canyon Nature Center is one of Burbank's best kept secrets!  You and your entire family can enjoy nature camps, hikes, activities, workshops and special events!For those just starting out the docents can take you on a hike that lasts 90 minutes where you can experience nature and learn much about your surroundings!  Hikes vary in difficulty and length and most of the activities here are free!Children under 10 must be accompanied by an adult and strollers are not recommended on the hikes.Hours:SEPTEMBER - JUNE Tuesday - Friday, and Sunday 11 am - 5 pm Saturday 9 am - 5 pm Closed Mondays and Most Holidays Closed Oct 13 - 19 (Week of Haunted Hike) JULY & AUGUST Monday - Friday 10am - 5pm Saturday 9 am - 5 pm Sunday 11am -...
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By Ana Connell, Burbank Real Estate Agent
(G & C Properties)
                                                                  In an effort to continue to promote and protect our environment the South Coast Air Quality Management District is offering to exchange your old, operational, gas powered lawn mover for a new cordless electric rechargeable mower!!!!You bring in your mower,pay $100 and you get a brand new electric mower!  Come out and take advantage of this great program!Supplies are limited!  For more information, check out South Coast AQMD's website . For your Burbank Real Estate needs please visit my website at!
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