
Burbank, CA Real Estate News

Many people have come to know Burbank as the media capital of the world, and rightly so since there are many well-known production studios such as The Walt Disney Company, PBS, Warner Bros., NBC-Universal and others.  However, that is only part of Burbank since there are actually 12 neighborhoods that make up this city, and television and movie studios only make up a small part of all that makes Burbank such a wonderful place to live. The city of Burbank is located in the San Fernando Valley very close to Los Angeles and Hollywood.  When people think of Burbank and they think of movies and television, they are actually thinking about just a small part of this dynamic area.  There are actually many great public parks that residents use for outings, hiking, recreation and other outdoor ac...
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By Lupe Soto-Realtor, Listing, Selling Burbank, San Fernando Valley LA
(Premier Realty Assoc)
 A Prayer for my Mom Albina Vargas for good health!Lord, hear our heartfelt prayerfor the healing of my Mom Albina Vargas (diagnosed with Myeloma Multiple on 4/8/10).We pray for your mercy,Your compassion, Your grace and Your love,in making her whole and well again.Make the work of those treating and helping herfull of Your perfection,and grant her a quick and complete recovery.Lead and guide those around herto provide what she needs: encouragement,assistance and support.Lord, we pray that you willwrap Your loving arms around her,giving her comfort, strength and peace,drawing her ever closer to You,as you lead her through this trying time.In Jesus' name we pray; Amen.Thank you Dear Lord & Virgen Mary Mother of JesusThank you Virgen Lourdes healer of the sick   One of my Mom's dream was ...
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By Lupe Soto-Realtor, Listing, Selling Burbank, San Fernando Valley LA
(Premier Realty Assoc)
Saturdays have a new meaning for animals seeking forever homes thanks to a partnership between the VBAS Volunteers of the Burbank Animal Shelter and Burbank's Centinnela Feed & Pet Supply from 11am-3pm, learn more City Paws - Spring 2010City Paws - The Voice of Burbank Animals located in Burbank CA 91502 Mission Statement for The Volunteers of the Burbank Animal Shelter, a 501(c)(3) animal service agency, is devoted to providing medical, social, behavioral and financial care for animals at risk and determined to eliminate animal homelessness in the Burbank community. Thank you for your support! * * * * * * * * I Luv Bur! Burbank Neighbor & Real Estate Agent, It's Lupe  
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By Lupe Soto-Realtor, Listing, Selling Burbank, San Fernando Valley LA
(Premier Realty Assoc)
Welcome to Burbank Wire, connecting people to events sponsored by educational, municipal, non-for-profit, congregations, and other community organizations in Burbank & nearby areas. The current Web issue of this newsletter: Burbank Wire is presented for your information and is normally based on materials provided by community organizations or their representatives.  To submit specific content suggestions for Burbank Wire please email and begin the Subject with BURBANK WIRE in ALL CAPS. There is something in Burbank Wire for everyone.  Please do a friend a favor and forward this email to at least one other person who may benefit from either listing an event or attending one of our community events. Or just ask them to g...
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By Lupe Soto-Realtor, Listing, Selling Burbank, San Fernando Valley LA
(Premier Realty Assoc)
Chloe is a 1-year-old female pit bull mix.She is very loving and sweet. She is thrilled when taken out on long walks and hikes, and is great on the leash.Chloe is an affectionate, smart and playful girl. Being with other dogs and children should be fine, but if you have another pet, you should arrange a "meet and greet" when considering adoption. Chloe is learning how to play fetch and is working on a few basic commands.  She loves treats and getting attention.  Her happy smile will be your reward!. If you are interested in meeting Chloe, contact the Burbank Animal Shelter and inquire about ID No. A031298. The shelter is at 1150 N Victory Place, Burbank. For more information, call (818)238-3340 The shelter hours are 10am to 6pm.  Monday through Saturday, closed Sundays and major holiday...
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By Kevin Jones
(KEVIN JONES Real Estate)
  A Lesson in Persistence!by Kevin Jones  I am the biggest advocate of persistence!  When is it too much?  Can you Actually be a pest? Or cross the line in your Agency? Even become Unethical? Here’s a brief of an ordeal we went through yesterday … Listing was in multiple offers and gave 72 hours for best and finals. Cutoff was 10:00am, at 10:05am I received a phone call from well let’s call her Tiffany from Diamond Bar.  No hello how are you doing, this is Tiffany did we get the deal … Did we get the deal? Talking a mile minute!  I explained that I was going to prepare the offers for presentation at 2pm today and that the Seller will choose the offer that they want to.  Then she asked if they are the highest offer,  If not we can raise it, they can change it, we will do whatever it take...
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By Lupe Soto-Realtor, Listing, Selling Burbank, San Fernando Valley LA
(Premier Realty Assoc)
The City of Burbank is known as "Tree City USA".  Forestry Crew members are always cutting and trimming City trees, almost on a daily basis. BURBANK Celebrates Arbor Dayby The Burbank Times   Burbank celebrates ARBOR DAY.  Burbank CA had several events to celebrate the holiday.  On Wednesday March 24th, 2010, 125 children from local schools gathered at Ralph Foy Park and partake in tree planting activities.  The second event took place next day March 25, 2010 when members of the Civic Pride Committee planted several trees in a ceremony at Stough Park in Burbank CA. The public is always invited to all these events, check the City of BurbanK CA Forestry Services below to keep up their calendar. Arbor Day Foundation, click here City of Burbank CA - Forestry Services, click here Forestry Se...
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By Lupe Soto-Realtor, Listing, Selling Burbank, San Fernando Valley LA
(Premier Realty Assoc)
I am happy to share with you my friends and clients this astrological calendar  to help you schedule important events:  For Buyers:  Choose a good day to view homes and to sign contracts, for Realtors:  choose good days to meet new clients, make offers, submit short sales for success and to schedule property showings for success.  If you need to have a doctors appt or schedule a minor or important surgery, please use this guide.  My Mom who is 75 years old needs to have eye laser surgery to see better and I am coordinating the surgery time with her doctor to be on 4/15/10, see item # 13 in the calendar. This is called selective astrology when you can choose when to initiate the event based on auspicious days.  Best wishes to all (This is my opinion and I do not endorse or advise you to ...
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By Lupe Soto-Realtor, Listing, Selling Burbank, San Fernando Valley LA
(Premier Realty Assoc)
HOP INTO SPRING!  EGG-CELLENT Magnolia Bicycle Tour & Treasure Hunt - Sat, April 3, 2010 from 3pm-7pm - FREE!!!!  BICYCLE TOUR & TREASURE HUNT - Magnolia Blvd @ Hollywood Way, Burbank CA 9150504/03/2010 3pm-7pm Kids and families are invited to hop on a bike and take a spin through the charming Magnolia Park neighborhood at the Egg-Cellent Magnolia Bicycle Tour and Treasure Hunt, Saturday, April 3 from 3:00 to 7:00 P.M.  The event is free! When riders register at Chandler Bikeway and California Street, they will receive an egg-cellent gift and treasure map filled with tempting treats.  They will also be able to participate in a bicycle and helmet decorating contest, enjoy free bicycle tune-ups courtesy of the Burbank Recycle Center, learn road safety tips from Burbank Bike, join in free ...
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By Lupe Soto-Realtor, Listing, Selling Burbank, San Fernando Valley LA
(Premier Realty Assoc)
Long before legendary comedian Johnny Carson put "Beautiful Downtown Burbank" on the map, Burbank on Parade was a tradition organized in 1945 by the Burbank Junior Chamber of Commerce.  It was held to celebrate the end of World War II in conjunction with the annual week long Spring Festival which lasted thru 1957.  In 1981, a group of Burbank residents decided to revive the tradition of celebrating Burbank. "Burbank on Parade Celebrates the Big Top! " is the 2010 theme selected by the Burbank Parade organizers.  This year's parade will take place on April 10, 2010 at 11:00am on Olive Avenue from Keystone to Lomita. The parade entries reflect everything and anything circus!. From clowns, jugglers and unicycles, the parade will consist onf Cheer Teams, Marching bands, dignitaries, Equestr...
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By Lupe Soto-Realtor, Listing, Selling Burbank, San Fernando Valley LA
(Premier Realty Assoc)
Good News to California First Time HomeBuyers. You will qualify for this tax credit if you purchase a home between May 1, 2010 to December 30, 2010, Please contact Lupe Soto Realtor to help you find a home or a condo in Burbank CA, San Fernando Valley in Los Angeles County (Hablo Espanol).  Learn more about the credit Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger today returned to the La Ventana Homes project in Fresno where he kicked off his campaign to extend and expand the hugely successful homebuyer tax credit to sign legislation that will do just that. AB 183, authored by Assemblymember Anna Caballero (D-Salinas) and Senator Roy Ashburn (R-Bakersfield), will provide a tax credit of up to $10,000 to Californians who are buying their first home or purchasing a brand new home.     This legislation, ...
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By Lupe Soto-Realtor, Listing, Selling Burbank, San Fernando Valley LA
(Premier Realty Assoc)
Educating Real Estate Agents On How To Use Modern Technologies To Better Their Business Will Never Be The Same! On April 6th, 2010 dozens of the most respected educators in the real estate industry converge to host most exciting event of its kind, the Virtual Real Estate BarCamp. Virtual Real Estate BarCamp is a 1-Day Learning Extravaganza. From 9am until 4pm PST, three concurrent webinar "rooms" will each host 7 different sessions, for a total of 28 different presentations. There is something for everyone and everything for someone, and best of all, IT IS FREE and attendance is unlimited! Click below to: Register. Learn more. See who is coming. Check out the Session Calendar. Get sponsorship info. Attendance is projected to be at least 2000 agents, nationwide. Do not miss out on being ...
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By Richard & Janet OBrian, Listing Specialist Palmdale, Lancaster CA
(Home Based Realty)
Late this afternoon, Governor Schwarzenegger signed Assembly Bill 183 into law. The Homebuyer Tax Credit legislation provides $200 million for home buyer tax credits. Allocating $100 million for qualified first-time home buyers of resale home & $100 million for purchasers of newly built homes. A taxpayer who purchases a qualified personal residence after April 30, 2010, and before Jan 1, 2011 or has an enforceable contract executed between April 30 2010, and Jan 1 2011 will be able to take the allowed tax credit. The credit is equal to 5% of the purchase price or $10,000 which ever is lesser in equal installments over three consecutive years. Under AB 183, purchasers will be required to live in the home for at least two years or forfeit the credit and pay it back to the state. So Califo...
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By Alberto Pacheco, Experience and Trust
(Home Smart Evergreen Realty)
New Listings: 115 Average Listing Price: $ 553,316 Listings Under Contract: 42Average Listing Price: $ 506,934 Listings Sold: 48Average Selling Price: $ 518,416 % Diference Between Listing Price versus Selling Price: 98.76 %% Sales Price Versus Old Listing Price: 96.94 % Average Days on The Market: 39  Burbank Warner Bros Back Lot   Burbank Real Estate, Burbank Bank Owned Homes, Burbank Probates Homes
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By Ana Connell, Burbank Real Estate Agent
(G & C Properties)
        Image via Wikipedia   Hot real estate deals do exist in Burbank, who would have thought to see single family homes for under $400k?   Single family homes in Burbank for under $400,000: $379,000  2 bedroom, 1 bath 800 sq ft in a spacious 8,982 sq ft lot! $375,000 3 bedroom, 2 bath 1191 sq ft needs tlc! $399,000 2 bedroom, 1 bath 942 sq. ft. very cute, move in ready! $332,900 2 bedroom, 1 bath  827 sq. ft. updated, hardwood floors! If you are interested in seeing these homes or others that may fit your criteria, call me, Ana Connell,  at 818-795-8474!  
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By Keith Sorem
(Keller Williams Realty)
Real Estate Market Report         Burbank, CA                           February, 2010   Burbank At A Glance The Market Activity Index decreased due to three primary factors: More new inventory coming on the market, fewer sold listings closing escrow, resulting in an increase in listing inventory.   The new Federal Tax Credit for buyers requires escrow to open by April 30th and close by June 30th.  With interest rates anticipated to increase as much as one full point, now is the time to lock your rate and buy. It's the perfect storm for buyers - low interest rate, more inventory, and the Federal Tax Credit.    Market Activity Index - 0.47- down 2 points. The market index is 0.47, almost even with last month's 0.49, which is about even with April 2009.  Last year it was 0.24.   New Listi...
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By Lupe Soto-Realtor, Listing, Selling Burbank, San Fernando Valley LA
(Premier Realty Assoc)
Find Burbank CA Homes For Sale & Real Estate, easy search to locate Homes & Condos For Sale in Burbank CA, Burbank Bank Owned, Burbank REO's, Burbank Foreclosures, Burbank Short Sales, Burbank New Homes, Condos, Townhouses for sale in Burbank CA 91501 91502 91504 91505 91505 with Burbank Realtor Lupe Soto LIST OF REO'S BANK OWNED HOMES CONDOS TOWNHOUSES FOR SALE IN BURBANK, click here  BURBANK HOMES FOR SALE - BURBANK VIDEO BLOG, click here  BURBANK CONDOS TOWNHOUSES FOR SALE - BURBANK VIDEO BLOG, click here  BURBANK NEW HOMES CONDOS TOWNHOUSES FOR SALE       ABOUT BUSD BURBANK UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT:  Are you looking to buy a Burbank Home Condo Townhouse within a good school district, please consider The Burbank Unified School District known as one of the m...
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By Lupe Soto-Realtor, Listing, Selling Burbank, San Fernando Valley LA
(Premier Realty Assoc)
Buyers Who Wait May Lose a Lot Potential home buyers who delay have a lot to lose. Buyers who qualify get a dollar-for-dollar reduction in taxes or a cash payment if they don't pay enough taxes to cover the credit.Other factors that should spur buyers:Low mortgage rates. If the Federal Reserve stops buying mortgage-backed securities at the end of March, 30-year rates will almost certainly rise to more than 6 percent.Rising prices. About 30 percent of markets are already experiencing price increases. Prices are falling in 12 percent of markets, says Fiserv (but that only helps if you want to live there).Source: Money Magazine, Beth Braverman Burbank CA Homes For Sale, Burbank Condos For Sale, Burbank Townhouses For Sale, Burbank REO's homes and condos for sale, Burbank CA Short Sales by ...
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By Richard Johnston
(San Fernando Valley - RE/MAX Grand Central)
Are you relocating to the San Fernando Valley?  The San Fernando Valley is located in Los Angeles County and has many vibrant cities including but not limited to Burbank, Calabasas, and Glendale. Here is a list of my favorite cities in the San Fernando Valley and the number of available homes, condos, short sale, and bank owned homes.  Be sure to bookmark this post! Studio City, CA - There are currently 121 available homes and condos for sale in the Studio City area.  Of these, 58 are considered condos and townhouses.  There is 5 Studio City bank owned homes and 13 Studio City short sale homes.  Studio City is one of the most popular areas of the Valley because of it's location to Hollywood and the Burbank Studios.  Sherman Oaks, CA- My second favorite city of the San Fernando Valley is...
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By Richard & Janet OBrian, Listing Specialist Palmdale, Lancaster CA
(Home Based Realty)
Real Estate Trends - Palmdale, Lancaster, Quartz Hill and the Greater Antelope Valley February 18 - 2010Days on the market (DOM) is a great indicator of the current trend within your local real estate market.  Days on the market show buyer appetite the longer a home is on the market the less appetite; you can breakdown the DOM by price as well.  Typically the more the price the longer a home will sit on the market waiting for that high-end buyer.  Another indictor is price (of course), combined with DOM you can see the price trend, in the Antelope Valley, Palmdale Lancaster area we have been seeing price moving higher on the mid range homes between 120,000 and 170,000 for the last 8 months. Keller Williams Realty AV Ranked #1 in the Antelope Valley Janet O'Brian is a Certified Short Sal...
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