Alameda Legacy Home Tour
By Evelyn Kennedy, Alameda, Real Estate, Alameda, CA
(Alain Pinel Realtors)
Alameda Legacy Home Tour Fabulous homes are on the agenda for the Alameda Legacy Home Tour on Sunday, September 25 in Alameda. The six homes and the Home of Truth spiritial center were built between 1879 and 1910 and represent a variety of architectural styles. The Alameda Architectural Preservation Society and the Alameda Museum co-host the tour each year. The homes were built or designed by noted Alameda architects such as Joseph A. Leonard, Alfred W. Pattiani, O’Brien and Werner and Bert E. Remmel. Architectural styles include Queen Anne, Tudor Revival, Eastlake Stick cottage, Italianate and Arts and Crafts. Tickets for the 2016 Alameda Legacy Home Tour can be bought at Daisy’s, 1347 Park St.; Alameda Shade Shop, 914 Central Ave.; and Wescafe, 1518 Webster St and at the Alamed...