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By Evelyn Kennedy, Alameda, Real Estate, Alameda, CA
(Alain Pinel Realtors)
Transportation 101 at Mastick Senior Center (5/16) If you have a transportation dilemma, Mastick Senior Center’s Paratransit Coordinator Victoria Williams has the answer for you. Ms. Williams presents a class every month at Mastick about the transportation options available to all Alamedans. Her next class is Tuesday, May 16 at 1:00 pm in Room D. Pre-registration is required. It is amazing that there are so many choices for us. Here are few of them: The City of Alameda Paratransit Shuttle. I thought this shuttle was only for seniors and people with disabilities. But no, it is FREE to everyone. The shuttle serves three areas or loops. The West Loop is on Tuesday for destinations in the West End of Alameda including the Farmer’s Market. The East Loop is on Wednesday for des...
By Evelyn Kennedy, Alameda, Real Estate, Alameda, CA
(Alain Pinel Realtors)
The Alameda Museum 2017 Lecture Series The Alameda Museum's 2017 Lecture Series begins on April 27. This is a 17 year tradition of lectures which has been a way for the Museum to educate Alamedans about their city’s history. The Alameda Museum was founded as the Historical Society 67 years ago. The Museum’s mission is to collect, conserve and exhibit the City of Alameda’s history. And also to educate Alamedans and visitors with fabulous lectures, gorgeous art exhibits and to provide special group tours during non-business hours. April 27, 2017. Alameda’s Hometown Hero - Jimmy DoolittleRobbie Dileo of the Alameda Naval Air Museum and Dennis Evanosky, Publisher of the Alameda Sun and President of the Alameda Museum Board, will tell the story of the Doolittle Raid over Japan foll...
By Evelyn Kennedy, Alameda, Real Estate, Alameda, CA
(Alain Pinel Realtors)
How can you enhance security for your Alameda vintage home? How can you enhance security for your Alameda vintage home? The Alameda Architectural Preservation Society’s first meeting of the year will address what you can do to improve the security of your vintage doors and windows Sunday, January 25 at 7:00 pm at the Immanuel Lutheran Church at 1420 Lafayette Street in Alameda. Bill Essert, President of Wooden Window will speak about restoration of windows and doors in historic homes versus replacement. He will give advice about things homeowners can do to increase home’s security including retrofitting multi-point security locks on older doors. VINTAGE DOOR Windows and doors of many vintage homes are simply not secure. Homeowners are faced with replacement which are safe bu...
By Evelyn Kennedy, Alameda, Real Estate, Alameda, CA
(Alain Pinel Realtors)
Benefit concert for Ruby Bridges Elementary School on Saturday, January 24 at 7:00 pm at the Kofman Auditorium at 2200 Central Avenue in Alameda. The Oakland Interfaith Gospel Choir will join the Ruby Bridges fifth grade choir in an effort to raise money to send fifth graders to science camp. The school’s namesake, Ruby Bridges, is flying in from her home in New Orleans to address the audience at the concert. Bridges said, “I think science camp is extremely important because it allows all our fifth-grade students to come together and bond together. That’s really what my work is all about - bringing kids together.” Many have seen the Norman Rockwell painting of a small black girl being escorted by U. S. Marshalls to school when she integrated William Frantz Elementary school in ...
By Evelyn Kennedy, Alameda, Real Estate, Alameda, CA
(Alain Pinel Realtors)
Alameda’s Public Works Department wants your input on Clement Avenue improvements. The City of Alameda has been awarded a grant to develop a plan for improvements for Clement Avenue between Grand Street and Broadway. Public works will develop a concept of potential improvements on Clement Avenue with community input. Clement Avenue is 48 feet wide with two motor vehicle lanes and on-street parking. Improvements will be developed with community input with the first community workshop on Wednesday, January 21 at 6:30 pm at the Main Library at 1550 Oak Street in Alameda. Some of the proposed goals of the improvements are: Remove the abandoned railroad tracks; Encourage bicycling, walking and transit use; Improve truck access; Improve the streetscape; Connect homes, jobs, schoo...
By Evelyn Kennedy, Alameda, Real Estate, Alameda, CA
(Alain Pinel Realtors)
Alameda Rental Housing Community Discussion group will meet again for the third time on Wednesday, January 7 at Mastick Senior Center Social Hall from 6:00 to 9:00 pm. A focus group of tenants and landlords have developed six discussion points to start the conversation about addressing the issues residents are facing. • providing notice of the City’s Rent Review Advisory Committee’s mediation service in rent increase notices. • requiring both tenants and housing providers to attend the mediation session if an application is filed. • requiring both tenants and housing providers to participate in good faith. • creating the opportunity for an expedited mediation process. • preventing housing providers from retaliating against tenants who file an application with the City for a mediation ...
By Evelyn Kennedy, Alameda, Real Estate, Alameda, CA
(Alain Pinel Realtors)
Alameda City Council may rescind Del Monte approvals Alameda City Council may rescind Del Monte approvals at the Council meeting tonight, January 6. The new council may repeal the former councils approval of the master plan and development agreement for the project which includes up to 380 homes and 30,000 square feet of retail space on the 11 acre Del Monte property. The former council approved the plan by a 4-1 vote in December. Councilman Tony Daysog cast the only no vote. The new council consisting of new Mayor Trish Spencer and Vice-Mayor Frank Matarrese and Jim Oddie and returning members Tony Daysog and Marilyn Essy Ashcraft. According to the Alamedan, Spencer said, “This is a way to give the new council an opportunity, if they want an opportunity, to revisit this project....