Yuma AZ real estate for sale - Affordable homes in Yuma for sale
By James Sanson, REALTOR®
(REAL Broker, LLC)
Yuma AZ real estate for sale - Affordable homes in Yuma for sale Yuma Arizona offers some really beautiful homes. These affordable properties have maintained their values too. Some say with YPG, The Marines and Army bases there the values are stable. For the military we offer VA Mortgages and for you non VA mortgage candidates we have FHA, USDA, Conventional, and HomePath Financing. Some of these offer programs as little as $0. Click to learn more about Yuma Home loans. If you are looking for an affordable home then this 5 bedroom home for sale will catch your eyes. It offers two full bathrooms and one 3/4s bathroom. This home is a two story castle with beautiful stairs, and in the master bathroom a separate show and tub. Plus this home offers over 3000 SQFT and a 3 car garage. The town...