Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport is Celebrating 75 years of Service between October 2010 and March 13, 2011.
By Ken Speer
(Alpha Global Associates)
Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport is Celebrating 75 years of Service between October 2010 and March 13, 2011. Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport is the modern gateway to the City of Phoenix and the greater metro area. It had it's start in 1928 when Scenic Airlines General Manager J. Parker Van Zandt purchased land for the airline. Following improvements, the stock market crash of 1929 and other factors, the City of Phoenix reluctantly purchased the property in 1935 for $100,000.00. Locally, at the time, it was so far away from the city is was called "the farm." Below are some of the significant milestones in Sky Harbor's history. On Nov. 11, 1935, the city held a dedication for the airport and the celebration followed. No one envisioned at the time the Sky Harbor would ...