Today's Home Tour -- Surprise in the Master Bathroom
By Eric Crane -- Your Full Service, Discount Fee Realtor®, Greater Metro Phoenix Arizona
(DPR Realty LLC)
Today's Home Tour -- Surprise in the Master Bathroom Late this afternoon, I showed a property in North Phoenix (incidentally in the same neighborhood that my wife and I purchased our first home, in the late 80s). The home has benefited from some nice remodeling and we enjoyed our tour of the ground level. We then headed upstairs to take a look at the bedrooms. Our first stop was the master suite. We stepped into the master bath and were greeted with the following surprise. Plantation Shutter Installed Over Skylight That is a plantation shutter which has been placed on the ceiling, over a skylight. (By the way, what did you think I was going to say?) Interesting. In the thousands of homes I have toured over the years, that is a first. But isn't that part of the fun on real es...