Snowbowl Aspens Are Past their Peak Color At 9000 Ft : --(
By Sheri Sperry - MCNE®, (928) 274-7355 ~ YOUR Solutions REALTOR®
(Coldwell Banker Realty)
Snowbowl AspensFlagstaff AZAt The Snowbowl Parking Lot 9000 FTThe Peak Color Is Past At The Snowbowl Ski LiftsRick and I decided to another trip up to Snowbowl to see the Aspens. Last year the color lasted a number of weeks. Other areas much lower are still at peak color. So we were a little disappointed to see bare trees at the parking lot near the ski lifts. The peak color at Aspen Corner is also past it's best viewing. Why? The big issue is wind. There have been pretty decent breezes that are blowing these Aspen leaves right off the branches. One week ago, this was not the case. The color was outstanding, very yellow with some green mixed in, but most of all, full trees. I will share a couple of short videos that show the "Aspen Snow" falling from these majestic trees. Search For...