April Flagstaff Market Report
By Ann Heitland, Retired from Flagstaff Real Estate Sales
(Retired from RE/MAX Peak Properties)
The number of homes listed for sale in and around Flagstaff, according the Northern Arizona Association of Realtors® Multiple-Listing Service, increased from 683 at the beginning to March to 755 on April 7. These numbers are actually lower than the number of homes for sale last October in spite of the perception that I have been hearing "on the street" that there may be an alarming increase in the number of homes for sale. The price statistics in the table below for all residential units will be quite startling - prices appear to be WAY down and, therefore, to support the notion that there is a huge "oversupply" of homes for sale. Let's look, and then dig a bit deeper: MLS StatisticsMedian PriceAverage PriceHomes SoldMarch 2007$270,000 $323,3211091st Quarter 2007$3...