How To Gift The Person That Has Everything?
By Jeff Masich-Scottsdale AZ Associate Broker,MBA,GRI, Arizona Homes and Land Group/ Buy or Sell
(HomeSmart Real Estate)
OK, you know the person that you can never get a gift for, right?They have everything they need. They even have money so when they want something they just order it on Amazon. You dislike giving gift cards as they are not personal and likely the person in question cannot even remember who gave them the gift card.Let's call him "Rich" Uncle Harry. You love him. (Photo: Daniela Jakob, Pixabay)Uncle Harry already knows about the latest gadget or TV promotional item and has already purchased it. Well, what else do you know about the person or our Uncle Harry. Take a look. They have 100 pairs of shoes, use the walk in closet and also a closet in the guest bedroom for their extra clothing. In the garage they have 3 of every kind of tool. The refrigerator and freezer in the garage are backups ...