
Bella Vista, AR Real Estate News

By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
Ada Harriet Miser was born in Somerset, Ohio back in 1847 to Henry and Ann. In 1860, the family moved to St. Louis, Missouri. In 1867, she met and married another Henry. She attended the Old University of Chicago, which is now known as Northwestern University. She graduated in 1870.After graduation, she was passionate about the temperance and women’s suffrage movements. She founded the Band of Hope youth-oriented temperance group in Effingham, Illinois. She openly went after saloons and the patrons. In 1897, an angered saloon-keeper’s son broke into her home and attempted to shoot her, but missed and shot one of her dogs. After her husband’s death in 1906, she fell into hard times and died a charity case in St. Anthony’s Memorial Hospital in 1925.What you may not know about Ada Harriet ...
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By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
Ada Evans was born in Wanstead, England back in 1872 to Henry and Louisa. She attended school in the Woodford suburb of London before the family moved to Sydney, New South Wales, Australia in 1883. She graduated from the Sydney Girls High School. She continued her education at the University of Sydney graduating with a Bachelor of Arts in 1895.Right after graduation she wanted to start a school, but abandoned the project after a period of illness. It wasn’t long after that when she again enrolled at the University of Sydney to start out in a new direction. The common law in New South Wales at the time did not consider females as “persons”, therefore she was not allowed to practice what she had wanted to do. That law was changed in 1918, giving her the right to engage in what she had stu...
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By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
Arthur Middleton was born in Paris, France back in 1905to Charles and Eliza. From an early age, he was interested in developing a comprehensive theory of reality. To develop those skills, he thought he should first develop an understanding of mathematics and engineering. He graduated from Princeton University in 1927. So, after graduation he returned to his father’s farm to begin 12 years of solitary research on an idea. He took his results and models to a company in Buffalo, New York. In 1941, the company agreed to build full-scale prototypes. In 1946, the company was issued a certificate for being the first one to use his invention. It continued to be manufactured through 1974. He died in 1995, from cancer he was 89.What you may not know about Arthur Middleton Young is that he was the...
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By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
Allen Benjamin was born in Willet, New York back in 1824. At 11 he found himself an indentured servant to a farmer, remaining there only one year. He continued to work on a farm until he was 16. He also was learning the blacksmith’s trade. At 16 he found his was to Adrian, Michigan as a journeyman blacksmith.It was in 1847, he had an epiphany about something he had never heard of, however someone else had already patented the idea. He was ill for several months but the idea never left him. He had nothing in writing just the design in his mind.In 1849, he moved to North Adams, Massachusetts, he sold one-half interest in his idea for 300.00, that was enough for him to secure US patent number 7776 in 1850. As they say the rest is history. For you see Allen Benjamin Wilson invented the vibr...
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By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
Charles Fremont was born in Washington County, Pennsylvania back in 1899 to William and Hannah. His family moved to Washington, Pennsylvania in 1911. His father opened up a drug store later expanding it to a grocery store. Charles was an outstanding athlete at Washington High School. In 1920, he enrolled at Washington & Jefferson College playing football, he was also a member of the track and field team. In 1921, he was playing halfback and backup quarterback, taking over the job of quarterback later in the season. He signed with the Akron Pros football team but quit to attend medical school at Howard University in Washington, D.C. After graduation, he practiced medicine in Alexandra, Virginia for many years. He was awarded the distinguished Alumni Service Award for Washington and Jeffe...
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By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
Emily Warren was born in Cold Spring, New York back in 1843 to Sylvanus and Phebe. Her thirst for education was never-ending. She attended school at Georgetown Visitation Academy in Washington, D.C. in 1864, during the American Civil War she visited her brother and Met Washington. They married a year later in Cold Spring.They had their honeymoon in Europe, upon returning to the States Washington took over a project that was started by his father. It wasn’t long before he also became ill, so Emily took over the project. She consulted with Washington as to the progress of the project, developing an extensive knowledge. Washington’s sickness was still ongoing 10 years later however due to Emily’s knowledge she convinced the politicians to defend her husband and the project was completed in...
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By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
Jonathan Mayhew was born in Wall Walla, Washington back in 1883. He graduated from Highland Park High School in Illinois in 1901. From there he went to West Point graduating in 1906. While there the served as First Captain of the Corps of Cadets. He was commissioned as an officer in the 1st Cavalry Regiment in Texas from 1906 to 1908.He continued to rise through the ranks and in 1918 was sent to France during WWI. He was promoted to major after WWI. In 1929, he was promoted to lieutenant colonel graduating from the Command and General Staff School. By 1928 he was promoted to brigadier general commanding the 1st. Cavalry Brigade at Fort Clark, Texas.In 1940, he was serving in the Philippines when the Japanese Army invaded.   He was among those who was captured at Bataan, spending the res...
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By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
Lewis Frederick was born in Pontypool, Ontario back in 1927. He graduated from the University of Toronto with a degree in chemical engineering in 1950. He served in the Canadian Army for a few years before working for the Eveready Battery Company. In 1955, he was sent to the company’s laboratory in Parma, Ohio. His assignment was to discover a way of extending the life span of their batteries.Throughout the 1950’s no one was able to extend the life of batteries worth the higher cost of production. In 1957, he received a US patent (2,960,558) for his revolutionary discovery. To prove his discovery, he put two batteries in a toy car racing it around the canteen. Of course, his discovery ran the vehicle longer than the conventional one. Eveready began producing his discovery in 1959 and it...
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By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
Bram van der Stok was born in the Dutch East Indies back in 1915. He attended school at Lyceum Alpinum in Switzerland before studying medicine at Leiden University, then he continued his medical studies at Utrecht University. He joined the Netherland’s Air Force just prior to the outbreak of WWII.When Germany invaded the Netherlands, he was able to stowaway on a Swiss merchant ship reaching Scotland in 1941. He trained with the Royal Air Force. Between December 1941 to April 1942 he qualified as a flying ace having shot down 6 aircraft of the Luftwaffe. In 1942, he was flying a mission in Northern France when he was shot down and immediately captured.He was incarcerated at Stalag Luft III, where he was assigned to work in the medical facility due to his medical training. He attempted to...
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By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
Narcissa Prentiss was born in Prattsburgh, New York back in 1808 to Stephen and Clarissa. Early on she got caught up in the Second Great Awakening deciding her true calling was to become a missionary. She was accepted for missionary service in 1835. Educated at the Franklin Academy she married Marcus in 1836. Shortly after they married, they set off headed west for the Oregon Country. They settled near Walla Walla, Washington where they began their missionary work. She was responsible for cooking, washing and ironing clothes, churning butter, making candles and soap plus baking. In her spare time, she became a mother giving birth to a baby girl in 1837. Two years later the baby died in a drowning accident.In 1847, a measles epidemic broke out, the Native Americans blamed Narcissa and Ma...
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By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
Charles Xavier was born in Colmar, France back in 1785. He joined the French Army in 1809. He rose through the ranks to be the General Manager of the supply store while stationed in Spain in 1813. He continued to rise through the ranks becoming Inspector of Supply for the entire French Army, until he was discharged in 1819.When he returned to civilian life he co-founded an insurance company that he left shortly afterwards due to the lack of support. In 1829, he founded another insurance company the “Le Soleii” which he kept until his death in 1870. That insurance company has hanged names several times becoming the GAN Company that is still in existence to this day.What you may not know about Charles Xavier Thomas is that he is best known for designing patenting and manufacturing the fir...
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By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
Jan Szczepanik was born in Rudniki, Austrian Partition back in 1872. I cannot find much information on him until years later. He graduated from a teacher’s college afterwards moving to Vienna. While I could not find any information if he ever taught school what he did is amazing. I hope you’ll appreciate all the inventions he discovered, so let’s get to it.He was well versed in the application of fabric, so in 1801, he invented the first ballistic vest using silk. The first user of the vest was the Spanish King Alfonso XIII. He was also into photography for in 1859 he produced the first synchronized photo projections (the basis for the motion picture). That process produced 24 frames per second. He also invented the first electric rifle, a moving wing aircraft, a duplex rotor helicopter...
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By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
Harold Meade was born in Troy Center, Wisconsin back in 1879. After graduation from the Milwaukee Business College he worked as a grain merchant. His business thrived where he would continue to work until his death in 1962.It was when he partnered with a guy name Stephen that his other business took off and still remains in operation to this day. in 1908, they started a business with the growing automobile industry where the company settled on automotive components and internal combustion engines.While you may not know Harold Meade Stratton and Stephen Foster Briggs, surely, you’ve heard of the engines they perfected over the years Briggs & Stratton. They are the leading manufacturer of small internal combustion engines used in lawn care. Until tomorrow smile, it will make people wonder...
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By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
Anastasia was born in Romania back in 1957/1958 to Dumitru and Victoria. Growing up in Constanta where she studied history and architecture. Somewhere along the line she married a ship’s captain. On one trip, he docked in Italy where he visited the American embassy asking for asylum, reaching the U.S. six months later.It was a full three years before she was allowed to leave Romania to join him. Arriving in Los Angeles speaking very little English she worked as an aesthetician (skin) person at a beauty salon. It was there she realized one thing that was an under-exploited area. She developed a technique for that one under-exploited area and as they say the rest is history.She spoke to her manager who thought there was not enough of a market for her idea so she rented a room in a Beverly...
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By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
John Skirrow was born in Birmingham, England back in 1822. He was employed at Smith and Kemp a button manufacturer. By 1850, he was a partner in the business. He also served as President of the Birmingham Chamber of Commerce. He was the first chairman of the Birmingham Liberal Association. In 1880, he was elected to parliament as a Liberal in Nottingham.He was known for his many contributions to the General Hospital, the Chamber of Commerce, the School of Art and the Children’s Hospital to name just a few. He shared his profits of his enterprise however, he opposed factor legislation, arguing that it interfered with the individual employer.While you may not know John Skirrow Wright surely you have used something he invented while serving at the Chamber of Commerce. For you see he was th...
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By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
Marc Seguin was born in Annonay back in 1786 to Marc Sr., and Therese. Again, this one is going to be short so let’s get to it. He was an inventor and entrepreneur who is known for several inventions but I’ll save the best one for last, as usual.He visited the Stockton and Darlington Railway shortly after its opening in 1825. He was impressed with the steam engines and ordered two of them. With some modifications, he delivered two of his own steam locomotives with modifications of his own design. His engine enabled trains to increase their power and velocity from 4 miles per hour to 25 miles per hour thus making the railroad a more viable mode of transportation of both people and goods.However, what you may not know about Marc invented the wire-cable suspension bridge. You can his name ...
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By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
Edourard-Leon Scott de Matrinville was born in Paris, France back in 1817. Unlike most of my blogs this one will be considerably short, so let’s get to it. He was a printer by trade reading the latest scientific discoveries prompting him to be an inventor.He started working on his invention in 1853, in January of 1857 he delivered his design in a sealed envelope to the French Academy. Two months later he received the French patent 17,897/31,470 for his invention. He died in 1879 at a young 62.What you may not know about Edorard-Leon Scott de Martinville is that his invention was called the phonauthgraph which is the earliest known sound recording device. I believe his invention has gone through some upgrades over the years, don’t you? Anyway, until tomorrow keep that smile on your face ...
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By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
Rufus Stokes was born in Phenix City, Alabama back in 1924. Just before graduating from high school he enlisted in the U.S. Army at Fort Benning Georgia, assigned to the Quartermaster Corps after basic training. He received further education as an auto mechanic.He served in the Western Europe Theater, receiving the American Defense Service Medal, the European Campaign Medal and the Good Conduct Medal. After the war, he moved to Kansas City, Missouri and then to Waukegan, Illinois before settling in Chicago. We worked for the Veterans Administration for a short time where he noticed something that had a profound effect on him. What he invented was the APC-100 air pollution control device. The device converted toxic gases from the burning of rubber tires and other combustibles to steam. I...
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By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
Harold Burroughs was born in San Fernando, California back in 1910. Sorry but I can’t find any information as to who his parents were etc. what I can tell you as always is the rest of the story. He received a scholarship to study architecture at the University of Southern California however do to the Depression he dropped out to support his family.In his spare time, he was also a piano teacher starting at age 19 he developed his own method designed to bridge classical and jazz improvisation. During WWII, he joined the Army Air Corps, where he gave lesson to fellow servicemen. He did something in 1942, that forever changed the piano. Making the piano out of parts from a B-17 aircraft. After the war, he opened up is own business which in 1959 was bought by Leo Fender.Harold Burroughs Rhod...
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By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
Richard Samuel was born in Bristol, Tennessee back in 1881. I don’t have any data about his childhood that is until the early 1900. He left the University of Virginia in 1903 to work for his uncle.In 1912, he decided to open up his own company, leaving his uncle, that of course is the rest of the story. He partnered with his uncle and a British company. His first product was a moisture-preserving tobacco tin. Shortly after WWII around 1947 he introduced his newest product and what can I say the rest is history. In that year Richard Samuel Reynolds, Sr. founded the U.S. Foil company, the primary product was of course Reynold’s Wrap. That product transformed food storage. Reynolds Metals is the second-largest aluminum company in the United States and the third largest in the world. Now, d...
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