- Topic: ActiveRain Community
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is on the chopping block. Has the CFPB been good for the Real Estate Industry? Have they done anything besides favoring the new CD form over the old HUD-1?
- Topic: ActiveRain Community
Will Realtor dot com's move to Texas be good for the real estate industry? Second question: when NAR sold the domain and the website, did NAR keep any percentage, stock, or say-so in Realtor dot com?
- Topic: ActiveRain Community
Do you use the ActiveRain Groups? I have historically been bad at this, but am getting better. Did you know two of the most visited groups are BananaTUDE and Old Farts? If you tag those groups on your
- Topic: ActiveRain Community
I know, I know I know.
- Topic: ActiveRain Community
So the question of the day is.......