Ugh! No citations will be issued. Just that they would even. Batshit CA, LOL
Of course trick-or-treating is allowed as my County and State are not insane!
AJ Heidmann ~ CRS
Alexandria, VA
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
Kat Palmiotti
Kalispell, MT
Anna "Banana" Kruchten
Phoenix, AZ
Doug Dawes
Topsfield, MA
Don Baker
Eatonton, GA
Ron and Alexandra Seigel
Carpinteria, CA
Lyn Sims
Schaumburg, IL
Ryan Huggins - Thousan...
Thousand Oaks, CA
Brian England
Gilbert, AZ
Raymond E. Camp
Ontario, NY
Brenda Mayette
Glenville, NY
Yes. I may even participate this year.
Brenda Mayette
Glenville, NY
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
Steve Higgins
Kelowna, BC
Doug Dawes
Topsfield, MA
John Juarez
Fremont, CA
Abby Stiller
Cape Coral, FL
Kathleen Daniels, Prob...
San Jose, CA
Ron and Alexandra Seigel
Carpinteria, CA
Candice A. Donofrio
Fort Mohave, AZ
Yes and it saddens me so that neighbors are asking each other, "Will it be allowed?". It has always been a choice to participate or not. Feel it's too risky? Don't put your light on & don't answer your door. Will I be handing out candy? Damn straight i will! Will I answer the door with a mask on? No. Enter my yard and you've assumed a risk. Period.
Happy Halloween!
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
Doug Dawes
Topsfield, MA
Don Baker
Eatonton, GA
John Juarez
Fremont, CA
Abby Stiller
Cape Coral, FL
Kathleen Daniels, Prob...
San Jose, CA
Ron and Alexandra Seigel
Carpinteria, CA
Candice A. Donofrio
Fort Mohave, AZ
Brian England
Gilbert, AZ
Yes it is.
Steve Higgins
Kelowna, BC
Doug Dawes
Topsfield, MA
John Juarez
Fremont, CA
Abby Stiller
Cape Coral, FL
Kathleen Daniels, Prob...
San Jose, CA
Ron and Alexandra Seigel
Carpinteria, CA
Brian England
Gilbert, AZ
Brenda Mayette
Glenville, NY
Trick or Treating, the Halloween tradition, is not outlawed.
Yet, I cannot help but wonder why parents would send or take their children out to take candy from neighbors and strangers in the midst of this pandemic.
Brian L. Sirota, Esq.
Orange, CA
Kathleen Daniels, Prob...
San Jose, CA
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
Steve Higgins
Kelowna, BC
Mel Ahrens, MBA, Kelly...
Hood River, OR
Doug Dawes
Topsfield, MA
Joan Cox
Denver, CO
I have not heard the Governor shutting that down ...
Thanksgiving on the other hand ... apparently the Governor has put his control on that.
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
Steve Higgins
Kelowna, BC
Anna "Banana" Kruchten
Phoenix, AZ
Doug Dawes
Topsfield, MA
John Juarez
Fremont, CA
Abby Stiller
Cape Coral, FL
Kathleen Daniels, Prob...
San Jose, CA
I think it will be allowed. I am not usually home for that even though some years I have planned to be, but something has always come up. This year I will be helping out at a tennis tournament, so I won't get to hand out candy to the little ghosts and goblins if they come by.
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
Steve Higgins
Kelowna, BC
Doug Dawes
Topsfield, MA
John Juarez
Fremont, CA
Abby Stiller
Cape Coral, FL
Kathleen Daniels, Prob...
San Jose, CA
Joan Cox
Denver, CO
It will probably depend on which way the wind is blowing where our illustrious governor is!
As liquor sales are up I might put on a mask and go out and I'll bring my own ice!
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
Anna "Banana" Kruchten
Phoenix, AZ
Doug Dawes
Topsfield, MA
John Juarez
Fremont, CA
Abby Stiller
Cape Coral, FL
Candice A. Donofrio
Fort Mohave, AZ
Brian England
Gilbert, AZ
Probably, but we do not have to answer the door if we do not want to.
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
Steve Higgins
Kelowna, BC
Doug Dawes
Topsfield, MA
John Juarez
Fremont, CA
Abby Stiller
Cape Coral, FL
Brian England
Gilbert, AZ
Brenda Mayette
Glenville, NY
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
Anna "Banana" Kruchten
Phoenix, AZ
Bernie Stiller Jr.
Cape Coral, FL
Doug Dawes
Topsfield, MA
John Juarez
Fremont, CA
Joan Cox
Denver, CO
I dont really know. I get my candy the day after when it goes on sale.
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
Steve Higgins
Kelowna, BC
Mel Ahrens, MBA, Kelly...
Hood River, OR
Doug Dawes
Topsfield, MA
John Juarez
Fremont, CA
Abby Stiller
Cape Coral, FL
In the downtown hi-rises of Chicago it is not allowed. Some buildings in the past had parties. Not this year!
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
Doug Dawes
Topsfield, MA
John Juarez
Fremont, CA
Abby Stiller
Cape Coral, FL
Kathleen Daniels, Prob...
San Jose, CA
Brian England
Gilbert, AZ
Yes. albeit and modified version
Kathleen Daniels, Prob...
San Jose, CA
Joan Cox
Denver, CO
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
Steve Higgins
Kelowna, BC
John Juarez
Fremont, CA
I have not heard either way, but see a lot of questions on Next Door. But, I don't have kiddos, so may have missed it.
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
Steve Higgins
Kelowna, BC
Doug Dawes
Topsfield, MA
John Juarez
Fremont, CA
Abby Stiller
Cape Coral, FL
yes it is being allowed.
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
Doug Dawes
Topsfield, MA
John Juarez
Fremont, CA
Kathleen Daniels, Prob...
San Jose, CA
Our governor says no but, I have a strong sense that because local physicians are coming forward and saying that the children will not be at risk, we'll see trick-or-treaters.
My advice to those who ask, if you don't want children at your door, don't turn on the light! It's really that simple!
Steve Higgins
Kelowna, BC
Kathleen Daniels, Prob...
San Jose, CA
Joan Cox
Denver, CO
Yes it allowed here in Kelowna BC Canada. They ask that we social distance while handing out candy. We are going to set it out on a table and let the kids help themselves and hope they leave some for others.
Kathleen Daniels, Prob...
San Jose, CA
Joan Cox
Denver, CO
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
The thing I love about my area is.... there is no "allowed" or "not allowed." For the most part, people live the way they want to, and other people let them. There might be a "suggested".... and that's fine.
No one will trick or treat to my house, because we are not very easy to get to. But I am positive there will be small goblins and ghosts trick or treating in town. People who don't want the interaction will leave goodies outside (or not).
It's all good here.
AJ Heidmann ~ CRS
Alexandria, VA
Kathleen Daniels, Prob...
San Jose, CA
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
of course
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
Doug Dawes
Topsfield, MA
Jerrill Ewing
Eatonton, GA
Not sure about this year, but do not know how to get kids to hold back.
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
Doug Dawes
Topsfield, MA
John Juarez
Fremont, CA
Giving out candy (or not) is just the tip of the iceburg and not the real question. Having one person tell millions what they can or cannot do is...
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
Doug Dawes
Topsfield, MA
John Juarez
Fremont, CA
I think that Brenda Mayette gave you the answer...A
Doug Dawes
Topsfield, MA
John Juarez
Fremont, CA
Kathleen Daniels, Prob...
San Jose, CA
Yes, here in NH trick or treat is on. Our city will have it Saturday 6-8pm
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
Doug Dawes
Topsfield, MA
John Juarez
Fremont, CA
So Halloween Trick of Treating is fine but your Governor has got some ridiculous rules for Thanksgiving? Did you hear about them?
Kathleen Daniels, Prob...
San Jose, CA
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
Yes, I still live in the USA.
Kathleen Daniels, Prob...
San Jose, CA
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
Tony ~ It is allowed here in Alexandria, VA but is heavily frowned upon by the City.
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
Our downtown business Trick or Treating was canceled this year. And rightfully so.
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC