Oh Lord, yes and I detest those things! They are a royal pain in the rear!
They were widely used by foreclosure agents here in Charlotte during the recession and most of them had the same code and we all knew it! R-U-N was the code - we often joked, wondering if this was a clue before we ever entered the house!
Peter Testa
Danbury, CT
Lyn Sims
Schaumburg, IL
Kathleen Daniels, Prob...
San Jose, CA
Roy Kelley
Gaithersburg, MD
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Sure & they are the biggest PITA the planet has to offer!
They are so frustrating I've even tried to smash them with a hammer. I only have one left as a kind of antique. Days are so much better with newer kinds of boxes. Get the one from MasterLock.
Peter Testa
Danbury, CT
Kathleen Daniels, Prob...
San Jose, CA
Olga Simoncelli
New Fairfield, CT
Roy Kelley
Gaithersburg, MD
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
I have 2 of those! Hahahah! We use them on REOs for vendors. I just had one go on the market and sell in ONE HOUR before I could get a Supra and sign on it. Everyone is FINE using it.
Kathleen Daniels, Prob...
San Jose, CA
Roy Kelley
Gaithersburg, MD
Ron and Alexandra Seigel
Carpinteria, CA
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
I know how to open it, but I have a question. Why does the agent always put it in the hardest to get at location that they can find? I am getting too old to lay down on the ground to see the dial.
Jill Murty, Realtor - ...
Laguna Niguel, CA
Olga Simoncelli
New Fairfield, CT
I don't know how to use these. Every so often a listing has one of these and listing agent says "just like your high school locker." Well, I went to a high school with maybe 225 students... we had lockers but nothing was ever locked up. I never used one of these. And besides I graduated from high school 52 years ago... even if I'd had one and then never seen one again in the ensuing half century, why would anyone think I remember how to work it?
Here's what I'd rather say to someone who forces one of these on me: "stop being cheap and invest in some real lock boxes."
Peter Testa
Danbury, CT
David Martin Not if I knew the combination. I have never seen one with letters as opposed to numbers.
I think many younger new agents may ot have seen these before. I get these calls too. Alot of banks require these instead of electronic boxes
Turn left, turn right- pass the last letter or keep turning? Try it again, spin to clear, turn left, turn right, did it work?
On occasions where I needed to use a Combo Box I usually use the numbered button ones or the ones where each letter has it's own dial. Less spinning is good.
I've now heard it all!!! WOW! When I encounter this kind of lockbox, I usually utter some throwback to junior high and then tackle it... left, right, left.
I still have a bunch of them, usually use them on vacant properties. Had a very young agent this past week that had a very challenging time opening it, had to give her step by step instructions over the phone.
not stymied, but I hate them! I dispised the combo locks at school too!
I got rid of those things years ago - totally confusing and a real pain to use for everyone - except our handyman the jack of everything.
I used to see those and knew how to operate them. It would take a couple of tries as I remember it took a full round to take the code.
Yup I know how to use them. Run into the quite a bit on vacant older homes.
Rarely we have those too, i'm always confused what side to go first: left, right? I call my kids to help:)
An agent who doesn't know how to use it should just google it or youtube it.
Yes. I would know how to use it.
However, whether I could see the letters and lines and symbols well is an entirely different issue.
Do you start lefty or righty?
How many clearing spins do you start with?
What's the likelihood of pulling the release and it opens without spinning?
To be frank, these boxes are more convenient and faster than the e-box and solar flares have not effect on them. CBS and I have all I need.
I have encountered them, but never used them, nor would I. They provide very little in the way of security for the seller. Example - I saw one code scribbled on a porch post right next to the combo lock. Nice. They are not that easy to open and even harder to close, especially with more than one key inside. Fumbling with it in front of clients is no fun.
Yes, I would be stymied. Do I start turning to the right or left, then pass the second letter once or twice. ugggghhhh....
I occassional come across them when showing properties.. but I certainly know how to use them.... really not that difficult..
While they SHOULD work like your old locker lock, they never have seemed to for me; when I have encountered them. I would take a padlock lock over this one any day. These seemed to be a bit tempermental and frustrating. Ran into it once or twice and that was irritating enough for me.
I see them on occasion, and sometimes the listing agent hasn't bothered to change it from the factory default, or then entire brokerage uses the same 3 letter combo. They better hope an agent near goes to a life of crime, because they could have a field day looting that brokerage's listings.
I still see them in use. Most opened ok without problem. Sometimes it was harder to push that button down and get a good enough grip to pull it forward, than it was to spin the combo.
I use similar ones to this for contractors, never had an issue but they are familiar with them I guess, or they ask someone else for advice.