I do not make a recommendation. Buyers should consult a real estate attorney and CPA.
Anthony Acosta - ALLAT...
Atlanta, GA
Jim Cheney
Santa Rosa, CA
Tony and Suzanne Marri...
Scottsdale, AZ
Joseph Domino 480-390-...
Scottsdale, AZ
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
ask your attorney, or financial consultant which method is the best form to take home ownership.
I, as a Realtor, do not recommend or advise ANY form of ownership. I leave that to those who are better qualified to do so.
Jim Cheney
Santa Rosa, CA
Joseph Domino 480-390-...
Scottsdale, AZ
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Erika Rae Albert, Aust...
Austin, TX
Study, or hire an attny.
Anthony Acosta - ALLAT...
Atlanta, GA
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
Jim Cheney
Santa Rosa, CA
that's an easy one to answer.... you should get guidance from a real estate attorney.... no one else.
Anthony Acosta - ALLAT...
Atlanta, GA
Jim Cheney
Santa Rosa, CA
Joseph Domino 480-390-...
Scottsdale, AZ
This is a question for an attorney to review with buyers. I recommend nothing to anyone.
Diana Zaccaro Broker A...
Cocoa Beach, FL
Anthony Acosta - ALLAT...
Atlanta, GA
Jim Cheney
Santa Rosa, CA
Your title company can probably give you an information sheet explaining each. What you pick can have serious implications. If you're not sure, consult with an attorney.
Diana Zaccaro Broker A...
Cocoa Beach, FL
Jim Cheney
Santa Rosa, CA
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
The best way is to contact a real estate attorney and have the attorney explain the difference of ownership.
Diana Zaccaro Broker A...
Cocoa Beach, FL
Anthony Acosta - ALLAT...
Atlanta, GA
Seek the advice of a real estate attorney!
Anthony Acosta - ALLAT...
Atlanta, GA
Jim Cheney
Santa Rosa, CA
Consult your real estate attorney.
Anthony Acosta - ALLAT...
Atlanta, GA
Jim Cheney
Santa Rosa, CA
Rachel Greene - I think it is a personal choice.
Jim Cheney
Santa Rosa, CA
Praful Thakkar
Burlington, MA
Leave that to new owners and title attorney.
Anthony Acosta - ALLAT...
Atlanta, GA
Jim Cheney
Santa Rosa, CA
That is a question best answered by the title company if there are questions about it. It depends on which state the buyers live in, which state the property is in, what the buyers' relationships are with each other and what they hope to have happen upon their death. For example, in a community property state, with a husband and wife buyer that want to leave the property to each other if death occurs, they usually take title as husband and wife, community property or joint tenants with right of survivorship (JTWROS). If they wanted to leave their portion of the property to someone other than their spouse, they could hold it as tenants in common and will their portion to someone else (though they may need to give 50% of their share of the property to their spouse if it is a community property state - you'd need to double-check that).
Jim Cheney
Santa Rosa, CA
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
The title company and the lender will help make thast decision.
Jim Cheney
Santa Rosa, CA
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Read the description of each, and decide what is best for you. If you cannot decide, consult with an attorney.
Jim Cheney
Santa Rosa, CA
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Rachel Greene A potential buyer should always seek legal counsel to determin what is best for their situation.
Diana Zaccaro Broker A...
Cocoa Beach, FL
You choose based on your situation and then that situation is brought to your CPA and or attorney to guide you if you can’t decide for yourself
Jim Cheney
Santa Rosa, CA
Talk to a title rep ( if in CA), it is complementary.
Jim Cheney
Santa Rosa, CA
Tax people will give the best answer after talking with affected parties
Jim Cheney
Santa Rosa, CA
That is up to the purchaser. They should consult their CPA and/or their attorney. If a lender is involved, they will have a say.
Jim Cheney
Santa Rosa, CA
Seek the advice of a professional, CPA , attorney. As an agent you do not advice forms of ownership. A
Jim Cheney
Santa Rosa, CA
Use the form that best meets the needs of the purchasers.
Jim Cheney
Santa Rosa, CA
Can you clarify your question Rachel Greene . Do you mean fee-simple or common?
Jim Cheney
Santa Rosa, CA
It seldom comes up; however, if it does have the clients talk to a real estate attorney or the title company.
I don't make that decision for my client so I ask them how do they want to take title. If they don't know, they should consult an attorney.