I use the Charlie, David, Mary, Nancy method...and always X-Ray! If you don't, it'll darned sure go to the wrong email!
Inna Ivchenko
Encino, CA
Roy Kelley
Gaithersburg, MD
Mary Yonkers
Erie, PA
Andrew Mooers | 207.53...
Houlton, ME
Peter Testa
Danbury, CT
Anthony Acosta - ALLAT...
Atlanta, GA
Getting many calls while driving and the call comes in using hands free, there can be an echo or if they talk soft, it is very hard to hear. I like this plan to make sure the letter is what it is suppose to be
Roy Kelley
Gaithersburg, MD
Andrew Mooers | 207.53...
Houlton, ME
Mary Yonkers
Erie, PA
Anthony Acosta - ALLAT...
Atlanta, GA
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
Thank you for sharing this information Andrew Mooers | 207.532.6573 Have a great day.
Roy Kelley
Gaithersburg, MD
Mary Yonkers
Erie, PA
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
Peter Testa
Danbury, CT
Anthony Acosta - ALLAT...
Atlanta, GA
X is always X-Ray, haha
Roy Kelley
Gaithersburg, MD
Mary Yonkers
Erie, PA
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
Anthony Acosta - ALLAT...
Atlanta, GA
I agree about the usefulness of using the military alphabet to ensure we're copying down email addresses correctly. Although I do often forget what the right word is so I make one up. Z is zebra.
Roy Kelley
Gaithersburg, MD
Andrew Mooers | 207.53...
Houlton, ME
Mary Yonkers
Erie, PA
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
Good morning Andrew. Sometimes slowing things down increases the accuracy of the result!
Roy Kelley
Gaithersburg, MD
Andrew Mooers | 207.53...
Houlton, ME
Mary Yonkers
Erie, PA
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
I'm sorry... it is early in the morning... your point here is?
Inna Ivchenko
Encino, CA
Roy Kelley
Gaithersburg, MD
Mary Yonkers
Erie, PA
Anthony Acosta - ALLAT...
Atlanta, GA
Thanks for sharing this suggestion.
Peter Testa
Danbury, CT
Andrew Mooers | 207.53...
Houlton, ME
Mary Yonkers
Erie, PA
Andrew Mooers | 207.532.6573 I was a communications specialist in the military. We had to know the miliatry alphabet for sure. Good point!
Mary Yonkers
Erie, PA
Roy Kelley
Gaithersburg, MD
Andrew Mooers | 207.53...
Houlton, ME
Andrew Mooers | 207.532.6573 Thanks for a touch of humor & the military alphabet. Living with a military vet, Dave, I have heard a few of these terms many times, but never the complete alphabet.
Peter Testa
Danbury, CT
Andrew Mooers | 207.53...
Houlton, ME
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
Roy Kelley
Gaithersburg, MD
Andrew Mooers | 207.53...
Houlton, ME
Mary Yonkers
Erie, PA
Thank you.
Roy Kelley
Gaithersburg, MD
Andrew Mooers | 207.53...
Houlton, ME
Mary Yonkers
Erie, PA
Thank You Sierra Charlie Oscar Tango Tango.... Scott Godzyk !
Mary Yonkers
Erie, PA
Roy Kelley
Gaithersburg, MD
I find many talk too fast !!!
Roy Kelley
Gaithersburg, MD
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
Sometimes you have to use this system to get the email correct.
Andrew Mooers | 207.53...
Houlton, ME
I generally ask people to text me their email.
Andrew Mooers | 207.53...
Houlton, ME
Andrew Mooers | 207.532.6573 - I have a typical accent - so I need to be very specific - though I do not use this system - I should.
Andrew Mooers | 207.53...
Houlton, ME
I ask them to text me their email.
Andrew Mooers | 207.53...
Houlton, ME
I use the standard used by the police entities
Andrew Mooers | 207.53...
Houlton, ME
With an easy name like mine I ususally only have to say it once.
Andrew Mooers | 207.53...
Houlton, ME
very useful to learn the military alphabet....
Andrew Mooers | 207.53...
Houlton, ME
Adam. Boy. Charles. David. Edward. Frank. is what I use. Police communications use this protocol and it is what I know and remember.
Andrew Mooers | 207.53...
Houlton, ME
Though I am not a fan of texts, I do often ask people to text their contact info so that I get it right.
Andrew Mooers | 207.53...
Houlton, ME
I called AAA last week to tow my Honda. Customer service rep asked me for the license tag number on the vehicle. I told her, "November Two One Oscar Alpha India"
Andrew Mooers | 207.53...
Houlton, ME
There's a movie: "Whisky, Tango, Foxtrot"... But seriously, yes, it would help. I have the alphabet memorized and keep a chart by my desk.
Andrew Mooers | 207.53...
Houlton, ME
I find REFLECTING the information to be equally effective without resorting to the "right way,' 'wrong way,' and the 'army way."
For the MAJORITY of the citizenry, my method avoids the N as in knife or 'O" as in 'possum."
Andrew Mooers | 207.53...
Houlton, ME
Actually, this is the ITU phonetic alphabet.
The International Telecommunications Union (ITU) adopted a standard phonetic alphabet in 1959 based upon the preceding phonetic alphabet of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).
Personally, I use the APCO alphabet which is Adam, Boy, Carles, David...