my own website and ActiveRain.... both....one is as good as the other....
Katerina Gasset
Provo, UT
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
Ron and Alexandra Seigel
Carpinteria, CA
Jenifer Kynor
Fort Collins, CO
in addition to MLS, we have used YouGotListings.com
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
Jenifer Kynor
Fort Collins, CO
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
FB gets the most hits, CL gets a little better hits but less volume, Z will get a hit once in a while.
Jenifer Kynor
Fort Collins, CO
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
Zillow is free and the response is incredible. Local paper has died almost
Jenifer Kynor
Fort Collins, CO
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
A short rental video... if made well
Uploaded to youtube, facebook (particularly if you have a lot of followers and/or you are part of Local Groups that have a lot of members and allow any kind of posts).
Craigslist can still work pretty well for listings rental or sale.
Depends a bit on what you post and how you market it, as well as your particular market and price range.
Jenifer Kynor
Fort Collins, CO
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
The MLS is the best as it gets picked up and syndicated to dozens of real estate sites.
Jenifer Kynor
Fort Collins, CO
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
MLS with sydication to other rental sites. It also offers opportunity for realtors to bring prospects picking up some desk fees. One can easily make a 4 figure income with a long term lease (2.5%x$4000/mo x24 mo=$2.4K) etc.
Jenifer Kynor
Fort Collins, CO
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
Zillow by a country mile.
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
Jenifer Kynor
Fort Collins, CO
In Chicago there are a number of sites that draw heavy traffic. Check them out by googling - Chicago rental apartments!
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
Jenifer Kynor
Fort Collins, CO
MLS is the best, then my own site, REALBIRD, then upload to G+, Linkedin.
Jenifer Kynor
Fort Collins, CO
MLS, craigslist, active rain, zillow. -Kasey
Jenifer Kynor
Fort Collins, CO
I don't use online platforms. Word of mouth works best for me.
Jenifer Kynor
Fort Collins, CO
Rentals in the MLS work well. Yard signs still #1. And then for higher end rentals - our website works well.
Jenifer Kynor
Fort Collins, CO
On the internet! I don't do rentals so can't help with that
Jenifer Kynor
Fort Collins, CO
MLS. It's the main hub that most syndicated sites lead back to. Rentals vary by location. Craigslist works best for some areas.
Jenifer Kynor
Fort Collins, CO
Our rentals get syndaicated from our web site. WE only use MLS for those we are having trouble renting (Typially if an owner wants a higher than market rate) Se get quite a few from trulia and zillow. FAce book at times since I am in a local city group with a lot of members. Wetypically have a link to a video on Youtube, so anyone really interested will look at that first. Weeds out a lot of people up front, so we get them rented with limited showings.
Jenifer Kynor
Fort Collins, CO
These days rentals are so tight a sign is about all you need or just word of mouth. I filled all my rentals off CL when I was a PM.
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
I am not taking many rentals these days, condos and the rare single family home. Most times i can write in local facebook group and have 30 applications day 1
Jenifer Kynor
Fort Collins, CO
I'm not sure what landlords are using but I utilize our multiple listing service, my brokerage and ActiveRain to "find" success with rental properties. Well-priced and well-presented rentals/leases are in high demand in our area. Answering your phone/responsiveness is also a particularly good tactic too.
Jenifer Kynor
Fort Collins, CO
Priced correctly and they market themselves.
Jenifer Kynor
Fort Collins, CO
Our MLS, Z and Listings2Leads all work well. Good luck, Jenifer Kynor!
Jenifer Kynor
Fort Collins, CO
Actually for me & my area it is Z or T. Hate to say that .....
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
Good luck. I no longer market rental properties.
Jenifer Kynor
Fort Collins, CO
No rentals. Listings get found by agents on MLS, they get found by buyers on Zillow.
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
Including what everyone else said, a just listed postcard campaign. A
Jenifer Kynor
Fort Collins, CO
Everywhere you go.
Store, doctor office, walking the dog, beach, restaurants.