It depends if you are sending 10 a day or 10,000 a week.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Ryan Huggins - Thousan...
Thousand Oaks, CA
Teri Pacitto
Westlake Village, CA
Thomas J. Nelson, REAL...
La Jolla, CA
Brian England
Gilbert, AZ
I only send handwritten notes. Think about the last time you got a handwritten note and think about how you felt that someone took the time to give you an original message versus the same look that is impersonal.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Thomas J. Nelson, REAL...
La Jolla, CA
Brian England
Gilbert, AZ
No. Make copies of the letters, but hand address the envelopes. The goal is to get them to open the envelope. for family and friends, hand writing is appropriate to make it more personal.
Teri Pacitto
Westlake Village, CA
Thomas J. Nelson, REAL...
La Jolla, CA
Brian England
Gilbert, AZ
I prefer typed, much easier to read and write.
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
Brian England
Gilbert, AZ
My personal notes are all hand-written.
Important letters to strangers (my Instant Inventory strategy) are hand-written yes!
My monthly mailer produces computer printed envelopes because everyone I mail to knows me and knows I send quality, short pieces, so no on those...not necessary.
When I start a new geographic farm, I start with postcards to get my name familiar before I attempt letters.
Brian England
Gilbert, AZ
Thomas J. Nelson, REAL...
La Jolla, CA
I make a point of handwriting them. A
Brian England
Gilbert, AZ
Thomas J. Nelson, REAL...
La Jolla, CA
I think hand written is always nice!
Thomas J. Nelson, REAL...
La Jolla, CA
Brian England
Gilbert, AZ
Brian England As already mentioned here handwriting the envelopes works.
Thomas J. Nelson, REAL...
La Jolla, CA
Brian England
Gilbert, AZ
Family and friends.
They are going to read your letter anyway. Typed or handwritten or in Crayola.
However, hand written is and appears to be, more personal.
That is why Wells Fargo sends me an envelope with handwritten script every week.
When I send out recognition notes, less that 150 words no more than 5 a day, I hand write the letter and envelope.
Thomas J. Nelson, REAL...
La Jolla, CA
Brian England
Gilbert, AZ
Handwritten will usually get opened and doesn't look like junk mail.
Thomas J. Nelson, REAL...
La Jolla, CA
Brian England
Gilbert, AZ
It depends, hand written envelopes are looked at mor ethan typed ones.
Thomas J. Nelson, REAL...
La Jolla, CA
Brian England
Gilbert, AZ
I don't have a problem with typed, though a little handwritten postscript at the end or beginning helps personalize it.
Thomas J. Nelson, REAL...
La Jolla, CA
Brian England
Gilbert, AZ
No. However, hand written note cards are always appropriate.
Thomas J. Nelson, REAL...
La Jolla, CA
Brian England
Gilbert, AZ
When I send out these letters, I usually have too many, and do use labels.
Brian England
Gilbert, AZ
I have terrible handwriting so I prefer to type a letter regardless of who I'm sending it to. But handwritten letters and cards are very special. I suck it up sometimes to do these.
Brian England
Gilbert, AZ
My letters are typed but the envelope is always hand written. Note cards are always hand written..
Brian England
Gilbert, AZ
My recipients would probably appreciate it being typed so that they could actually read it. ;)
Brian England
Gilbert, AZ
Brian England - personal HAND-WRITTEN notes have the biggest return!
Brian Buffini of Buffini & Company says, the one thing that made him the most was personal HAND-WRITTEN notes.
Brian England
Gilbert, AZ
Hand written notes, Newsletters are typed with graphics and handwritten addresses.
Brian England
Gilbert, AZ
Everyone loves to receive a handwritten note or even better a letter! It's so much more personal than typed, especially these days when it is not often done anymore.
Brian England
Gilbert, AZ
This depends on the theme of the letter and purpose
Brian England
Gilbert, AZ
I don't send letters to friends and family anymore... everyone just emails back and forth or texts.
Brian England
Gilbert, AZ
I type and try to never hand write anything. Reason: I can read a doctor's handwritting, they can't read mine. 'Nuff said.
Brian England
Gilbert, AZ
my handwriting is dreadful. I handwrite cards. I type letters and put them in a cute font and send them.
Brian England
Gilbert, AZ
We used to do a quarterly letter, typed, and then handwritten cards. So, both. I just read your small print. Friends and family if you are doing some kind of form letter about your business I think typed is still appropriate but you could add a personalized hand written note to the end or on the back.
Brian England
Gilbert, AZ
I hand write them all. They get noticed quicker!
Brian England
Gilbert, AZ
All of my corrispondance is hand addressed (often by my son or daughter) Brian England . Having my kids doing the addressing on mailings has tax advantages plus it's just better than handing them an allowance.
Brian England
Gilbert, AZ
all go to the trash bin as soon as it reaches the mail box.....
I have joined the majority of Americans not sending letters any more. You do not have an eMail I don't really stay in touch. Find me on wechat, FB.....
Brian England
Gilbert, AZ
To get any snail mail today is special written or otherwise
Brian England
Gilbert, AZ
Handwriiten is a nice touch but my penmanship leaves something to be desired!
Brian England
Gilbert, AZ
My handwriting has never been something most people would want to see lol