In my area, this was something done when we still had the big MLS books and no internet access. It was pretty much the only way we could be found.
Lyn Sims
Schaumburg, IL
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Susan Emo
Kingston, ON
I do not do any open houses currently, or the last 10 years. If my client wants them due to being stuck in the pre-1990's, I have one of my eager young agents in my brokerage do them for me.
If a broker has a client for it, they'll show it. If a buyer wants to see it, they'll call me or their agent. I prefer buyer feedback over broker feedback; showings over caravan.
The Internet, virtual tours, HD MLS photos, Google Maps, drones & 3-D virtual tours have eliminated the need for open houses to sell a house.
Now, using an open house as a mouse trap to collect buyers or show off your listing-abilities to the neighbors, that may be considering selling, that is a reason still to hold them open; I just get my clients through other means though.
Thomas J. Nelson, REAL...
La Jolla, CA
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Susan Emo
Kingston, ON
Like Larry and Sheila, no more!
Lyn Sims
Schaumburg, IL
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Been there - done that...no more!
Lyn Sims
Schaumburg, IL
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
First, I'm in No. Cal, so I'm going to say my answer is geographically specific.
I always do Broker Opens and Always Do Open Houses.
Now I know, some people think that this is archaic, but, frankly, I believe in putting my home (and me) in front of as many home buyers and possible home sellers as I can. The only way to do this is via Open Houses and Broker Opens.
If I do a broker open, even in an area that might be considered "less desirable" I will always get 30-40 agents running thru the home. This is even when I'm just putting a platter of cookies out there to eat. I did an open house this weekend (Memorial Day weekend and it was blazing hot too) and got more than 30 different groups to pop by in six hours. In the course of that six hours, I also have three solid leads for listings and buyers to add to the pipeline.
I think if you "poo poo" the open house, you almost guarantee less eyeballs on our listing and that's NOT a good thing for you or your client!
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
No. Never have. Not once. Not in 14+ years of being in the business. I'm with Thomas J. Nelson, Realtor - If a broker has a client for it, they'll show it. If a buyer wants to see it, they'll call me or their agent. I prefer buyer feedback over broker feedback; showings over caravan.
I cound not have said it better myself.
Thomas J. Nelson, REAL...
La Jolla, CA
It depends on the property. Often the property is gone before a broker open can be scheduled
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
In our current market properties are usually under contract before a broker open can even be held.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Depends on the property Wayne and Jean Marie Zuhl
Anthony Acosta - ALLAT...
Atlanta, GA
We tried it once and didn't get a very good turn out. We had a lot of leftover food.
Wayne and Jean Marie Zuhl - indeed a great idea to have such open houses.
You can also have a contest to guess selling price - the closest one wins $$...
Many agents do in our area. I have only once and yes, we served food, drinks and held a drawing.
Yes, I have on my high end homes. I typically send out a nice email invite and provide food as well. I love doing them, not only do I get feedback for myself and clients, but I get to see some colleagues I don't generally see often. My last one had about 30 agents come through!
I have held them in the past but probably will not again. They are not well attended and I cannot trace a sale to one of these.
Free lunch equals full house. I do not hold broken open houses on my average listings, usually just new construction. On many new listings i can get 6 plus showings in hours
you hit my hot button. i could, can and have gone on for hours re this topic. you are doing the right thing... if you think you are not? consider running for elected public office and NEVER going out and meeting everyone , just run tv ads
No. I just don't see the point. I'm a very active agent and find no problem giving honest feedback to my clients before they even list. Don't need other agents to deliver bad news for me. As for it being a chance for agents to see the house, they have the internet the same as their buyers, the latter of which drive which homes will be seen these days.
I start calling Agents cells (who make geographical sense) a week before the event !
Homes don't stay on market long enough to need to host one. We are selling in some areas within hours of listing.
I did it years back and found it useless. A local group of agents came together and were mum on any feedback. Thought it was odd they brought their managing broker and 4 agents and were almost to the point of rude in not commenting. I wondered if they were miffed at not getting the listing.
Did one once and fed the agents that came by. Had a good turn out, but that was because of where the listing was. Did another one a month or two back and did not feed them. Had a good turnout, but again that was more related to the city the house was in. People tend to come to those houses more than others.
Normally, I do not do them.
They do them here with a mortgage broker providing food and beverages; most are well attended.
The last ones I tried were a huge waste of time and food. if the right property comes along, i would still hold one.
We no longer do them here because of low turnout. Same ole' dead beats showing up for food & goodies.
We've given a bottle of wine, gas cards. Pretty much don't do the food thing anymore. Got tired of it.
Your question is regarding BROKERS Open House.
Yes I do host such opens for select real estate.
I do present the 'back story,' special features and/or benefits.
I NEVER solicit an opinion on price but do solicit other observations.
Becauseof the 'team' spirit of this Remax office, the great turnout supports the owners confidence regarding the team that is working on their behalf.
Sounds like a good turnout of agents, I hope you get some good feedback.
I stopped doing that years ago... agents here simply don't attend. Any agent wishing to preview a home can call Showing Time and come preview at their convenience.
That is a good turnout. I am going to start again. It is good for networking
Wayne and Jean Marie Zuhl I worked for an office once where a Broker's Open was driven by their menu. The one's with the best food and deserts always fared well.
I do.
For the most part, they are still common in most of the markets in our area.
I hold them as part of the marketing plan for the property to expose them to the market and treat them as another opportunity for not only the brokerage community but the public as well.
I don't always offer food but typically have bottled water on hand.
Depending on the house, the location, the timing and other factors, they are usually well attended.
Each market is different. So are agents.
We have in the past, but if the home is in a remote area, then no. It is all about getting the traffic and resulting attention.