One time I got to a house and for whatever reason, my E-key did not work. I called the listing agent and she came right over. She then offered to let me and my client in on 2 other properties in the neighborhood. I was shocked at how nice she was.
I ended up taking her to lunch and when I had a listing referral to give, I gave it to her and did NOT ask for a referral fee.
Sometimes, it pays to be nice.
Inna Ivchenko
Encino, CA
Diana Dahlberg
Pleasant Prairie, WI
Candice A. Donofrio
Fort Mohave, AZ
Fred Griffin Florida R...
Tallahassee, FL
Lots to consider here and #1 is the state of your market. If it is healthy and there is a shortage of inventory, I wouldn't rearrange my life to accommodate a foolish agent on a holiday. There'll be another agent coming along who has a key.
If the market is not healthy, I would first contact the Seller and see if they will be home and provide access.
Second, who do I know that is close by that could provide access?
Third, will my 90 minutes away from my own holiday plans negatively impact my family schedule?
I do not believe there are Real Estate emergencies so I would have to think long and hard on this one.
Grace Hanamoto
Sunnyvale, CA
Wayne Zuhl
Cranford, NJ
Debbie Gartner
White Plains, NY
Susan Emo
Kingston, ON
$500 fine at my Board. Did she loan her smartphone? Because that's where our eKeys are located - they are a Supra App on the smartphone.
Would I have dropped everything? I started to say "yes", but if that showing Agent is dumb enough to loan her key out, is she capable of writing up an offer?
Kathleen Daniels, Prob...
San Jose, CA
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Teri Pacitto
Westlake Village, CA
Lyn Sims
Schaumburg, IL
You did exactly what I would have done. Good job! It's not your job to fix other agent's screw ups.
Kathleen Daniels, Prob...
San Jose, CA
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Candice A. Donofrio
Fort Mohave, AZ
I may have jumped up and shown it, but first I would have asked a lot of questions about the qualifications of their buyer and made sure they were serious about this home.
Diana Dahlberg
Pleasant Prairie, WI
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
Jeff Pearl
Lovettsville, VA
Wayne and Jean Marie,
From my vantage point, when you have a listing your job is to do everything that is required to sell it, and in my opinion it would be to meet that nincompoop of an agent and show the property. We all make mistakes in lives and if no one forgave us or showed kindness in a moment of stupidity where would we be. A
Debbie Gartner
White Plains, NY
Brian L. Sirota, Esq.
Orange, CA
Barbara Todaro
Franklin, MA
I wouldn't - it's against our board rules to share a key
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Jessie Cochran
Panama City, FL
Since you know nothing at all about the buyer or whether some agent that thinks it's ok to lend out her key so she can't do her job has even bothered to pre-approve the potential buyer, I would not go out of my way to accomodate her. She can just as easily show it when she gets her key back, then she'll think twice about lending out her key next time. ( if she even has a key) It is not doing any disservice to the sellers. It's just a delayed showing and I wouldn't even begin to feel guilty about it.. I always ask sellers if they want a back up combo box on the back door for scenarios like this.
Candice A. Donofrio
Fort Mohave, AZ
Fred Griffin Florida R...
Tallahassee, FL
About 25% entries are not the same agent who possess the Supra. Part is cost of subscription. Many do not have affiliation of MLS membership.
Many agents lend the Supra to buyers-do not want to show homes. Those who submit an offer I often know they never saw the house until into contract.
I would not let that agent get in so she learns her wrong doing. The new one is a Fab linked with your smart phone. Want to borrow my phone your next life.
Inna Ivchenko
Encino, CA
Fred Griffin Florida R...
Tallahassee, FL
No, it's a holiday & it's not your problem that she lent out her key illegally. In fact, it's not the smartest to even admit that to you. She could have said it was broken or on the fritz.
What other profession would say you owe it to the client to be there for all circumstances?
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Fred Griffin Florida R...
Tallahassee, FL
I know you're not going to like this answer, but YES..... and those for whom I market would have done the same .... we are all like-minded..... we also all understand that we represent the seller....and punishing the agent is not going to help the seller find the right buyer for his/her property....
we have done the entire deal and paid the other agent a co-broke fee....and we were also the listing agent when that buyer (then seller) wanted to sell.... what goes around comes around....
Inna Ivchenko
Encino, CA
Brian L. Sirota, Esq.
Orange, CA
Our Association has several loaner keys for agents w/ lost or broken keys. Yours might as well. I would have referred that agent to the association to deal with their key issue.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Fred Griffin Florida R...
Tallahassee, FL
It would depend on timing. Given the situation you describe, if I am available to show my listing to a potential buyer with or without his/her agent --- I will. It's my job to sell that property.
Kathleen Daniels, Prob...
San Jose, CA
I think you handled it well, she should not have lent out her supra key!
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
you do have an obligation to try to enable every showing, dpending on the circumstances there might be occassion that opening it for her would have been the right decision.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Hmmm. Lending out a Supra key would show up on the Utah students' list of 50 ways to lose your license.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
If it was convenient for me to do so, I would. If it was 45 minutes away as you indicated, I would suggest she get another agent to open the door for her that was closer or better yet, get her key back.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Not a chance. Sounds like this agent needs to grow up a bit.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Tough call. You are working for your seller and want to give the home maximum exposure. Just because the agent is a knuckle head doesn't mean her buyer won't love the property. Can't you generate a one day code for her?
Candice A. Donofrio
Fort Mohave, AZ
how do you think your seller would feel about a missed opportunity for it to be shown. If I didn't have another appointment I would have let them into my listing.
It really just depends on the timing of the call, what I am doing, am I available, etc. In my hot market I would not have to drop everything to show property.
Wayne and Jean Marie Zuhl Are you punishing the agent in spite of an opportunity to show your seller's property? Could be an offer in their future. I would have opened the door.
A Real Estate product is like a heart that beats. I wouldn't interfere with it
I have shown properties in a neighboring county on Supra, although my association is on Sentrilock. The listing agents were always very nice, either meeting me or putting on a combo box in advance of me coming. Your scenario is a little different, but I would never want to turn away a potential buyer!
I would not have dropped everything. Lending out your key in our MLS is a huge no-no with huge fines.
We place a "backup" vendor lockbox on all our listings in addition to the Supra lockbox - to be used in just such an event...
It would depend on the circumstances. Yes, it's your listing and you want to get it sold, however, if the market is healthy and you are getting enough showings, then if it were me, I would show it - but at my convenience. I would not be difficult about it, but I wouldn't drop what I was doing to show it, either, it proved to be a huge inconvenience. If showings were few and far between, then I would probably be more motivated.
But what an idiot to not only lend her key to someone else but then to tell you about it!
It depends, if the agent is nice, I'd probably help her out, but some agents do not really know how to say ''please''.
Wayne and Jean Marie Zuhl each of us have fiduciary for our clients.
And once we are in business, I do expect myself to spend money on such things.
You should NOT run - and feel guilty about it, I think.
No I would not have dropped everything necessarily, but with our job being to help make the property accessible there might have been a way to make it work, including access via the seller with permission, and verifying her credentials
That is a hard one. We have the ability to give one day codes for entry so meeting the agent wouldn't have been necessary. Lending out a key is a violation of our agreement with Sentrilock but I will go above and beyond to get my listings shown.
First off being mandated to use a supra lock is wrong in my book.
It would depend on who the agent was.
We do not use Supra any longer, we use Sentri and you can get one day codes. Exactly for this reason.
I would have generated a 1 Day Code for the agent. I am working in the best interest of my seller and want to make sure I make the property have easy access.
Hey, given that its a holiday weekend and you have plans, I would not have raced out to open the door for the listing agent. To be frank, as an agent, you ALWAYS need to be prepared to open homes and show them. Now there are definitely times when you need to borrow a key--my sales partners and I have done that so I don't get too caustic about sharing plus these new supra keys are finnicky as heck, so stuff happens. But when it does, you chance that you won't be able to show homes, and then you'll look positively idiotic, but that's on the BUYER's agent and not you!
So don't feel guilty. You don't need to help poor agents look good in a job that they obviously don't know how to do. You're fine! Have a great holiday!
I get hired to sell the home, and that includes letting buyer agents unprepared to show on their own. I would have let them in and stood by to answer questions and listen in Wayne and Jean Marie Zuhl
I would have opened it up for the agent, but that is just the way I choose to do business and because my job is to sell the home.
We don't use Supra keys in my board / MLS so that specific type of issue would not arise.
Hi Wayne & Jean Marie - I'm so glad our MLS never required a specific type of lockbbox. We all used Supra for a while because it was new. Before that it was another brand. Now combos are coming back strong, simply because it's much less hassle, and we've had very few security issues over the years.
I would have, (I would be irrated though that the Buyers Agent didn't think they were important enough for his or her time!) although it really is up to their Agent to be available for them, and represent them, and never loan out the key. I would also let the Agent know that your key should not be loaned out, the Supra is the point of that too. Why didn't the other Agent just use the Supra instead of borrowing it? don't get it.
Yes, if I could do so. My job is to sell the home. Here we can sometimes use the computer and set up a one day code for those agents who do not have access to the Sentrilock system. However, I will tend to meet them at the property, if I can.